Is this season for entry-level plebs who think they have good taste and are inteligent?

Is this season for entry-level plebs who think they have good taste and are inteligent?

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No, that'd be more of a GOT thing, at least when it was in it's first three seasons. Twin Peaks is a bit above that.

Like most other people, I only saw the first four episodes. Sup Forums was so hype about it, then it kind of died off after those first four episodes.

one one NINE

/tpg/ went pretty strong throughout the season.

>he didn't experience maximum lynched in /tpg/ after episodes 8 and 16.

such a sadness

it didn't even start getting good until like the 4th or 5th episode

Absolutely not.

I watched all 18hrs and that’s 18hrs of my life I’ll never get back. There was some “win” in there, but not enough. A good director is efficient. He makes his point, pushes your buttons, and (this is where Lynch really dropped the ball) leaves you wanting more. For season 3, Lynch seemed to be in Louie CK mode; he just wants you to watch while he finishes and your cringing only makes it better for him.

>He makes his point, pushes your buttons, and (this is where Lynch really dropped the ball) leaves you wanting more.

lynch did all of these things senpai

Lynch has got it made.
All he has to do is take a crap, and his fanboys go "Woah!"
And you're like, "He didn't really do anything... he just took an shit?"
And they just start jumping up and down and shitting themselves and saying "LYNCHED!"

>he just wants you to watch while he finishes and your cringing only makes it better for him

Is that Louis' psychology then? Huh. A Lynchian character at the very least.

>such a sadness

I literally feel sorry for people who can't appreciate the nuances of Lynch

Are anons like these beyond saving, Sup Forums?

One can only hope not, but probably

That's probably because instead of any tangible plot lines being set up over those 4 episodes, the most significant thing that happens by the end of them is the main character becoming a literal retard who can't function. It was kino but you had to trust Lynch to take you on an unconventional journey.

I liked it. It was pretty much exactly what I wanted though, which was Twin Peaks but with a more overtly Lynchian style than the first two seasons, more like FWWM. I think that not everyone wanted that, and I can see why some people weren’t fans of it.

No, but that describes brainlets like yourself that didn't enjoy it pretty well.

What the fuck did he mean by that? I thought the line was supposed to be "I'm 25 years your senior" but that also doesn't make sense since Cooper wasn't 25 in the original series.

Season 3 > Season 1 > Season 2

Fire Walk With Me is still the best part of the series.

First half is one of the most boring things ever.

Imagine being Ray Wise in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Sheryl Lee, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and lovely symmetrical white face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is Google another black grandma on his iPad in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Ray and not only sit in that chair while Sheryl flaunts her attractive body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her curves and Caucasian skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that sob. Not only having to tolerate her beautiful fucking visage but her kindhearted attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, SHERYL LEE LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her adorable fucking Anglo-Germanic face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of teen anals and black grannies and later alleged Lynch rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Missoula. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her porcelain stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "CUTE" (for that is what she calls herself) beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Ray Wise. You're not going to lose your future acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

The pure kino of the latter half more than makes uo for it.

>The pure kino of the latter half more than makes uo for it.
I agree. I still have yet to watch the 3 hour fan cut with the deleted scenes. Worth it?

I prefered to just skip ahead to the beginning of the Laura sequence for the Q2 edit. I’ve seen TMP and I like the additional Bowie and Chet scenes but when it’s already that long with all of it re-added I might as well shave off a bit and focus on the main part of the story instead.

Regardless, it’s worth a watch. So many great scenes that should have made it in.

I just now noticed that Sherilynn Fenn is in Of Mice and Men.


TP season 3 was the best thing that happened last year.

Dogie was the best part of it all.

