Frozen: The Musical


Why don't anons shitpost about the Alladin musical?

This is new, and we all know why we need to shitpost about this

Finally sami getting proper representation

No one wants to see Jasmin get RICED?

This is new, and we all know why we need to shitpost about this


This is so degenerate

Race changes don't count in theater.

It took me awhile to understand
at first I thought it was going to be shitty but then I saw Kristoff and know what will be on everyone's minds


>no ice trolls at all

Automatically superior version.


But why, Hamilton got away with murder. This will as well. Is it because theater is literally only mega liberal faggots?

>Dat bulge

Hamilton is pretentious tripe that makes people feel smart watching a "Historical Drama" on the level of Jesus Christ Superstar.

>theater is literally only mega liberal faggots?

This, and you look like a racist if you question it. Any complaint can be justified with "he was the better fit," even if that is an absurdity just by his skin color alone, it's nkt an argument anyone with real power can make and win.

If one or two of the white guys in Hamilton was black because he was the best fit, whatever, it's weird and not correct but whatever. The vast majority though? It's just a nog hotep revisionist wet dream. I hate that it makes me mad, but I can't help it.

the audition materials where "whites need not apply"

Yea that was their intention from the start.

Now start searching through tweets about Hamilton. I bet you'll find more than a few urban youths unironically angry about how history is whitewashing those great black founding fathers. You absolutely know it to be true.

This. If he can sing well it's a no brainer

I have thought about that, but I honestly don't know if I could handle reading stuff like that. I would lose my fucking mind and I know I'd say something retarded at work.

This. Look at musicals like Le Mis where they've gotten people from Filipinos to African-Americans playing a bunch of French revolutionaries. Color-blind casting is pretty popular

Bad guy is still a cracker. Villains will never, ever be blackwashed. You can make heroes and sidekicks into the pitchest, blackest, mother fucking invisible-at-night-until-the-smile darkies until the god damned cows come home, but God have fucking mercy on your soul if you turn a white villain black. Literally the only instance I can think of a white villain being made black is, hilariously, Michael C. Duncan as Kingpin in the Daredevil movie. That shit will NEVER happen again.

Were you actually going to watch this? Does this actually affect you in any way?

The bad guy in the Kingsman comic was white, but in the movie they replaced him with Sam Jackson. So that's something

Sam Jackson loves playing bad guys.

Also they kidnapped Mark Hamill in the comics and in the movie Mark Hamill was playing a character. Which I'm not entirely sure that wasn't his choice to show up in character.

Sami are one of the smallest minorities on the planet.

>Villains will never, ever be blackwashed
That's not true at all. I never see threads of anons complaining about villains being changed, just heroes. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all. Is your entire view constructed by what people make threads of? Do you not look anything up yourself? Most of the black males in Spider-man Homecoming were villains.

come on user. sjws don't really care about black males being the villain.

Why can't they just cast a guy that looks like the character in the film? Would that be such an odd concept ? I'm sure there are loads of hunky blonde guys who could play the part of the hunky blonde guy.

The White guy (Hans) will trick the ginger white princess (Anna) into falling in love with him only to betray her, and turn into the heartless evil villain. He than tries to kill both her and her sister in cold blood.

The brave, and selfless black guy (Kristoff) will run back to Anna's side in hopes of saving her from the evil white prince. In the end the white princess punches out the evil white prince. Than the white princess, and black guy sharing a passionate kiss, and become a couple.

Hold the fuck up, Frozone wasn't in that movie.

it was also a fucking amazing casting choice


If Othello can be portrayed by a white guy, anyone can be any fucking thing in theater.

No one is there to see the men.

Of course they don't care. As long as the majority of the baddies continue to be white, but if that were to suddenly change, all of SJW Hell would break lose.

I always thought Lex Luthor was a bold white dude.

>3rd thread
>anons still don't give a shit


But that's literally how it works. The very nature of theater means that the actors themselves don't really matter. In several classical societies men regularly played female roles (well, exclusively), and the audience accepted it, because that's the suspension of disbelief that theater runs on. It's the same principle now.

Hamilton is a special case because it primarily prided itself (and marketed itself) as slapping the aesthetic of hip-hop onto the story of the American Revolution, hence why blackness is so prominently featured in it.

but can he sing

Or maybe it's because black and hispanic people are more into hip-hop you ideologue morons? Do you see blacks lining up to go to the opera? How fucking retarded are you that the first thing you assume when this happens is muh racism against white people ;(

Who fucking cares? They cast him for acting ability, not skin color.

