Is this the most overrated piece of shit to have made an appearance on the screens in American's living rooms?

Is this the most overrated piece of shit to have made an appearance on the screens in American's living rooms?

No, its actually a pretty good show despite losing some of its touch with reality in season 4 and especially season 5.

Watched it last summer and while yeah it was good, it doesn't deserve the handies it receives on the daily

>Is this the most overrated piece of shit
that would be game of thrones

breaking bad was neat but like user said it becomes much less grounded in the later seasons

That probably as response to the sudden popularity it received and the writers feeling the need to raise the stakes for each episode. Still great television and I see BCS as a return to its roots.

yes, its the worst thing ever. now please post this same thread every day until the bullies stop picking on you.

In hindsight, it's much better than other "popular" shows like GoT, Stranger Things, etc.

Breaking Bad never had a 'jump the shark' moment where the show plummeted in quality and became hilariously abysmal. It was more or less a consistently good and watchable show with only a few distracting hiccups along the way. The showrunners knew from the start how the story would begin and end and they worked around that vision instead of just BSing and whinging their way through it like what happened with GoT or Dexter.

I mean subtract every scene with Marie/Walt Jr before season 5 and Ted's storyline, and it's pretty much perfect. Just try comparing that to GOT lmao

It jumped the shark when Gus died.


>adjusts tie

>uses a magnet to erase your memory
heh nothin personell

are you implying that an industrial magnet wouldn't fuck up a computer?

The only stupid thing about that scene was how Jesse and Walt were able to quickly disappear before the police cornered them.

yeah the truck was leaning against the wall lmao. Even if they got away they lost literally hundreds of thousands of dollars leaving the truck and magnet

Losing a few hundred thousand dollars is a small price to pay compared to going to jail for 50+ years.

>breaking bad viewership in 2011: 1.9 million
>big bang theory viewership in 2011: 14.3 million

Really makes one think.

fuck am i the only one who thought it was good until the end

No, that's The Wire

Half of the people who watched the show took issue with the ending. The other half loved it.

Aside from the last episode the last season is easily the best one and actually the only one to have antagonists that are at least somewhat grounded in reality instead of feeling like retarded cartoon characters.

Yeah but they would've pissed the guy at the dump off enough he'd never work with them again. AND it led to the feds discovering the Swiss bank accounts of all of Gus' guys, all cause Walt was too autistic about an easy job

>Really makes one think.
does it?
one is a simple laughtrack format you can pick up at any episode and rerun and it appeals to a low but wide audience
the other is a series with a bit of seriousness and the need to have watched previous episodes
you're dumb

No that would be mad men.

Objectively wrong

It was pretty good though. The people who say it never got bad are nuts though, s5 just drags on and going from Gus, an actual character, to "lol neo-nazis" was a joke.

Jack and Todd weren't bad villains, they served their purpose of being evil yet kinda fun to watch. They're only neo nazis cause otherwise it makes no sense for them to be so powerful in prisons