Only 43 years old

>only 43 years old

Other urls found in this thread:

He looks like an average 43 year old man. Literally just google "43 year old man" and it's a bunch of guys looking like Alex Jones

Bullshit. I just turned 43 and I look twenty years younger than him

>smoking hot wife
>sticking it to the (((globalists)))
>wakes up sheeple
>successful brand/company you built from the ground up
is he the most alpha man alive today?

sure you do gramps

He looks like he's almost 60.

wow it's true

He's obese and should be ashamed.

>tfw still younger than me

>>smoking hot wife
did he get married again? thought he was divorced.

he is neither in television nor is he in any films so please contain yourselves in Sup Forums

tf did you just say to me leftist cuck?

he married the woman he was cheating on his ex wife with

he got remarried last year I think. He even had a child with her iirc

There's something really comfy about InfoWars. Watching a bunch of conspiracy loons calling everything a false flag, Alex's voice, the rants at Hillary - I love it.

He has been in some films asshole. He's also made several documentaries.

At least post a recent picture

Have you taken the red meat pill?

t. I've never seen infowars faggot

Not bad, good on the ol chap.

Meanwhile here's Jared Leto, 46 years old.

no you don't you delusional loser. stop posting here gramp

So what do the memers that say Alex Jones=Bill hicks say about his pictures as a young man? doesn't that completely disprove it.

he does kind of look 46 in this picture, his face/cheekbones are sunken with very little fat.

>posting a picture of a literal alien vampire
you can't compare apples to oranges user


looks like a fag with hair implants

soyed lento

he looks like he was in drag 10 minutes before the interview

voice actor at best and always plays himself so the point remains
contain yourselves in Sup Forums

being angry all the time, even if it's forced, ages you dramatically

go back to your reylo general you fucking cuck

He looks like he's nearly 50

>tfw watching the Alex Jones show (it isn't called infowars, you globalist)
>Alex is talking about mass immigration
>Who would want to import third world savages by the millions?
>Hmmm, I don't think it'll be someone right wing, I think to myself
>Alex Jones says it's... the NAZIS!
>This is because George Soros was a typical opportunistic Jew and joined the nazis

I wonder why we call nazis far-right instead of far-left if they really are just crypto-commies

It's the opposite for me. I actually like Alex, but his voice is just so grating on my ears. Something about that smoker's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Is there an alternative to AJ that doesn't make me feel like blowing my brains out after 5 minutes?

He looks like Neil Armstrong if Neil Armstrong never went to the Moon (which is fact)

He admitted in the court case that his entire personality is just a character and he's acting. Infowars is fictional entertainment designed to make fun of conspiracy theorists.

yeah but he drinks baby spinal fluid so that doesnt count

Sup Forums has hated Alex for years

truthstream media

>Is there an alternative to AJ that doesn't make me feel like blowing my brains out after 5 minutes?

Jew News with Brother Nathaniel

only because alex refuses to call the globalists jews

I think Jones believes at least 10% of what he says. He probably has pretty milquetoast conservative beliefs, ultimately.

But pandering to the conspiracy retards certainly was a good financial strategy.

go back to Sup Forums dweeb

He claimed it was an act in the hope he'd get to keep seeing his kids. He's not an actor.

I was utterly shocked when I found out he was born in the 70s. I could have swore he was born at least in his the early 60s.

Wrong. My dad is 60 and he looks way older than alex jones.

>he just lied to the judge!

In the interest of fairness, here is his explanation for this.

nah he looks like he's in his mid 50s whose face is constantly red and bloated from alcohol and high blood pressure

Post Alex kino

This is why you need to lose weight as soon as possible.

Almost like he loves his kids and custody court is a bitch, huh?

He looks his age or worse with no makeup

>all those blatantly brigaded comments

Yeah I'm sure it's the good ol' Infowars fans claiming Alex is a dumb conspiracy theorist and Drumpf is an evil racist.

Are you saying he wears makeup when he rock climbs?

43 years too old. His parents should have aborted him

How can anyone watch this and not think he's controlled opposition?

meanwhile this woman is 23 years old

yeah this is a standard 46 years old right

Fuck off satanist. Alex Jones is a national treasure.