Well, I don't know if that guy can sing, but I'm sure that if an audition was held DISNEY would be able to find a blonde hunky dude who could sing within a few weeks if not sooner. In fact he wouldn't even have to be a real blonde. The guy could wear a wig which would be less distracting than race swapping the character. What really blows here is that this is being done purely for PC reasons, and there really isn't any need for it.

>muh skin colour


I'm not even calling you a racist here, I'm saying you only engage with literature in the most basic and vapid way.

>Any complaint can be justified with "he was the better fit," even if that is an absurdity just by his skin color alone

Agreed. Lifes not fair, and having a fat, hairy 50 year old guy playing the part of Ariel from Little mermaid on stage is just as silly as having a black guy play the part of a blond guy. There should be a line that separates what people want, and reality, but SJWs try their hardest to blur that line when ever they are given the chance to.

Also don't feel discouraged if few anons on this site agree with you. There are external forces at work from other sites that work 24/7 around the clock to "Done vote" any comment which isn't 100% PC.
>image very related.

If this is a theater production you need to know that race swapping happens all the time there, it's been happening way before this was considered a problem

Did they make Kristoff a black guy?

That isn't electro. That's Mister freeze

The movie was a small step away from being a stage play already so it's probably gonna be fine.

This. Everyone knows this. Fucking people bitching about this this stuff who've never been a theater in their life.

>b-b-b-but white people are just as good at rap and hip-hop!

Remember when The Little Mermaid hit Broadway, and Disney made Ariel's father,and sisters black. Prince Eric's understudy was also a black guy. That shit was messed up, and funny as fuuuuuck.

Not even race swapping but gender swapping too. This is a non-issue made even less of an issue by theater.

>thicc black ursula

I didn't know I needed this

It was almost as funny as that Martin Luther King JR stage show that had a white old guy play the part of Martin Luther King JR.
Now that's fucking comedy gold right there.

>Were you actually going to watch this?
Yes, I am a Disney whore.

>Does this actually affect you in any way?
Yes, I don't like it when people in power try to re-wire, and fuck with my mind to fit their agendas. Let love be love, and let people love who ever they want to love, but I don't like the idea of some big media overlord trying to push me into a specific direction for "reasons". I don't know what their end game is, and that's what makes me feel uncomfortable.

are we complaining about characters who have existed for 35 years now? Is that what it's come to?

what was the plan here

>complaining about characters who have existed for 35 years now?
>35 years
Well, that's kinda when it all started isn't it? I'm not saying I know everything, but once that hippie boy band called "The Beatles" came to the US with their gender neutral long hair, and introduced the concept of boy band lust, and free love is when the system started to glitch. That's where it all started to slowly crack around the edges.

Why did they get a Jamal type to play a Tyrone type?

why not go further back to 1863 when Lincoln freed all those uppity slaves

Wait why not hire the original actors? They're broadway fuckers. Hell, just hire Jonathan Groff as Kristoph and make him gay at the end.

yeah let's just hire two of the most famous modern Broadway actors, a Hollywood actor, and another reasonably-famous-but-not-like-Jonathan Groff-tier Broadway actor

that's sure to give us a decent return on our investment instead of just hiring some random nobodies, sell the exact same number of tickets, and make way more money because we didn't have to pay four expensive leads

Ha ha, Funny, but what I said does have some truth to it.

Since you seem to know things about slavery maybe you can answer a question for me. Please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong because it's something I was told by a teacher in high school, and I'm not sure if it's true, but weren't black slaves sold by and first introduced to white people by Jewish business men? Was it not Jewish business men who were making money off of selling black slaves to derpy white people?

it was mostly the Portuguese who started what would eventually become the Atlantic slave trade and American chattel slavery, although it was a (non-Jewish) British man who started up the triangular trade system. There were probably Jewish business owners who participated in the slave trade, but da Joos were not responsible for the slave trade as a whole.

They don't count in general. Unless race was an important part of the character to begin with or if a certain race being in a certain role/time/place doesn't make any sense.

>replying to yourself

Ariel has a black dad and a black sister, her best friend is black and the evil sea witch is now black. Did they at least make Sebastian black?

>Frozen: The Musical
Those poor /frz/ fags. They waited so long for this moment.

