He's right you know

He's right you know.

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Filter dodger!

remember how this tactic worked out for ghostbusters jayjay?
you don't remember ghostbusters?

didnt watch it but he is still filty jew lol

i watched the 1st one and rouge one tho, its basicly capeshit in disguise

Sounds like he's scared Disney is going to send him back to Star Trek.

And so here we are now. You can't dislike something based on its merits because to do so is sexist.

I'm as SJW as they come but this atmosphere we're living in gives me the willies.

TLJ is worse than both.
Hell, I'd even argue that TLJ made Rogue One look like a masterpiece and TFA seem watchable.

>continuing to blame boogeyman sexists for the flop

No one hated Leia, Padme, or Asoka

>I'm as SJW as they come
kill yourself

He is right, though. There's a reason why all the whining is centered around Rey being a "Mary Sue" despite not even being close to it

> JJ Abrams has slammed “Star Wars” fans who didn’t like “The Last Jedi,” telling Indiewire, “If you are someone who feels threatened by women and needs to lash out against them, you can probably find an enemy in ‘Star Wars.'”

Wow, it's real... This is pretty funny considering I was arguing in a thread yesterday on how this was happening.

I wasn't the only one who had that feeling. JJ should be thanking how terrible The Last Jedi is because it makes his rehash movie better by the fact that it has an actual story structure compared to The Last Jedi. Can't wait to see what their reasoning for why Solo flops when that comes around.

>I'm as SJW
Kill yourself

Look at this fucking jewbag.
Then, look at what he has done to SW.
Then, tell me Sup Forums isn't always right.


Remember how anakin was a good at most things and you forgave it?

I'm not saying it's a good movie. I'm saying you fags are being harsher and we all know why.

Ahsoka was pretty much despised at the beginning but became one of the most beloved characters by the time the show was cancelled. Hera from Rebels is also a better character than any of the females in the Disney movies. It's honestly baffling that Filoni wasn't put in charge of Lucasfilm

>I'm as SJW as they come but this atmosphere we're living in gives me the willies.

All to plan, goy.

Nope. I just want young and handsome not ugly guy, was-handsome-when-he-was-younger-but-not-handsome-anymore and tranny manjaw marysue.


He's retarded. There are good female leads in tv/movies and Rey just isn't one of them

Purposefully casting people of color is no different than constantly casting light skinned people for no other reason other than you're a bigot.

>jedi who could not live up to the jedi's morals, was a traitor and ultimately failed at his main goal

yeah he was totally perfect ;)

>If you hate nu wars you hate women

Oh Disney you funny

What was he good at that wasn't reasonably explained?


>became one of the most beloved characters by the time the show was cancelled

Yes. Nerds do this all the time. Something goes away and is forgotten or replaced and all of the sudden it's great.

not to mention Anakin was trained since he was 9

Believe me, gender is the least of that movie's problems.

Maybe if they decided, just for a moment, to let Luke have a decent story it would've been fine. Luke didn't need a redemption arc, and he certainly didn't need one that was brought into existence and resolved in a single film.

As it stands Luke's best line in TLJ is when he says "where's Han?". It's the one time he seems to be aware of or have concern for the state of things in the story.

Honestly, he's right you know. Its because Star Wars is a masculine movie series and they are afraid its turning into a feminine one in tone and design and sadly its true so they were right to be threatened.

I haven't seen a star wars movie in 11 years because I am threatened by women lol

>darth vader is le sux xd

Neck yourself.

It's always refreshing to see people like J.J. say stuff like this because it's as close to definitive proof that you can get that someone can be an utterly clueless retard and still end up as a top earner in their profession. If J.J. can do it, so can anyone.

>t. Hasn't watched the show

He certainly can't think R2-D2 and C-3PO were straight. C-3PO is CLEARLY gay. R2-D2 is omnisexual.

Mary Sue or not, she's a terrible character who can seemingly do everything the plot demands without any real training whatsoever.

Wow! Absolutely #BASED... Sup Forums BTFO!!!!!!!!

I did.

Try again soyboy.

i'm ok with that as long as they're young and handsome and not queer campgay femmefaggots

>If J.J. can do it, so can anyone.
Except there's one thing differentiating Abrams from the vast majority of people

Actually I'm just threatened by terrible scripts full of plot holes :/

they aren't even done wringing it out yet, user

Moving to this thread

>kills beloved character
>makes awful movie
>fans rage

If that was true then you'd know she was a genuinely good character and extremely popular before the show ended

These goggles are nice. How much do you want for them?

>implying "women" is its problem at all

Nice diversion

It's like Disney doesn't want people to watch Episode 9

So now if you don't like a shitty movie you're a misogynist. Please.


>I'm as SJW as they come but this atmosphere we're living in gives me the willies.
Listen to me, my well-intentioned SJW friend. College educated whites went Trump... something the media and leftist shills try to bury. "Muh suburban retards" is an utter myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.

***We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)***

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on. Put your thinking cap on.

>Our movie is perfect. If you don't like it then that's your fault! We cant accept critique at all. You sexist misogynist trump voter!

Translation: I am a Kabbalist Jew working to unleash the Shekhinah upon the world, and you are filthy goyim pigs.

all the other star wars had women tho

>you're just threatened by women
No, I hate shitty writing, directing, casting, acting, editing and ham-fisted messages, plot holes as well as wasted potential

It's the same as being a racist for not liking black panther. It's retarded


He built a droid, won a race against veteran racers in his first race in a pod racer he built himself, blew up a war ship when other experienced fighters were useless against it, and was just naturally the best at the force for being born. To Rey bashers, "he worked in a junk shop!" is a good enough explanation, yet they reject all less insane explanations of why Rey is able to accomplish comparatively minor accomplishments.

