What's the point?

>spaniards and latin americans speak the same language
>get different dubs for movies and tv shows

Sometimes Argentina makes it's own dubs too

This thread is reddit cancer even if meant as ironical.

>spaniards and latin americans speak the same language
Half of latin america speaks portugese though.
And even then they speak different dialects. I live in texas and you just pick up that texmex spanglish. I went to miami and thought I'd be fine, until some fucking cuban throws some incomprehensible gibberish at me.

even native Spanish speakers can't understand the islanders like Cubans, Puerto Ricans, etc. Colombia also has shit tier dialect.


Different dialects, right?

Is this the daily Latam fight thread

Triggered, Goblino?

¿Cuando aprenderan a hablar español bien esos pseudo-europeos?


Deberias revisar tu arbol genealogico palurdo, por tus ancestros moros.

España se ha repuesto despues de perder las colonias luego de 2 centurias? Veo que siguen siendo el chiste de europa.


Anda a casa Mohammed, es hora de rezarle a la meca

Gracias por confirmarlo, como puedes ver todas esas regiones fueron conquista islamica, disfruta tu sangre arabepalurdo.

Wow los españoles son mas tan brutos como dicen los memes. Increible, patetico, pero increible. Que ignorancia.

>w-we wuz kangz!

Imagine if you had some nigger speaking ebonics do the English dub of a foreign film

Spaniards butt keep hurting.
Go home mohammed you'll never be white

Esto es el fin, el Erande Padre.

Somos tan salvajes que tuviste que destruir nuestros cultura y nuestras ciudades para intentar dominarnos, no tienes que ir a hacer tu acto de fe y quemar algun codice maya? O el obispo ya lo esta haciendo por ustedes?

una vela
soy argentino viviendo en OR y extrano estar al pedo. en USA lo unico que haces es laburar, estoy re podrido

I hate being a wagie cuck so much my dudes

Don't be a retard, that's insulting, a better comparation would be showing a brazilian dub on portugal.

brs don't speak spanish