Hans looks more like a skinny gay AIDs survivor who is so old hes showing early signs going bold instead of looking like a dashing young prince.

Anna looks like a middle aged Amy Schulman SNL type comedian instead of a cute teen princess.

The lovable Kristoff has been blacked for all time.

Elsa looks like an icy old cunt instead of an icy young cunt.

You had one job Disney!

But then what is the point of doing a historical piece, or any piece set in fantasy world where the races are part of the cultural backdrop that makes the world believable?

Seems lazy at best, aggressively-regressive at worst.

Ay yo hol' up.
You nu's claim theatre is colorblind, but then why is it that if there is a specific black/latino/asian role in a play, the casting directors will jump through hoops to make sure it is filled by someone of matching ethnicity?

They cast an old white man as MLK Jr. Race does not have any importance in theatre you absolute child.
I am getting so sick of people constantly talking out of their ass about things they literally know nothing about.

>I am getting so sick of people constantly talking out of their ass about things they literally know nothing about
Doesn't stop you from doing it.
But if you're getting sick of it, then simply fuck off instead of whining about it.

By the way, one single instance does not magically negate that white roles are always filled by whatever, while ethnic roles are typically never given to whites.

Okay how about the multiple times Othello has been played by white people?

Wait, you don't include James Earl Jones as vader's voice, but you included Maz's voice? They still had black first order officers and they portrayed Saw as a rebel extremist.

Elsa and Ana aren't black


Dat Ursula.

s-so thicc!

My only complaint is that they didn't get a fat drag queen to play Ursula. Where is the Divine respect?

No love for the trans community from Disney?


This tbqh. Also since they're already changing race they really should go womb deep on this one and just have Anna and Elsa be lesbians.

SOLD. I'd be there for that in a new york minute.

aren't the vast majority of heroes still white? All I'm saying is I only hear some sjws complain about heroes while some anons here complain about the villains while they do swap them out and include original non-white villains. anons act like there haven't been recent stuff in the media were there black villains and the white guy was going for the black chick. That's spider-man hoemcoming.

Why are you baiting? Othello was about a Moor, Moors aren't black- they're North African.

>aren't the vast majority

That's literally not the point. If the villains were as multiracial as the heroes no one cares, but the fact they conspicuously casted only whites as villains in Star Wars bothers people for obvious reasons.

That guy is almost 60? Wow.

A less threatening man is better if you're selling something to women

>be white artist
>make white superhero


>be black
>have no artistic skills because too busy with crime
>blame whitey for lack of black superheroes.


>but the fact they conspicuously casted only whites as villains in Star Wars bothers people for obvious reasons.
You mean just like original trilogy? And the prequels?
If you're trying to make some sort of grand argument that Star Wars is extremely left leaning in it's obviously symbolic casting choices you're about 30 years late. Star wars always had the empire represented entirely by white men on purpose. If anything they are just following the formula George set down.

Does James Earl Jones count? he was in Rouge One, but apparently voices don't count unless it's snoke and maz?

>Caeser is a villian when he is the central protagonist of three movies sucking his dick
>Brienne is a villian in any way when she is the picture of a chivalrous knight
No idea about the other two but the last one is clearly Jewish.

Did I argue this at all? What are you on about?

Does it count as falling for bait if you know you're being baited?

So the same exact plot of the movie but now it's different because he is black? You're sounding real insecure man.

Hamilton is incredibly overrated. I imagine the only reason it gets such acclaim in America is because it is American History. It's never going to be a popular mainstream play anywhere else in the world.

>Make retarded argument
>Get btfo
Low test bants man. I see why whites are going extinct if that's all you've got.

i wasnt really atacking you.

> Kris is a tall and bulky dude
> Cast a guy who is scrawnier than Hans and shorter than Elsa

Hilarious. There's far more dubious issues with the casting than the race change.

>Plays with specific cultural significance won't be extremely popular outside of that specific culture
No shit Sherlock. And nobody outside of Britain cares about Dunkirk.

>ayy yo elsa lemme holla at ya gurl
>"let it go?" yall better not let go of muh dick yaknow what im sayin?

Solid, solid work by the mod team allowing those fucking obsessed Sup Forumsniggers to shit up both Sup Forums and Sup Forums with these threads

Wasn't that the whole point of Hamilton though? Black dudes rapping and playing historical figures?