Lets watch some kino while cuddling in bed user! what should I cook for us?

>Lets watch some kino while cuddling in bed user! what should I cook for us?

Imagine being this roastie bitch, tattooing your body and being a whore at the prime of your age...


why would I imagine being a girl?

You need to cook your ass out the door bitch. MGTOW and proud!

Shes Jessica Beppler for anyone that wants the source.

Shes perfect

It really is a shame because tits and a face like that aren't common

How to get a gf like that?

>le 56 percent face

Get the fuck out of here

>Had boobs implant and lip injection
She was a literal 5/10 pasty white girl before the implants, but if you can't tell the difference between fake and the real deal stick to watching porn, cuckkid

As if she can cook anything.

Post her Brappler

More like jessica brapper

>>le 56 percent face
She's brazilian, the fuck was you expecting?

>Tattooed Instagram whores can cook

That's where you lost me, user

>see female
>she has tatoos, piercings, any sort of body modification or alterations
Instant dropping. Nothing is the surer sign of a mental disaster.

meh, i wouldn't mind bedding trashy chick.

nice pits

Said mental disasters are usually a good lay.

now sweetie, you remember the Dr. said to stay away from knives and flames

fuck that blue balls teasing bitch

would be 10/10 without those tats.

You can cook up a buttered carrot, a buttered cucumber, and a buttered eggplant.

Guess what you're going to be doing after that...

What a braphog

The most far fetched part.

ITT faggots
You'd all be losing your shit if a chick like this even rubbed up against you in the subway.

I'd much rather imagine fucking her and burying my face in her massive tits.


>being a whore at the prime of your age
that's kind of the point user

Goddammit, this is like putting bumper stickers and decals all over a classic Ferrari. Women are fucking retarded.

>implying you can cook
get out of my house roastie you couldn't handle my films anyway

k. it has a dumb tattoo too


giv milky maiden gf

What's wrong with that

Race car is best car

I think tattoos are degenerate shite tho

Listen, bitch, I just spent the last ten fucking hours cooking better food than you'll ever cook, with better ingredients than you'll ever have access to, for next to nothing, without a single fucking break. The last thing I want to deal with is your amateur, bullshit cooking, having you mess up my kitchen, expecting me to do the dishes afterwards because "you cooked", like that's some huge favor to me. My name's not Jose; I don't fucking do dishes. Now get your ass in the car, and go get some McDonald's while I drink myself into a stupor. I left some cash on the counter... get yourself whatever. And for me, it's the McChicken. Get me ten of those.

If you see my coke dealer, tell him we broke up.

>whats wrong with putting a bunch of bumper stickers on a classic ferrari