This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard

this is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard

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whats it about

havent even listened to it and I already know it must've been trash. These 2 guys are the epitome of "Guys who say retarded shit but reign it in just enough to not be considered crazy". I assume it was full of hippy-type talk and talk about supernatural shit that's "entirely possible" right?

Op's life

they go full retard on this one

Yeah that guy is a terrible fucking guest. He's been on way too many times and brings out the dumbest parts of Rogan

That was the watchable part, sorta fun since they obviously don't take it too seriously. It got painful when trussell started with his lefty shit as he often seems to.

"We're all dimensional immigrants maaaaan."

After a certain point you've heard everything Rogan has to offer. The typical stuff like the old boston comedy scene, mountain lions, male bodies, trump being dumb.
But the worst is how he surrounds himself with yes men and he bullies certain people but not the ones who will call him out

jesus christ it's two stoners shooting the shit
what were you expecting?

That episode was irritating with Professor Duncan Trussell expounding on things he has a mid-wit level of understanding with a lot of conviction, never mind, Joe Rogan.

>dude everything is magic, Buddhism is radical bro

Jimmy Dore one was fucking great

This one was based.

the ability to be anti nationalistic is due to the success of nationalism

If you want a better episode check out one one with just Randall Carlson (Graham Hancock is kind of annoying)

i wish Carlson would talk about Masonry and other occult subjects but the meteor science he's doing is good too.

aw leave Duncan alone, his mom died and he only has one nut left .

seriously though Duncan is pretty entertaining if you get him at the right time / on his own . Putting him in a room with rogan is a terrible idea though, they both need someone much more level headed to reign them in.

duncan is a little crazy
i still listen to it but i dont take any of that seriously

Joe has too many friends

He interview the paleo diet guy yet?

This is why I like Chris Ryan even if he's a 'cuck'

I haven't done any drug that isn't alcohol in 5 years so I can't tolerate this nasally faggot.

I stopped watching. He hasn't had a good guest in awhile

You've got to remember Duncan was raised by hardcore hippy cultists.

,There isn't a single conspiracy theory this poor bastard did t have to hear growing up.

I miss when he had Alex Jones on and I got to watch it live with/tv/.

Fuck that was a comfy day.

joe rogan is at his best when he is talking to someone significantly smarter than him, otherwise it's like two idiots getting high and talking nonsense

Duncans podcast is better because he doesnt have guests with his same airy hippie ideas, hes great when he has someone tethering him to reality