Admit it Sup Forums, she has a point

admit it Sup Forums, she has a point....

Who the fuck believes in Modor?

I believe in history you fucking goofs


Mordor is real, its called the United States of American

Holy shit, Modor and Westoros aren't real?
There goes my manchildhood...

Tatooine is real. It's called the Middle East.

Also, why did they appropiate El Dorado?

...but they're not the same people who believe in that gay shit.

they even have the violent black savages and glowing orange overlord to match

I dont know what her point is desu


When Bright 2 comes out everyone should pretend it's real to fuck with these Marvel liberals.

no one thinks those places are real


>Not Narnia
stupid heathen SLOAR



>shitposters haveing apoint
>shitposters wanting to have a point
i thought Sup Forums of all places would be better than that

it's just a video game

You're pretty naive if you think that's not genuine

You don't know what that means, apparently

>When you thought the whole Wakanda beeing real stupidity was just another Sup Forums-campaign but this time sjw idiots came up with it themselves.

and let's not forget the orcs

>When no one is buying your forced egyptian theft narrative so you switch over to clinging onto a fictional country as written by some jews decades ago specifically to exploit black people

people who believe those are real places are retards too

this dumb bitch got 10k likes? wow

>this thread

Jesus blacks/liberals are stupid and pathetic.

just got back from walmart, can confirm

Le 52% face

she do not


Pretty disgusting they keep trying to steal the history from Copts and actually Egyptians

One does not simply walk into Mordor.


I'm with him.

blocked ;)


We believe in Tatooine?

These people are aware that most white people can tell the difference between fantasy and reality, right?

My sides

people that think all that fake bullshit is real are just as retarded too.