Sounds familiar

same could be said for Female Busters.... amirite?

Daisy looks like she could bite your fucking head off, who wouldn't be scared?

to be fair, a college degree is equvlient to a hs degree if you're a white person consdering how niggerized american schools are

>"There has to be gay people in star wars.... just not one that i'm writting since I care about my career"

Is this from the Transmetropolitan live action movie?

In Lucas' napkin script you know the reason he made Anakin so great was solely to have his fall be more tragic. Rey won't have a fall, she'll just be amazing.

Anakin was the chosen one of a long held prophecy. It's also doubtful that Rey will be more powerful in the force than Anakin was

Seems like episode 9 is going to be fun.

He's right about some of the people that hated it because of that reason (a lot of people here definitely had an issue with that) but definitely not everybody.

It was explained why he had massive force potential.

You'll note that most of the fight at the end was pure luck, i.e., pressing the wrong button and destroying the warship from inside after he flew into the hangar.

Winning the race and building C3PO was on him, but again, that's not out of the ordinary for a Jesus figure.

Then in the following movies he's flawed to hell and gets BTFO many times.

Well, any female agent of the Jewish system is a Lilith demon with vagina dentata (((Erich Neumann, Levi-Strauss))).

>a college degree is equivalent to a hs degree
True, and that's a whole other issue... the destruction of our education system... but they still push the "educated vote went Hillary" meme.


>Seems like episode 9 is going to be fun.

but he isn't

even the guys on Sup Forums jizz themselves senseless to any actually good female characters

Star Wars was a mistake...


>If J.J. can do it, so can anyone
Are you a member of the tribe?

It's not a destruction of the system, but of the people's genetic foundation. Low iq niggers cannot be educated.

>I'm as SJW as they come
obviously not motherfucker

But Avatar and Titanic had major female characters, are 1 and 2 at the box office all time, and were very well received by both critics and audiences.

It seems it's just YOUR female characters that people don't like.


>this atmosphere we're living in gives me the willies
(((Hollywood))) is losing it's relevance.

Every year fewer people go to the movies percentage-wise. Every year, "bankable" (((stars))) and "summer tent pole" movies and "safe bets" fail spectacularly. People don't go to the movies to see certain actors, or certain directors, or certain franchises anymore. The audience has caught on. The best jokes are all in the trailers, the featurettes and interviews are as scripted as the movie itself, and everything is meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator as it forces its globalist, leftist propaganda down everyone's throats. The reviews are fake, nobody knows what they're doing, the virtue signaling liberal elite are all con-artists and rapists… and YOU'RE the misogynist for not giving them money.

This is it. The final media blitz. The desperate ploy to shame YOU into swallowing what they're selling: propaganda. Swallow it, you cow. Give us your money, you sheep. Aren't you ashamed of yourself, you sexist pig? How dare you criticize Hollywood? Bow down, and don't forget to disable your ad blocker to read our articles shaming and brainwashing you.

>“Star Wars is a big galaxy, and you can sort of find almost anything you want to in Star Wars. If you are someone who feels threatened by women and needs to lash out against them, you can probably find an enemy in Star Wars. You can probably look at the first movie that George [Lucas] did [Star Wars: A New Hope] and say that Leia was too outspoken, or she was too tough.

>Anyone who wants to find a problem with anything can find the problem. The internet seems to be made for that.”

Anakin was the product of a failed experiment by Darth Plaegis. He wasn't a master sword fighter nor couldn't use the force consciously.

Rey is just an horribly written character, especially in The Last Jedi when her fighting skills improve massively over the course of a couple of days.

I thought it was a shitty movie, there are plenty of movies with women that I like.

>if you don't like _____ you are a _______ist

>Ahsoka returns in Rebels
I don't think you know what you're talking about, buddy.

where the fuck was mike when this was happening?

> reboot sequel

>I'm as SJW as they come but this atmosphere we're living in gives me the willies.
You're the reason all this is happening. Rethink your mindset

>everything is meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator as it forces its globalist, leftist propaganda down everyone's throats

>you can sort of find almost anything you want to in Star Wars
and yet i can't find a movie with Grand Admiral Thrawn in it, what the fuck happened?

>When he wastes dubs on bullshit
That wasn't Anakin's first podrace. He had already wrecked one racer and wasn't going to be able to race again until Qui-Gon showed up and HELPED him. He's also literally THE CHOSEN ONE whereas the explanation for all Rey's shit is "for no raisin!"

Are you having a stroke?

Why do jews create the social conditions necessary for their violent expulsion? Is it nature?


I know...at least about this board

I don’t suppose that it occurred to him, even for a moment, that just maybe it was because they let an actual retard make a shitty movie.

It is a destruction of the system because they are dumbing it down so that 'no child gets left behind.' It all started before that was passed into law but it really helped to speed up the process. You can't admit people just purely based on their merits or you get colleges that are full of asians and much small subsets of the other races. You can't have a school with out minorities (even though minorities are currently the ones out performing) so you have to accept them even though you know they are unable to handle the work that will be required. Now that you have them in the school you can't have them all failing because that looks bad on you and cuts your funding so you have to lower the requirements until they are able to pass.

>The film has a large amount of inconsistency with the characterization and I feel like the pacing could've bee-
>"H-ha! Y-you're just threatened by w-women!"
>Not really, see here thi-
>"Woman hater! End of discussion!"

Wish I could get a quick "get out jail free" card every time I fucked up or bail me out of a losing battle.

what is this... move, this argument, this tactic called?

>person a offers an opinion
>person b criticizes or offers a contrasting opinion
>"yeah, well, you just hate thing!/you're a racist!/you don't agree with me cos I'm Jewish!" etc.

>Why do jews create the social conditions necessary for their violent expulsion? Is it nature?