Why do virgins hate her so much?

why do virgins hate her so much?

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I hate her and I'm not a virgin. lost my v-card to an escort

they hate all women that won't let them sleep with them.

>lost my v-card to an escort

>paying for something that women will fucking give away.


She's unironically about the attractiveness level that Sup Forums dwellers should be shooting for, and they know it. The problem is she doesn't know it. She acts like she's a dime. She acts like she's thin, while also trying to push her chubbiness as virtue. In reality, she should be as desperate and sad as them, but she isn't, and not only does society at large accept this and encourage it, it shames and derides the virgin who is similar to Schumer. This enrages the virgin. You would almost feel sympathy for their plight but they are just as narcissistic and cunty as her.

Also, she's a jew who got her career on nepotism and joke theft. I would fuck her though but I would make sure she knew I knew she's a pig.

go to bed Kermit

She's fucking hot

Literally the Jewish Carlos Mansemen.

because she is a woman living by her own rules and not men's expectations

She's not funny or attractive but the media likes to push her as both of those things. If she wasn't so blatantly forced i probably wouldn't care about her at all.

This counts as being a virgin.

fat white and sexy


This. She is sexually threatening to Sup Forums on a fundamental level.

She is famous because of her kike uncle congressman Chucky Shumer

She’s a hot blonde with a nice ass body who looks like she only gives it to black men, can’t imagine why racists on here would hate that...


I like her even though she shits on uncut dicks, but thats life my guy
also how much THICC'er can the bitch get?

I' m waiting for her to get a "I want to speak to your manager" haircut. It's coming.

>Tfw wanted to fuck her for 4 years now...

I don't hate her because her comedy suck, cause I'm not a manchildren. But her comedy sucks.

10/10 this be the cold harsh truth

Since when does having connections become a bad thing?

snatched was actually funny even with all the feminism

It was great to watch and to prod along Metzgers meltdown

I don't like women that machinegun shit out of their vagina.

i want to fuck her so bad, even more so now that i know her areola size is literally my fetish

I hate her because she has no observable talent whatsoever, yet she keeps being pushed down our throats. her comedy sucks, she's a cynical person and not very likable, and she's ugly to boot

would you call her back though? thats the million shekel question

I fucked a fat girl who was less attractive and a bit fatter than Schumer.
She gave me head for a bit and when I got on top to start fucking I saw her gut and I got a soft on. I had had a few drinks but still, lost my wood when I saw that big belly.
Perhaps the mistake was keeping the lights on.

success breeds jealousy

I would unironically fuck her.

>she shits on uncut dicks

>She's unironically about the attractiveness level that Sup Forums dwellers should be shooting for, and they know it. The problem is she doesn't know it. She acts like she's a dime. She acts like she's thin

Literally every semi attractive female in the western world

i really want to fuck her and rub her belly while we cuddle afterwards desu

I'm married with 4 kids and I wouldn't touch her with a rented dick on a stick.

what kind of logic r u working with their mate

>getting turned off by a big belly
>being this low test

it means paying for sex is still a degenerate way to swipe your v-card and that will probably not be the last time they'll fuck an escort because they're terrible with women

Now im not saying i would fuck her, but i would tie her up like a Christmas ham and fuck her with a dildo on a stick.

I mean id feel sick afterwards but it wouldn't be the first time

She is the living embodiment of a fart.

Successful doing what? She is terrible at everything, all she had to so is be born to reach her current point.

>thinks high-test = fat disgusting gut

Can't say I'm surprised

look at this fag

>paying women to engage in intercourse because you are that undesirable
>looking down on Amy Schumer

I mean I think she's shit too but you're pathetic

why do (You) spam her so much?

>jewish nepotism
>political jewish nepotism
>ruined the netflix rating system

its like looking at a pig everytime.

Is this real?

She steals jokes

This is mostly right but the thin part. She doesn't pretend she's thin. She pretends that her fatness is just as good as thin and that only bigots would disagree.

