How will sexbots effect films?

How will sexbots effect films?

waifu sex bot when?!?!?!?

holy shit
it's not quite there, but they're getting a lot better about beating the uncanny valley

I'd like to put in an order for a young Emma.

The movements are too jerky. The model looks pretty great stationary but when it moves the illusion is ruined.

But yeah, great progress.

Very little. What you should've asked is "how will deep fakes affect films?"

>self cleaning
>personality modifications

Once all these things exist the female menace will have been defeated.

Why does she have a mustache?


What do they have to do to get it better, realistically? Smoother/better servos? The answer to the Roastie Question is quickly approaching

these sexbots better have ultra-realistic stinky buttholes

It was the only thing keeping Harvey at bay.

Naw man, switch it back.

as a virgin who's actually touched women before the main thing that I can't see sex bots simulating is the thrill of warm female skin

I can't wait to have my own sexy pianist Butler gym instructor masseuse robowaifu that'll play me comfy tunes while I sleep.

that will help with the jerky body movements, but the biggest hurdle I think will be realistic mouth movements during "talking" and inflection

not that hard to make the dolls self-warming if they have a battery or some kind of power source. Same technology behind heated motorcycle grips tee bee aych

Efficient artificial muscles/dielectric actuators, post lithium battery tech, AI, nano sensors

as a virgin who's never actually touched woman before I feel completely empty

God roasties have no much time left

This, instead of motors and whatever, use something like nature, like contracting fibers that simulate muscles

I unironically want a sexbot made based on Hadam

Still not the same. The excitement comes from the knowledge that there's a girl that actually wants you rather than the actual feeling of their skin. In other words, a sexbot might be able to replicate the physical sensation but it'll never be able to give you the psychological gratification of being wanted by another person.

Women will never be replaced
Just deal with it.


yeah, but there are plenty of us living with that now
so why not at least get the physical sensation?

t. roastie

>The excitement comes from the knowledge that there's a girl that actually wants you rather than the actual feeling of their skin.
what a loser why do you care what other people even think

sex bots aren't going to work

you're gonna want neurological implants that accurately simulate everything

I imagine we're going to reach a point where men and women live mostly separate lives
the only major interaction will be drafting up a business contract for procreation

if it gets to the point where its a problem, like so long that its become a mental block you can't see yourself getting past, you should just get a hooker to get thing going. It is a bit nerve-wracking at first if you are awkward, but thik of the losers they deal with, you will be like an easy day at work for them.

no. he's right. it's subconscious and you can't control it. skin to skin contact releases huge amounts of oxytocin. hugging a girl who likes you feels better than fapping

There's already brothels in yurop where men are paying to fuck dolls rather than paying to fuck humans. Your twilight is fast approaching, roastie.

>sex bots aren't going to work
For the user who can't get laid like me, how will it not work?

Also, why are some woman so against sexbots? If a man cannot get laid and sucks at social skills, this is the best decision he can ever make.

Couldn't we argue that lack of hugs is unhealthy and get state medical hugs provided for the hugless?

you don't know that

How is it any different from a fleshlight?

they actually have to want to hug you for it to work

>Also, why are some woman so against sexbots?
Because women, either consciously or subconsciously, are happy using sex as a bargaining chip for anything from job security to financial stability

>you should just get a hooker to get thing going
But what if I am scared of having sex because my dick is very small when flaccid yet is a decent length when hard yet the average woman will see it flaccid and think that's my full size and then I will be too nervous to get hard.

Not to mention I've tried to sexchat online and when it gets to cumming I freeze and cannot finish so I am afraid if I were to have sex with a hooker, I'd suddenly lose my erection and not be able to jizz.

>How is it any different from a fleshlight?
Why the fuck would someone want to buy a foot or a fleshlight and jerk off with your dick in it? Makes me feel like a cannibal.

I need the full body so it's realistic

nah, i'm sure a hug from a trained hugging professional would work

yes yes well done women, well done womeHOWEVER

as someone who has hugged girls who liked me, it's nowhere near as good as masturbating

You can pay them to get excited to see your micro dick

>dick is very small when flaccid yet is a decent length when hard
This is normal, hookers have seen hundreds of dicks

maybe they weren't cute and soft enough

I had sex with a chinese prostitute that seriously looks just like this bot

Sounds very miuch like an actual psychological issue, I know it would be embarrasing, but you can actually go to a shrink with these issues and maybe even get into a sex therapist, which is a medical hooker that understands these things and will help you out

But what if I just want to give the woman a massage?

also where can I find massage porn and by that I mean NOT where the guy fucks the girl but actual sexual massage where he constantly massages her hair and body.

This like never exists and I would make this if I knew woman

Domo Arigato Ms. Roboto

>but you can actually go to a shrink with these issues
I am seeing one at moment. I mentioned Tinder to him and he told me to keep using that and to try and ask someone out for a day for a cup of coffee.

I get matches yet I hardly get any replies despite me being a guitar playing and I make my own music.

What else do girls want? Even a fat girl I told her I make music and she didn't respond

Simple, get escort, say you just want to massage her for a bit, you can do what you want they are not going to object to a massage for some dollars are they?

