Pleb filters

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I thought people liked it?

>pleb filter
>highest grossing Tom Cruise movie after Mission Impossible series.
yeah, pleb filter as fuck

I lost my virginity after watching this movie opening day.

dumb people don't go around talking about it
but also - it's not "the cool and intelligent thing" to like, so you don't see it on the Fedoracore list.

So only people who legitimately enjoy movies enjoy this film.

Nice. I got my dick sucked for the first time watching Hustle and Flow.

Everyone at my school who watched movies in the library during lunch liked this movie and we were 11-13 years old at the time

Found this in google - someone with the capital should start a business of "Box Sets" based on these suggestion lists from Sup Forums

"Sup Forums gold box set: Mumblecore edition"
"Sup Forums GBS: Movies based on the color blue"

Dank. I got fingered for the first time while watching Shrek 3

Good film, but that screaming kid ruins it

I shot a bunch of people while watching The Dark Knight


A kid being scared in a movie ruins it for you? You must not watch many movies.

Weird, seemed that guy wrote 'screaming', yet you read 'scared'. Is he lacking writing comprehension, or are you lacking reading comprehension?

Because she was being scared in the movie and I never claimed the poster said scared. Can you quit projecting and stick to the conversation user?

The best adaptation of The War of the Worlds was the musical and it's criminal that every single modern film threw away the actual setting

we will never see another will we???

piss me off, i would love to see a war of the worlds movie based in victora times with today cinema tech and budgets

It's "cool" to hate.

>no War of the Worlds movie has had an adaptation of the Thunderchild scene

bad feel bros


blue is the gayest color

The contrarianism on this board is out of hand tb h

>A fan of the musical
Absolute patrician taste

It's been cool to hate for a long time now. Bunch of posers.