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Don't make the same thread two days in a row.

But SpidermanĀ“s DC equivalent is The Flash.

>peope now consider Spiderman to be IM's Robin
MCU spiderman was a mistake

Did you not even read the comic?

>parents killed when he was too young to remember them
>lived otherwise normal childhood
>bit of a loner/outsider
>as a teenager becomes an independent superhero

>parents murdered in front of him as an adolescent
>grew up trained by a superhero
>stayed a partner of said superhero until he was college-aged
>then became leader of his own superhero team

Wow they're totally the same character.

Comic spiderman is not Iron Man bitch in the comics, in fact he recently told tony to fuck off and that he's richer than him now.


The same, but one had money and better tutoring.

It's funny because Homecoming was about exactly the opposite happening.

>Comic spiderman is not Iron Man bitch in the comics
Comics Civil War will always eternally make him Tony's bitch.

Did fucking you? I legit want to strangle anyone who says Homecoming was remotely accurate.

Homecoming was Tony teaching Spiderman to be a hero and giving him his own suit, peter going his own way is no different from when Robin decided to work by himself alone and with the teen titans

I hate what the MCU did to the character. We'll never see the marriage coming back at this point.

Unlike Peter, Robin doesn't have his own rogue's gallery though.

>but with superpowers

For a time that was not the case.

When? I must have missed it on the account that the ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT revolved around that asshole. Why even make a Spider-Man movie at all if you're going to fuck up that badly?

Even within the movie it wasn't coming back.

Maybe because we are not letting hate blind our opinions? I mean, he rejected the avengers and wanted to remain in New York. A decision that neither Tony or Happy expected. And Sony chose to bring in Iron man as part of the deal.

Yes, the entire plot was about Peter pining for Tony's attention and validation but at the end, he didn't become a hero because he wanted to be an Avenger or Tony's lackey, he wanted to be a hero because he wanted to help the people he cares about (e.g. NYC) and he took Tony's "If you need the suit to be a hero, you're not ready" lesson very much to heart.

This enlightenment is what made him turn down Tony's offer to move into the Avengers HQ to be a full-time Avenger during the credits scene. He was just going to go back to his ghetto sweater suit and be his own hero, his way. The whole story was about him trying really hard to get a grip on Tony's dick, yes, but the conclusion was that it's neither worth the trouble nor what he wanted to do with life.


That''s too similar to Dick Grayson stopping being Batman sidekick to do his own thing,that's one of DC most iconic and important stories.

My biggest beef with Homecoming is despite being Spider-Man already in the movie he essentially learned a lesson he should've already learned when Ben died, "Don't be arrogant and get too full of yourself." His arrogance is what got Ben killed in the first place.

But Pete desperately grabbing for Tony's dick is the opposite of arrogance.

The lesson was more of a "be who you want to be, not what others want you to be". Could argue that point was driven home when the big bad said "I like you Pete, don't come to the warehouse after the dance tonight" because that's the conclusion he wanted, not what Pete wanted.

I want to beat up every person who posts this shit.
It literally makes no sense.

It's like some really bad mixture of comics and movie stuff without any logic in it. I wonder if person who made this can even name which Robin this is supposed to be.

>But Pete desperately grabbing for Tony's dick is the opposite of arrogance.
But wanting to be an Avenger because you're too good for street level is.


Some may get bothered by the picture insinuating that Scott's beams are heat based, but what's triggering me is Scott staring at his date's chest. Self control is like his main shtick.

This. He fires force beams, and if anyone is pure enough to keep it above the shoulders, it's based Slim.

Are we talking about the same fag that cheated on his wife and lost control killing Xavier when the later pointed to him how retarded he was?

Which is why he psychically cheat on Jean


>he can insult
>wow so edgy, i like rick and morty, burrrp
>stupid director, so edgy, i am smart and funny. come one guys laugh at me!
deadpol is a mistake

In actuality she's actually a new mutant imbued with the powers of smoking hot tits.
She's confused by Scott's visor, since he lulled off in the middle of their boring date she assumed he was staring at her very visible tits, when in actuality he was just thing about Jean.

>she's actually a new mutant imbued with the powers of smoking hot tits.
Heresy, Scott only date clinically insane psychic chicks



>tfw you like women's attention and they like your body

Are gym rats womanly-men? Asking for a friend.

>lost control killing Xavier when the later pointed to him how retarded he was?
lets forget about the part where he was possessed by a cosmic firebird that wasn't meant to be his in the first place

You mean that event where anything of importance Spider-Man did was retconned in OMD?


that "girl" doesn't look like one but he has rocking tits


That is a cheeky cover.


Not every girl needs to be drawn cute you mongrel.

But - but Tony DID need the suit to be a hero. It's the entire point of Iron Man that he wasn't a hero before he got the suit.

Yes, but this is not an inherently bad thing.

lil bit yeah
why? you mirin brah?

I want to fap to this, but I'm afraid the author may be underage and that just weirds me out.

People do grow out of being called Brandon, right?

What should they be called?

To be honest, Spider-Man is more like Batman than Robin.


Aren't both Zeus and Hercules rapists in greek myths?

Yes. That is the joke.

Man, I wish we did.

Its a good comic, but only updates once a week.

Oh well, Quality over Quantity I guess.

See, the fact you have to ask that proves you don't understand how many penis-shenanigans Zeus got up to.


It's a porn comic, where every girl NEEDS to be cute.

I am getting a serious deja vu here

Still hoping for naked loli-Shadow. It feels like he wants to, but is too much of a bitch to pull the trigger on it.

Let me guess: this is a lesbian amputee fetish thing.

>the outline of the nipples
>the detail on the stumps
what in the fuck


Jesus, just go to a notary and get it changed.

People named Brandon should be called Jesus?

Better than being called "Brandon" all your life.

I hate that I find the art arousing.

But what if we're not Mexican?

Just don't pronounce it as Heyzues.


But then people just think I'm crazy.

if that doesn't say fetish I don't know what it means

>Handy Jay's is dead forever

i'd argue mentally too

oh i thought you said physically
i'm retarded


Is this a porn thread or a weird comic thread, because im getting kinda confused.

Why not both?

Just tell people your name used to be Brandon, they'll understand.


isn't he gay?

Yes. So neither of them is enjoying this and the whole thing is just stupid.



But it is

He didn't cheat on his wife. She cheated on him tho

No it's not. Not at all. Point out one thing that was even remotely similar to the comics.

This one doesn't make a terrible point though, if only it were a humanoid character.

Yes, most hospitals have no guard rail on their beds and dress their patients in swimsuits.

"she wont bite"

bruh I think thats all she can do.


Ok that got a giggle out of me.
You win this round Sup Forums

>You're a gay

Actual source
Judging by the banner at the top of the comic it may be furry as well.

>updates are months apart
>last one was in june
Every time

Dad sums up that fanbase pretty well and mom is antifa or al-right or whatever the fuck the news calls them. Rgbt? Not-as-tolerant-lets-kill-em group? The KKK?

...Sup Forums?

She looks more confused than angry

You guys are literally fucking retarded, but this IS Sup Forums after all. I'm stupid, you guys are stupid, it is what it is. This board is like half contrarian shitposting, half gay waifu-tier autism, half Tumblr-esque garbage and all the time now. It's never just summer anymore, so here's my advice.

So there's this 2002 documentary called Spider-Man: The Mythology of the 21st Century, Raimi was obviously a thing back then and so to educate the masses this was actually a thing. Maybe watch the fucking movie and then you'll get the joke, or maybe read Spider-Man? You won't but that's my advice. There's a history here is what's I'm trying to say