American highschool student losing their virginity is a big deal

>American highschool student losing their virginity is a big deal

Can someone explain this movie to me? The majority of people lose their virginity before graduating highschool, and a noticeable minority lose their virginity before they even start it.

>The majority of people lose their virginity before graduating highschool, and a noticeable minority lose their virginity before they even start it.

I really liked that film, except for one thing. THe over the top portrayal of the Christian group was stupid, and I'm not even a Christian.

I loved it when I was in highschool when this film came out and I was an edgy atheist, but rewatching it, goddamn is it sad.

they address that in the movie how she didn't know why it was such a big deal
this, especially considering all the christians at my school boned each other on the reg

>expecting Hollywood kikes to do an accurate portrayal of Christianity
Serves you right.

love you, emma. you're so talented and funny and gorgeous :)

>I want to know about being popular in high school
>I know, I'll ask Sup Forums

>I want to know about American high schools
>I know, I'll ask an American website


I thought this movie was fine, and Phoebe acted very well as the principal or director or whatever.

The one grip that made me really angry about it was when the fat kid asked her to suck his dick, and then she told me "you know, if you would have asked nicely, I would have gone out with you"

I exploded at that moment with "WAAAAAAT" and thought the film was garbage.

>all that jealousy

You'd be surprised by how far an earnest (read not "desperate nice guy" but actually earnest and respectful) request can go. Not saying that she'd fuck him, or even date him, but a single date? Yeah, if you're romantic and sweet you might get that, even if it is mixed with a bit of pity.

Is there a worse feeling than knowingly being pitied on?

>Is common that muricans thots lose their virginity with a chad or a dick in their highschool

Just a failure country, full of whores and sjw

Yes, being a 29 year old virgin

Most of Europe loses their virginity sooner than America on average

Not for me. Outright bullying is something I can laugh at, but pity and condescension made me genuinely wish violence on people in high school. Was I fucked or what

Absolutely not. I only lost my virginity because of raw 100% pity, and I don't regret it for a second.

>THe over the top portrayal of the Christian group was stupid, and I'm not even a Christian.
I dunno, man. Seemed pretty "Mormon-esque".

I grew up in South Calgary, one of the most Mormon areas of the world outside of Utah. My highschool was a solid 20% Mormon. Mormons are not like they are in media, oh my gosh no.

I've been lied to again. They can't keep getting away with it.

The only "weird" part about Mormons is that they get married very, very quickly. Most Mormons I know married their spouse within 18 months of meeting them. Other than that, friendliest, nicest people you'll ever meet.

I worked with a mormon guy
>they have churches just for single men and women where they do activities and play games so they can enter relationships and get married
>they often get married within weeks or months
>each household must have atleast 2 months worth of food and water in case a disaster happens
>big emphasis on self sufficiency and intergroup co-operation
>they have a radio system worldwide so in the event of a global disaster you can still get sermons from Utah
>mormon recruiters will show up to your door like most religious groups but they will bring incredibly sexy and scantily clad women to entice you in

I would love to go to a mormon singles church to meet chicks

This but unironically

sounds like they browse /k/

Emily is so cute!

>tfw sophmore in college and still virgin

Every girl my age has probably already fucked someone right?

Does that mean I need to prey upon some 18 year old girl? Where can I find one?

>Can someone explain this movie to me?
EJ Stone has never made anything remotely similar to a film or a movie.

got the best head of my life from a mormon girl

she sucked me dry...she was the dyson of blowjobs.

Mormon girls are not that bad in my opinion but I may be biased.