About to watch every Star Trek episode/movie in one sitting

Going to be sitting on the toilet. Set up my computer and monitor in here. Got a mini fridge with enough Trek-themed food and beverages to last a month. Wish me luck, lads.

Either you lie or you're not going to succeed.

I did this in 2010. It was a fun journey

Enjoy it, lad! God speed

Congratulations for utterly decimating the "longest time without sleep" record my friend.

So are you going to watch the series and then their movies, or watch them in the chronological order, so you watch most of the TNG movies after ds9 and nemesis after voyager?

that's impossible

thats over 23 days. it would also be complete hell because a lot of the show becomes painfully boring and formulaic despite how fondly people look back on it today

Dude you will die.

Chronological order so there'll be 2 TOS movies in the middle of TNG, 3 TNG movies in the middle of DS9, DS9 and VOY will be mixed, etc. Also I'm including the animated series.
I will sleep about 4 hours a day. I'll pause the marathon and switch to Discovery when I get tired then start where I left off when I wake up.

>computer in bathroom
>fridge in bathroom
>eating on the toilet
>sleeping on the toilet

So has anyone calculated how long that actually will be?

please dont do this

It was between 27~28 days before the most recent movie and STD.

dont sit on the toilet for that long it'll give you hemmorhoids

user, if you don't sit up you'll get a blood clot in your leg and die. take breaks every couple hours, stretch your legs!

This or a nasty painful cyst on your asshole I got one one time, don't recommend it.

How long until the neighbours call the police because of the strange smell?

Well, they've ignored it for this long, I don't see why they would report it now.

>DS9 and VOY will be mixed

You're just going to fall asleep in a foul smelling bathroom with crumbs all on you
Or probably just go insane if you use drugs

What about ENT?

I tried to do this a couple months ago. Made it half into s6 of TNG and all the TNG movies. Not too bad.


>About to watch every Star Trek episode/movie in one sitting
literally not possible

Between Nemesis and JJ Trek 09.

but isn't ENT first chronologically?

I think he's watching them by release order

Here's to you.

nah unless this isn't OP

Whoops, I meant chronological from an IRL perspective. So yeah, release order.

Is this including STD?

Why would you do this, though? Wouldn't it be more enjoyable if you spaced it out? You're not going to be able to savor a lot of it because you'll be so tired/bored/out of it.

Well good luck and make sure to stand up once in a while and stretch your legs so you don't get a blood clot and die

post a pic of that setup OP


unironically upboated

Why in the fuck are you not livestreaming it?

I want to watch a neckbeard lose his grip on reality on the toilet while stuffing his mouth full of spock-themed twinkies on the toilet

fucking kek'd

>accidentally write "on the toilet" twice
>can't delete post


And then there was John Two Times, who got that nickname because every time he mentioned being on the toilet he couldn't help saying it twice.

dude ill be honest with you it doesn't matter and no one cares unless you are in a super heated argument

What's that a reference to?

I just made it up on the toilet. I was reading a post and thought it would be hilarious to respond with a little ditty about "John Two Times" on the toilet.

Exposing yourself like that in a discussion is a 4D move. Attacking your grammar makes it look like they can't debate your point, but if they don't fall it you just dropped some spaghetti.

True, but I guess it really depends on how bad the mistake was

You didn't fall for it. Touché.

That's because I knew what you meant

Huh, sounds really familiar.

I've done the math before, there s like 27 straight days and change of material to watch, counting all movies and TAS.. and that was before STD came out

You would die of sleep deprivation

good luck my friend and Gods speed!

>Sitting on the toilet letting your exposed butthole dry out instead of a comfy chair with plenty of piss/shit jugs handy


You made me look very stupid in front of everyone. I'm really embarrassed, but godamn do I respect you.


TNG, DS9, and VOY are all roughly 127 hours each. I first watched TNG back in high-school, and I had my computer set up next to my bed with my monitor attached to the headboard (the headboard is also a bookcase). There were days where "waking up" was simply rolling from on my back to on my belly. It still took me a month to get through TNG alone.

Goodluck op

You're gonna need every day of it and then some, there are 760+ hours of Trek

Nothing more shameful than a writer using a word or phrase twice in close succession when aliteration isnt the goal

May I suggest not watching every episode of Voyager and Enterprise.

>alliteration using the same word
You mean repetition.

Post update.

Make this an update thing like this guy saidSomething like "Earth date x/xx/xx my shit has fused my ass to the toilet seat, I can no longer unglue myself and stand up, this will be my final log entry".

I suggest not watching any episode of Voyager


>that vote now button

It's gay

about 4 days after he's dead in my experience