One of the best movies ever

This is now one of my all-time favorite films, easily in my top 5.

I rarely see any films or television shows that I really enjoy, but this is a fucking masterpiece. They captured the teenage experience so perfectly in this movie, you actually connect and empathize with the main characters.

I rarely see a movie where I am invested in the fate of each character, I was completely on the edge of my seat by the end,and creeped out when you figure out that the autistic sperg went back and started stabbing at the dead fat kid in the woods. You actually feel dread for the main character when he is trying to maintain a secret but he is driving himself insane trying to keep it all together.

The fucking ending was so damn frusterating though, that was the ony part i really did not like.

Has anybody else watched this?

They got the pacing and the feel for the time period down pretty well but the ending felt somewhat too ambiguous.

>kid literally bursts through a window and gets stabbed in the head/leg by psycho autist to save his princess
>movie ends with her "moving on" from the experience where the main character is not even shown

not even a reward BJ

3-d roasties, not even once

I can't stand the "no payoff" trope it literally bogs down your film with no repeat viewability. Like, write for an exit for fuck's sake.

He should have gotten laid when he went to her house also, what a herb.

I enjoyed it overall but something about it felt off

post the scene where hes sitting in the classroom and the girl behind him masturbates a pen

director was promising for a debut. story was meh. acting was good especially for teenagers.

I actually re-watched the entire movie after it ended because I wanted to see if there were any hints about the psycho autist being a serial killer that I had previously missed.

It also seemed like there was a lot of strange symbolism in the film. Sometimes it felt like the movie was hinting that the main female character had some sort of attraction to the serial killer or something.

The other thing i picked up watching it the second time was when the serial killer sees the girl's number on the main character's arm sling and he spergs out and yells "WHO'S NUMBER IS THAT????"

What did that mean? How did he know it was the girl's number? Why did he find that upsetting? Did he know it was hers? Wtf was going on there?

Did the serial killer and the girl have a slight flirt going or something?

I found it frusterating that he kept pushing her away, but was emphasizing the fact that this kid was losing his mind over his situation. He was sick with guilt but also terrified that he was going to get caught, and then his friend start acting totally bizarre at the same time.

It feels like something that could totally happen to you in real life as a teenager. That's what I liked about it

He clearly got arrested that's why a new kid replaced him in class sitting behind the girl. The 3rd friend's sister was killed and he'll probably go to jail to for covering up the dead kid to.

Yeah that was one of those weird scenes with the bizarre symbolism

Was he imagining that? Like it was symbolic of his teen sexual frusteration? Or the girl was coming onto him but he was so sick with anxiety that he didn't even care?

Weird scene

I think the fact that something felt off the whole time almost made it better. It felt like there was some sort of empty impending doom just lurking around the corner the entire time

>The 3rd friend's sister was killed and he'll probably go to jail to for covering up the dead kid to.

You mean the girl that the psycho autist kills at the end?

The asserted hypothetical payoff being the autist get's what coming to him at the girl's house. I watched the same movie you did.

Teens fuck each other in wacky and wild places I was one of them. Them not having sex seems like a macguffin.

He was definitely trying to fuck his girl. Rewatch the beginning of the party scene. He's trying to expunge his pheromones from the cool zone by smoking stolen weed.

Why did it turn into a stupid slasher movie? I knew someone would die, but the scenes of am the kids hanging tickled my nostalgia pickle. I didn't want it to end. ;-;

>mfw they reference jerking off to that scene from True Lies
I really liked it too OP

I didn't really think it turned into a slasher necessarily, it was just concluding that the kid naively tried to cover up a murder, and he was tying to cover for somebody who was mentally unstable and it came back to bite him

Although I kinda see what you mean, it could have ended differently. I thought it would have been cool if the kid thought that his friend turned into a serial killer but then it turns out he wasn't a serial killer and his girlfriend was cheating on him with his friend or something crazy like that.

Could have gone many different directions, but I found the ending to be suepr depressing.

Yeah the only thing that seemed unrealistic is that he didn't fuck the girl. Teens would not reject sex no matter what stress their under

Was there some deeper meaning to this movie, or was it just about an austistic psychopath?

After watching it twice, I feel like there was a deeper meaning but it is hard to articulate what it is.

It seems like there's so many double meanings, it's hard to pin-point one.

I read that the sword symbolized teenage sexuality and masculinity, which I suppose sort of fits. The autist gets into a fight with the fatass over nothing besides teenage tesosterone rage, so he kills him with the "sword", which represents a phallic object.

Then he goes into the girl's room with his sword and kills one while planning to kill the other, possibly over un-requited sexual attraction.

Then the ending scene has the main character and the autist both fighting over the sword as well.

I thought this narrative sort of made sense, especially in that dream where the main character is fucking the girl with the autist angrily looking at them with the sword over the character's head. I thought this was foreshadowing that the autist would take revenge in a fit of teenage sexual frusteration maybe.

But it seems like there were a million other double-meanings as well.

The movie is kind of meta desu