Opinions on a clockwork orange

What does Sup Forums think of stanley kubricks a clockwork orange

A brilliant movie made by a master film-maker at the height of his powers. 10/10, my favorite Kubrick film, and a wickedly funny black comedy to boot (although not nearly as overtly comedic as FMJ was), I LOVE IT.

good ass movie

Do you have any films that are similar to a clock work orange that I should watch?

It's his schlockiest movie which isn't really saying much.

>a clockwork orange
By the time this review appears in print, Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange may have won the best movie award from both the New York Film Critics and the National Society of Film Critics, two eminently judicial groups to which your humble reviewer belongs. If such a catastrophe has indeed occurred, I disclaim all responsibility. Under the circumstances, however, I reserve the right to analyze the voting at some later date. For the moment, let me report simply that A Clockwork Orange manifests itself on the screen as a painless, bloodless, and ultimately pointless futuristic fantasy. The first third splashes out of a wide-angle lens like a madly mod picture-spread for Look magazine where Kubrick toiled briefly long, long ago. The middle third provides a moderately engrossing indictment of B. F. Skinnerism in action. But the last third of the movie is such a complete bore that even audiences of confirmed Kubrickians have drowned out smatterings of applause with prolonged hissing.

The major discrepancy between the book and the movie, however, is not so much in the narrative line as in the disturbing implications of Kubrick's decor and mise-en-scene. The very first close-up of Malcolm McDowell's predatory, bird-like eyelashes evoke similar stylistic flutters with Linda Hayden in Alistair Reed's Baby Love and with Shelley Duvall in Robert Altman's Brewster McCloud. But Kubrick is nothing if not original in a sourly eccentric way. McDowell's false eyelashes adorn only one of his eyes on a perpetually smirking countenance. An impressive face to be sure, capable of the most devilish activities, but as Kubrick pulls away from the close-up to the pornographic fixtures of the milk bar, Ales and his friends are left off the hook. Anything this particular society gets, it asks for in the vile literalism of its lewdness.

Time and again Kubrick pulls back from scenes of violence to show us end-of-the world compositions more appropriate to the Orphic concerns of Cocteau in the '50s than to the rest of us in the '70s. Significantly, Burgess's Alex kills a woman with a bust of Ludwig Van when she comes at him with a stick. By contrast, Kubrick's Alex kills his victim with a glass sculpture of Penis and Testicles when she comes at him with a bust of Ludwig Van. There are no visual suggestions in the novel for Kubrick's exploitation of Pornographic Pop as the presumed life style of Alex's upper-class victims. Whereas Burgess signals a prevailing mediocrity in the society at large, Kubrick overdesigns every social occasion into a disconnected grotesqueness. Alex's parents seem to be on the verge of crashing through into a Joe Orton play, but they never quite make it. A British jail guard overplays the old regimental discipline to the point that he seems a fugitive from Gunga Din. And Patrick Magee, already an overworked cliche of Marat-Sadism for all seasons, gives under Kubrick one of the most embarrassing performances of the year.

Its ok

honestly, there really aren't any other films like ACO, I mean there are some with a similar subject matter but the quality is nowhere near, sorry, can't think of any with its particular mixture of social commentary, gripping brutality, razor sharp humor, etc

that's all you took away from it??

As if his apocalyptic decor and apoplectic players were not disruptive enough, Kubrick tricks up his feeble continuities with the kind of speeded-up camera sexploitation scene that wins prizes at erotic film festivals for "humor," and then some slow motion violence that is even more soporific than the claustrophobic unreality of his standard shots full of wide angles and shallow feelings.

But don't take my word for it. See A Clockwork Orange for yourself and suffer the damnation of boredom. For those who recall my partial recantation on 2001, don't expect me to backtrack this time. There was, after all, something of the prophet in the Kubrick of 2001 The inexhaustible dullness of the subsequent moon probes confirmed Kubrick's dour vision on a very minor level. But I don't feel that either Burgess or Kubrick are wired into the immediate future with A Clockwork Orange. At the moment, I am not particularly concerned about big Brother clamping electrodes on my skull, nor about the tyranny of Law and Order. What frightens me is the chaos that engulfs us all. I am tired of the cult of violence. I am tired of people smashing other people and things in the name of freedom and self-expression. But that has nothing to do with the ultimate failure of A Clockwork Orange as a movie. What we have here is simply a pretentious fake.

it's the ultimate in "love it or hate it" movies, are you sure you watched A Clockwork Orange? Are you normally this wishywashy in your opinions of movies?

that's some real cringe you got there

Not an argument.

ahh okay thanks for your input though much appreciated
But would you mind sharing some of your favourite movies just so I have something to watch this weekend

I agree also checked

Not usually, no. Its been a few years since last saw it, I don't remember much about it to be honest. Maybe I'll rewatch it this weekend

oh well I can see his pretentiousness impressed you so who am I to dispel your little "I won this thread by posting some outdated drivel written a long time ago by some old poofter" fantasy.

Well OK then, I hope you "enjoy" it more this time and it leaves a stronger (and positive) impression.

Its alright. I just mainly listen to the amazing soundtrack by Wendy Carlos

>Wendy Carlos

No, of course it's a great film. But compared to his others it feels the most "70s" if that makes sense.

Ha ha ha, stop posting this severely dated garbage, you faggot, it's not relevant to modern discussions of the film, especially here on Sup Forums, and honestly it just makes you look like the sort of douche who pastes pretentious old wank into the conversation and thinks he won something.


>Wendy Carlos

imo it aged kinda poorly but its still a good viewing