This and the Jodorowsky rape edit copypasta are the /tpg/ pastas that always make me kek


God, going through the archive of /tpg/'s on 4plebs and slowly watching /tpg/ become a shell of its former self.
I want to end it all. Twin Peaks is the only show I care about. I CAN'T LET GO!



take it easy man surprise s4 this memorial day

>you will never cradle a sobbing Maddy Ferguson in your arms to comfort her

It's for people who have not seen many of Lynch's works to feel like they are 'artsy' now.
Lynch's 21st century work has been sub-par to what he did last century, but fans of The Return eat it all up. You can tell they've not actually watched Lynch films (even though they claim otherwise) as they endlessly spout out how The Return was much more Lynchian, and like his films; obviously they're not aware that Lynch has never made anything similar to The Return, and The Return lacks his most effective ability - to arouse emotion. Except for the scenes with Dougie & Co, The Return is emotionally dull, with an emphasis on shit lore.

But I don't want to be artsy or ever think myself as artsy. I just liked the comfy /tpg/ threads, and I fucking miss them.

She looks like that chick in Bad Santa. Lauren Graham. It's a shame both are past their prime.


>and I fucking miss them.
>there are multiple Twin Peaks threads a day, all filled with the brain-numbing shit /tpg/ was filled with like CUTE-posting
>it's not just Twin Peaks threads, now EVERY Lynch thread gets infected by it
>after episode 18 /tpg/ were crying about the show being over, because they've got nowhere to discuss the show and don't actually like Sup Forums, confirming that they came straight from a Facebook group.

It’s full of MILFs, thus making it for patricians.

Twin Peaks has been a popular series on Sup Forums for years newfag, Lynch is a popular director on here

These threads are but a shadow of the former glory that was /tpg/.
>after episode 18 /tpg/ were crying about the show being over, because they've got nowhere to discuss the show and don't actually like Sup Forums, confirming that they came straight from a Facebook group.
or maybe because Sup Forums became fucking shit with all the capeshit and politics

I never said otherwise..?
>or maybe because Sup Forums became fucking shit with all the capeshit and politics
But it's been that way for years - so they must've shown up from another site just so that they could talk in /tpg/.
It's as bad as /got/ is with Redditors.

>thinking you can leave this site even after it’s gone to shit
I’ve been here 9 years and I hate it

Right, so people make threads to talk about other things besides politics or capeshit, like a Twin Peaks thread. What is so hard to understand about that?

Utterly, unironically Lynched

The original Twin Peaks is okay but was always my least favorite among the Lynch I'd watched at the time, the Return is among my favorite. You really don't know shit you gay ass bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lynch always does shit like that

except there's plenty of people who don't like Dune and detractors of Lost Highway and Inland Empire too

Just a bunch of fags. You're here for life like it or not.

>It's as bad as /got/ is with Redditors.
Do you see the catalog flooded with Twin Peaks threads? Do you see mods having to step in and stop us because we fucking make Sup Forums unusable?
We are fucking harmless. Also, Redditors fucking hate S3. Not enough coffee and cherry pie for them.

>What is so hard to understand about that?
Nothing - but the majority of /tpg/ posters didn't understand this, hence why they were crying about having 'nowhere else to go'. They didn't understand because /tpg/ was filled with newfags from Facebook.
I don't know why you'd even say this to begin with - my posts should be easy to understand.

/tpg/ was a legit good thread because the show wasn't very popular so the thread wasn't full of shills 24/7 like every other general. just some bros shooting the shit and posting rare sheryls.

I can't believe they played this weird ass shit on regular tv

What’s with the Facebook fixation? Why not just the normal cries of Reddit? It really just sounds like you’re projecting at that point if you need to claw this deeply for a criticism
Nice “nuh uh not me it’s you!” with that last line there too, smooth

>I'm so not into le quirky stuff
>hurr durr no fun 30 years ago

some of it was the best television of all time. some of it was actual garbage like most of dianes scenes and bob orb


There were lots of threads when /tpg/ was around - it wasn't contained. Posters even tried to make Vedderposting a thing outside of /tpg/.
>Also, Redditors fucking hate S3. Not enough coffee and cherry pie for them.
If that's the case, why did it receive so much praise from the audience?
>What’s with the Facebook fixation? Why not just the normal cries of Reddit? It really just sounds like you’re projecting at that point if you need to claw this deeply for a criticism
Because Facebook has been associated with Twin Peaks (especially shill threads) before The Return even aired?
>Nice “nuh uh not me it’s you!” with that last line there too, smooth
Well it must've been hard for you to understand, because I never even implied people are only allowed to make politics threads on Sup Forums

> tfw got bored after 2 epsides of the original in highschool after it getting shilled to me constantly.
> tfw take my revenge by shitposting about idiots getting LYNCHED to probably real fans who are as annoyed as i was.