I am 23 and still live at home and am on my learner's cos my depression made me wait so long to get my life in order. Make fun of me but I've suffered the worst anxiety you could ever imagine.

Shit happens. We all fail in life - just get up and try again. And... Just go and fuck an escort m8. If you want to.

Has technology gone too far?

For me? It would be Chloe Bennet-bot.

And you?

literally /OURROBOT/

your therapist doesn't understand Tinder
it very rarely results in a hookup; it's mostly for women to get self esteem boosts by getting tons of messages
they rarely respond to them, but having visual evidence of being desired makes them feel good

God I wish that were me...

I don't know what they want, women are insane, but it may be that you come across as needy or trying too hard or something, hard to avoid if you are needy, but I dunno, play it cool, give em some banter, act like you got your shit together even if you don't, it's worked (occassionally) for me but I'm not some chad who finds it easy either. Some girl on tinder isn't gonna want to deal with someone with issues, but a proper therapist would understand more if its such an issue. Don't put so much pressure on yourself, if it happens, it happens.


wew they made a pedobot

File your grievance with a local Judge. A local Magistrate. As many authorities as you can anonymously document. Because when society finally does brute force hack your consciousness into providing for them the violent conqueror slash patsy that they need you will need as much help remembering you did everything you could to find peers. For without peers where will the find bodies to fill their jury against you or your jury against them.

Needs another 20 years before we start to get some Westworld style of robots, minus the psychopathic murdering.

wouldnt a robot girl be strong enough to actually hurt you? Like imagine shes giving you a handjob then she has a malfunction and squish your dick too hard literally pulverizing it.

But why is it an ugly gook?

The gooks are the only ones taking them seriously.

I'll have one of these.

A real woman could bite my dick off or kill me in my sleep with a steak knife to the throat what's your point?

I really can't tell the difference between this and the average gook but that's just me

I'm gonna make mine shoplift

>Like imagine shes giving you a handjob then she has a malfunction and squish your dick too hard literally pulverizing it.

You have to deliberately make the servos and tolerances unnecessarily strong in order for a human sized robot to be able to hurt a human.
The most likely injury you're going to get from a robot is it accidentally poking you in they eye or falling on you.

However, the real problem with poorly calibrated sex robots is that they're going to walking into things hard or fall over and damage their skin.

Real gooks look less human

The uncanny valley will never be broken

I was gonna say, still mildly uncanny there, but they overcame the creepy factor. Reaching the point of even inspiring feelings of empathy. I think what it is, is a certain pointedness and nuance to its expression / gaze that was lacking before. It gives the sense of interior life, an undercurrent of feeling, even if it doesn't have any of that. And it never will - they'll never crack life / consciousness. Its intelligence will always just be complex programming, no inner subjectivity.

You know there's going to be deaths of robots running out of battery while ontop of a guy and they starve to death.

Missionary or doggy only for me when these things become real, no cowgirl.

if seriously, they'll probably use bots to simulate sex scenes so actresses don't feel raped

stunt bots too

once they get trapbots and cunnybots out

nah, it will be.

>sex bots are evil because it steals the jobs from women who are economically disadvantaged. Its a woman's choice to do whatever she wants and this violates it.

The Left will find a way that this is bad for women.

>You know there's going to be deaths of robots running out of battery while ontop of a guy and they starve to death.

I doubt they're ever going to get heavy enough to be able to trap a human. Fullsize sex dolls usually weigh 60-80lbs and the only difference between those and a sex robot is that the robots will have more weight in the head and limbs.
These things are never going to be as robust as Atlas or anything like that. They're going to be weak and slow and made out of plastic and carbon fiber to keep costs down. You probably won't even see them with batteries for a while purely because it'd jack up the massively.

>remove roasties
>remove immigrants
god blessed us with the japanese

It doesn't need to be.
An advanced Asimov with loli skin is good enough

I don't think you understand the way the "left" works. It doesn't have a fixed position on things. It will be anti-AI, and pro-AI, at different points. It'll complain that AI is stealing human worker jobs (which it will, and is a problem), and feminists currently have an issue with sexbot AI, but that's just because MRA dorks like it. The left just positions itself in opposition to the right, which is just about equally retarded. In time though, the left will want to take on the more 'sophisticated' position of 'AI rights' (even though there will be no evidence they're actually alive, but likely out of spite for religious arguments), and then deem the complaint of AI taking jobs as a 'reactionary' complaint.

There's a point that you have to realize politics are meaningless. Just a medium for people channel their emotional issues, leveraged usually by business interests, if you want to get super reductive.

Who doesn't prefer cute robots to darkies???

the uncunny valley

She's already made of plastic.

based cunny poster

>new ip
>just for that lame shit
roastie lamo

Some of the inthecrack videos have massage, there's a really good one with Lexa

Get your disgusting dog eaters off my anime website.

I can't believe there's betas out there who find this attractive

>my chinks are better than your chinks

>young emma

how young?

>Racists ruining a good cunny thread

Gynocentrists will outlaw it but keep inserting bigger and bigger dildos

What kind of name is Anya?

only answer

it's "Anna" in slav speak