>moving the goalpost

Reminder she used to steal from high end department stores with her sister and return the items for cash, and they were given a slap on the wrist due to being related to a senator.

Reminder that she spent the last two years whining about white male privilege and promising to leave the country if Trump won, and then didn't, using the excuse that people wanting her to leave is reason she should stay.

Reminder that her entire act is about being so fat and ugly and gross that no man wants to fuck her, yet she's still a huge slut, and then crying that people legitimately think she's heavy.

why is she so thin and beautiful Sup Forums?

I thought she was a dyke?

>what is wrong with this world?
These retards have never once questioned their own warped world view. Not once. They question why the world doesn't share their retarded thoughts and feelings. God help these worms.

Because she makes sex seeem very unappealing. So long as Schumer lives, more humans will stay chaste out of fear.

But that means she's NOT Jewish. It's inherited through your mother. Come on, guy. If you're going to be a meanie, at least be right.

Thats crazy shes related to the notoriously corrupt senator

She's an unfunny far count with horrible politics. Anyone with a functioning brain hates her.

I want her to cuck me and force me to pimp out my boipucci to her seedy NYC friends

Fat cunt

>I raped a woman 4 times and I'm proud about it not killing her

Careful with your edge, Dadlord

>fertility idols are meant to depict the form of a pregnant female

>father juden
>mother converted to judenism
>last name juden
> father's second cousin influential juden
>"NOT jewish"

Because at the end of the day, despite all her political and social beliefs differing from my own, she is simply not fucking funny.

yeah, it's from trainwreck


>why do virgins hate her so much?

Because I'm not a virgin and she's a fat ugly cunt. Both physically and metaphysically.

where is her #metoo story Sup Forums?

im a 27 year old virgin and i hate her

shes a ugly pig and not even fuckable



fucking seriously she built her career on the back of much more talented comics who are all now less successful than her.
She is the fucking definition of a fraud.

Because, even though she is fat and disgusting. She still wouldn't sleep with them.

I dont like her because she's disturbingly pig-like for a human female.

>mfw I said this
>Good her
Jesus I was angled hard bitch is fat and I'm in the Christina Hendricks thread

I like her because she's disturbingly pig-like for a human female.

her end game is to become super fat and then lose the weight. she'll write a book about it that sells over 1 million copies

She's not funny.

This is a pretty lazy attempt at trolling.

Her tits aren't half bad.


Who would win in a wrestling match between her and JLaw?

I might have some sex addiction issues or I'll just fuck whatever. Schumer is a pig and i'd be ashamed to fuck her but i've had chicks who were a little heavier. Not proud of it but slam pigs can be fun sometimes and usually though not always chubby/big girls give good head. Except flatso's, for some reason not so much although i think they have a chip on their shoulder because usually fat chicks have big tits and thus their lack of leaves them salty.

>who looks like she only gives it to black men

yeh that sounds about right


Probably the same reasons everyone else hates her


More likely she gets accused of molesting some girl imho.

what a charming young woman

that sounds pretty hot user

She wasn't too bad on her O&A appearances. Only recently she's jumped on the social justice train and it's just made her insufferable

and Sup Forums's resident capeshit-loving soyboys try to claim Sup Forums are the bad guys?

Lol she's a drama queen that's why.

Maybe. Depends on exactly who she would be molesting. I do think there are going to be allegations against women eventually.

she's fat with no shapes and a face you looks 2D

Her jokes are awful and literally ripped off from other comics and its obvious too.

>im basically a Chad besides the fact i have fucking mental disorder, banged more chicks than i wish i had.(drug and alcohol abuse made me not very picky)

I actually don't know, I mean I'm not the biggest fan of her comedy, it's pretty shit, but the vitriol seems kind of misplaced. Like I understand when it's directed at Lena Dunham or Sarah Silverman given how cunty and wrong about politics they are but Schumer just mostly seemed kind of unoffensive. Maybe it's because the media pushed her as "the female Louis CK" and a lot of people had to call bullshit

Everyone hates Dunham because she admitted molesting her own sister.

For the same reasons non vertiginous hate her.