Mfw no gabagool

>mfw no gabagool

Other urls found in this thread:

>Gabagool gash

I wish the Sopranos discussed beef curtains

it's weird that sopranos was such a big deal at the time but has since almost totally disappeared from the public zeitgeist

It's a shame too because it holds up pretty well by any modern standard.

*brings the gabagool*

gaba and/or gool?

things made before 2007 are very offensive to the 90's born queer

>My face when the gabagool is ova there, and I'm ova here.


Memeing faggots killed these threads

Gabagool? Over Here!!



memeing faggots keep threads alive though

they just destroy and degrade until the newfag thinks that's all it ever was.

>the way charm talks when she is flustered and irate
what an adorable angry little shit head

kill yourself retarded pleb

who gives a shit what the newfag thinks
besides this site has gone to the birds a couple years ago bud.... its over
newfags are become ebin channer memesters 4life
and nufags are replacing them
you cant fight the tide with a broom

calm down faggot

go back to tumblr faggot

no u go away

The original post is literally a shit post about cold cuts and you just want to cry about memes?
End yourself

>it's a tumblr ruins another thread episode

yes newfag well done for catching that, too bad you missed the point. try lurking more.

thats what you sound like
like a big cry baby

>Hella f*ckin epic brah

>literally anything else meme-related
>Fuck off you fucking memeing faggots you've ruined Sopranos threads for all eternity


You fucking retard all you want to do is cry like a little bitch
You get called out for being a dumb ass and not seeing the irony
And then you have the nerve to act as if you didn't just step in it and make yourself look retarded

youve been complaining in sopranos threads about memes for about a year now. how about relax, have a dwink

>dumb ass
there was a time when these threads were the best on Sup Forums.
>lmao brah gabagoool!!!
that's just fucking guys.

>literally 10 posters making 30 posts, most of which are insults of each other
you guys should chill out. It's Saturday

Wtf you made no sense or point with this post

see this is the type of fag you attract with this shit.

i tried posting funny pictures and talking about da 'gool with my fellow gabagoolies but some faggot doesnt like memes so some of us guys had to shit all over him

I imagine not when you're fresh off the boat.

have you had enough sneedposting for today?

i dont even watch the simpsons bro

Was you who told him right?

One, Furio needs to be sexier, more threatening, and have access to a time machine. Two, whenever Furio's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking 'Where's Furio?"

exactly, you're a sneed poster

>Furio needs to be sexier,
go back to tumblr poofter


>when you see memes in a Sopranos thread


kill yourself

im going to sneed post whenever apropriate just because i know it pisses you off now
sorry to everyone else


more memes you say?
more memes you shall have!

again, this is the type of poster you attract when you act like memeing faggots.
you're not here because you're interested in anything or want to discuss anything.
you're just here to be an epic troll right brah haha!

no i like the sopranos
its my favorite show of all time
nothing is really the topic of discussion though unless you want to talk about gaba and/or gool?

>nothing is really the topic of discussion though unless you want to talk about gaba and/or gool?
and this is where the memeing queers have brought us.

I literally just finished the show for the first time 20 minutes ago. What should I do now?

this thread was a shitpost about cold cuts
jesus dude you are retarded af

find and post sopranos memes

>jesus dude you are retarded af
back to tumblr whale

heres your favorite meme

Don't stop

I saw some gabagool at the store today. but didn't have enough money on me. Should I buy $50 of gabagool this weekend?

wtf dont spend more than say 20 bucks
you gotta eat it fast or else
what you gunna do with 50 doll hairs worth of 'gool wit?
better start makin them sangwiches right away!

Tailor whiff is a shit wifeyew


finally finished the whole series, what shows will help me through sopranos withdrawal syndrome?

sopranos withdraw will never go away you'll just have to watch clips on youtube to satisfy your itch

Severely underrated webm

It was the last masterpiece from the 90s state of mind.

Easy on the soy

why are you posting the pregnant bitch? you like the idea of being cucked young fella?

This. It's very 20th century

don't pretend you have a clue about anything faggot

It won't be long before late 90s / early 00s stuff comes into fashion as retro stuff (at the moment the early-mid 90s seems to be in fashion), and then I'm sure they'll be a resurgence of popularity of things like The Sopranos.

A bit like how Seinfeld and Twin Peaks have had a resurgence the past few years among millennials discovering them for the first time.

fuck off tumblr

I dunno, it's very late 90s for the first 3 seasons and then very post 9/11 for the final 3 seasons. It kinda works well as a period piece but for the most part (I watched the whole thing for the first time recently) I found it still felt pretty current.

Italian here, what do non-Italians serve at there family functions? Spam?

kill yourself kiddo


Fuck, that scene was so well done.


Hey Puss, do you even like gabagool?

>be britbong
>go to waitrose deli counter
>ask for gabagool
>be sectioned under mental health act

Don't joke, I actually have been sectioned under the MHA. Not for trying to order gabagool though.

>Don't joke, I actually have been sectioned under the MHA
fuck you faggot, half this site has mental problems

Why don't you go fuck yourself. Unless you've been sectioned too then go fuck yourself.

I have faggot, you think it makes you special? go and cry on reddit, like the bitch you are.

Int that near enough impossible these days? My sister was full blown Schizo after a breakdown and she just got a social worker come visit for a few weeks..

Can someone make a gif/ webm of furio saying "stupida facking game"?

>My sister
there's your difference

Can you fuck yourself and stop posting?

women are known mental midgets

kek cry some more faggot

daughters are better at taking care of their mothers than sons

Then you're a faggot you fucking little bitch

For me I can't believe they decided to section me - I think I was still fully cogent, and I wasn't psychotic. The only diagnosis was "major depression". But I wasn't sleeping and I was getting very agitated and shouting and stuff so I guess they thought it was best to section me, the fucking bastards.

So yeah, it's actually pretty easy to get sectioned, it turns out. You don't even need to be psychotic.

How old are you now and how long ago was this

kek you brought it up, your're crying about it
>please don joke about it!
stop crying like a bitch and you won't get treated like one.

Ah, Spiderman! My archnemesis.

I'm 26 and it was only a couple months ago

>I'm 26
why are you crying like a fag boy then?

Fuck me ive the same things as you and might be going down that same road. Im 24 and practically broke

Oh man imagine if he just gave fin the ticket as a bribe but no he had to go with him too and try to suck him off too. the faggot could have been boss

Sorry I hit a nerve there faggot

>still crying about getting sectioned

Depends if your behaviour is erratic I guess, that's why they do it, so that you don't harm others or yourself. Although I didn't think I was going to do either of them, but clearly they did.