I can't be the only one.

I need j-just a few new rare ones, the well has run dry since /tpg/ died

He said “Im 25 years your senior”. That photo user posted is incorrect

Well fuck, I guess you can stop worrying about you Facebook boogyman because only 26 different IPs have posted in this thread. Redditors really did not like S3, but that didn't stop it from getting decent scores on RT.
>I never even implied people are only allowed to make politics threads on Sup Forums
Why imply it? You can't imply it because that's all anons want to do right now.

flat out wrong

people wanted cherry pie and got garmonbozia

What even is this conversation? Twin Peaks season 3 was great, fuck off falseflagger.


>she gives you this look
wat do?

did they?

Best line in S3

>You now remember how fucking amazing Part 18 was
Holy shit, I wish I could watch it for the first time again. I don't think I've ever been in as much suspense watching television.

The way you're feeling right now? ----. ----'- ---- ------- ---- --- ----- ----- ---- --- ------ -----.

Enjoy your ----.

>tfw eddie vedder didn't confirm coop never gets his mind back


I fucking hated it when it first came out then grew to love it once I actually thought about it

I was that way about Part 17, I was dreading where it was going as I was watching it, I really thought it was going in a bad and dumb direction. Then I put on Part 18 and it's like ooooooooooh. They throw you for such a curve ball with those two episodes.

I've grown to appreciate part 17 more since then, especially with the context of 18, but I still think 18 is way better.

It's honestly incredible. It's so unsettling even though most of the events in it are completely ordinary. I really hope Lynch keeps on making shit because it proved he's as good as he's ever been

the fucks really are at it again, huh?

My buddy binged this in like 3 days and got pissy with me for telling him he missed a bunch of shit.

Its really amazing not just because it turned out to be great against all odds, but mostly because stuff like episode 8 aired on mainstream fucking tv
If you told me id see a Stan Brakhage tribute on twin peaks of all things, on showtime 5 years ago, id be laughing my ass off
we didnt deserve this show

That was 100% fake and gay. And you believed it?

I was hoping Lynch would go for a more structured narrative like the other seasons, but he seems to prefer going for random shit these days so eh. Good but disappointing.

>these days
Twin Peaks was always one of the exceptions to the rule

Nah, Blue Velvet, Elephant Man, Wild at Heart, I'd argue even Eraserhead had a fairly straight-forward structure, tough it was filled with wonderfully weird shit

You are an idiot.

Liking old and obscure shit doesn't make you smart, but it's okay, you don't deserve to understand the genius of 'Twin Peaks' simply because of how pretentious you are.

More idiots.

Can't be bothered to scroll through the entire thread to find brainlets that clearly didn't understand it or they simply lacked the emotional maturity to become fully captivated.

Everything except Inland Empire is an exception to the rule. Lynch really isn't all that crazy, the media just parrots the idea that he is some out there surrealist.

See I agree with the second part, but you can't say with a straight face that Mulholland Drive has a conventional narrative structure

Sheryl Lee is THICC

what was the point of that character and her kid?

>le weird lunched kek

people are under a lot of stress

>tfw the life-improving effects of CUTEposting are starting to kick in again
Thanks, Sheryl. Literally the best

Watch it, Palmer

imagine being that chair


based fake niles poster


I strive to be like Dougie


Higher resolution Sheryl

>banging hot MILFs left and right
>good job where everyone loves him
>BFFs with badass gangsters
>loving family
Dougie had it better than Coop desu

>tfw already meet 2 out of 4 criteria
Gonna make it, friends