Science fiction movie

>science fiction movie
>first human colony is named 'eden'

Never happened

>spaceship is called "paradise"

>earth is referred to as "terra"

>First child born off earth is named Hope

>science fiction movie
>crispy cream shaped heaven is called "elysium"

>Main male and female characters are named Adam and Eve

>science fiction movie
>dying planet sends a spaceship with it's last survivors named 'the ark'

Hollywood attempting to normalize Jewish propaganda.

>science fiction movie

>humans are the average of all other species
>but we are also the only racist species

>>spaceship is called "paradise"

Wrong. It's called The Prometheus.

>secret undisclosed reason for never going back to Earth

>Flicking through the TV
>Supernatural comes on
>Only the Jewish God is real, goy. See this? The European Gods are all jokes and watch as we kill them all off in one scene, that's how much of a joke they are. Totally no subversive intent here.
I don't enjoy this agenda. Every vaguely paranormal TV show does it.

>Wrong. It's called The Prometheus.

Much better. We should name everything based on Humans becoming ubermensch

>80s and 90s science fiction movie
>takes place in far future
>everyone uses CRT screens
For fuck sake. Flat screens have been a thing since the 50s, in 90s you had all the laptops with color screens in them.
No excuse.

>science fiction movie
>Black people are scientists

Well it science FICTION

>modern sci-fi film
>all the tech is late 60s tier

Love it

why did this make me laugh

>"""conservative""" white Christians eat this shit up
neocon traitors should burn


>white guy sacrifices himself to save a group or civilisation from disaster
>judging by the cast he also happens to be the last white man alive

>Human space battleships named after US Presidents
>Firearms are boxes
>They fire bullets but sound 'futuristic'
>Standard issue Firearms is the 1911 for some fucking reason

Gods bless you, fellow polytheist. Our time will come again.

their leader is named Adam

What was cinema's shittiest alien invasion ever?
As in, who were the most useless aliens?
My vote goes towards Signs.
War of the World aliens were genuinely threatening until the absolutely fucktarded ending Morgan Freeman probably almost choked narrating.

>spaceship is called avalon

>he doesnt know that signs was about a demonic invasion
>he mentions war of the worlds but is talking about the modern morgan freeman version
Fucking scifi pleb.

>sci-fi movie
>everyone is using one currency
>they call it credits

Brainlet, all versions of War of the Worlds have the same ending anyway, all the way back to the book, it's still the same shitty deus ex machina, so referencing Freeman doesn't change shit.
As for Signs, that's just a theory apologists use to excuse Shyamalan for making a shitty movie.

>credits are a deprecating currency which no one will accept anymore due to ever increasing loans by the banking clan

>good aliens look like recolored humans
>bad aliens look like insects or reptiles

>not taking the non-mammalian redpill

>aliens are just deformed humans
I can never take those seriously
Same with all mecha anime - if mechs were any good they would be used irl combat already

>aliens are far more advanced than us in all ways
>make an amateurish diplomatic faux-pas during our first meeting

>New New York

>such a common scifi trope that a trash show like dr who mocked it

>science fiction movie
>the writers masturbate their extreme intellect while in reality digging themselves into a hole they can't get out of
>make up some new bullshit to get themselves out of the hole
