Predator>The Terminator>Commando>Everything else

Predator>The Terminator>Commando>Everything else

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predator fucking sucks

My top three would be Conan>Commando>Running Man and then Total Recall=Predator a close fourth.

fuck off, it's a brilliant 80's shooter. Everything after the first has been trash

>Running Man
I like this too but this movie had such a poor production quality.

Wow how fucking wrong can you be

Commando>Last Action Hero>Total Recall>Conan>Terminator 2>Predator>The Terminator> Kindergarten Cop>True Lies>Eraser> Jingle All the Way>Twins>The Fifth Day> anything else

I forgot the running man after the terminator also WITNESS ME

>Terminator 2 before The Terminator

I liked Terminator 2 better than the first one. I like it better when Arnold plays the good guy.

The best combat action scene to come out of the 80s

Is it watchable? Haven't seen it since I was a kid

>pic related

"You think this is arnies best movie"? IT IS

Also the greatest action sci-fi this century.

I hired it on jewgle play for some nostalgia recently. Was still very good but you kinda realist why this movie never gained a following like the others. Still worth

no its shit

T2 has great action and is a good movie. The metal man was freaking mind blowing at the time.
It's more the Arnie character I don't like. His best stuff is him being serious and cold, not cheesy like in T2.
His roles seem to get gayer inline with his age

From a nostalgia perspective it's worth it.

>missing Conan
>THE seminal pulp fantasy

Jesus Christ, it thrones above everything.


Based Hungarians

>10 hours

Total Recall
The running man
terminator 1

Commando is the pleb choice and the perfect closet fag detection media


T2 is the most perfect american action movie ever created. I say "american" because the Hongkong action kino of the 80s is unsurpassed. It was and still is lightyears ahead of everything.

But Cameron gets a freebie on T2. Nothing ever came close

>Hello cutie pie. Looks like one of us is in DEEP trouble


>What a hothead

>What happened to Buzzsaw?
>He had to split

>I don’t do requests

It’s very quotable


Cheesy is great. It’s what makes him Arnold. Otherwise you could just as easily get van damme or rutger hauer

Total Recall is one of my greatest guilty pleasure movies.

Predator > Terminator > Alien > Lance Henrikssen.

>"Killian! I'll be back."
>"Only in a rerun."

Top tier movie.

You’re a funny poster, I like you. That’s why I’m going to kill you last.

Commando is 80s perfection.

But then you have the running man at number 2 so your opinion is discarded.
Watched it lately? Go back and re-watch


>Cohaaagen. You gaht what you wahnt. Gib dese peeple ayuh!

I prefer the young and serious Arnold, I mean look at this pure kino

What about this?

>I love this saw! It's a part of me... now I'm gonna make it part of *you*!
>No...Thanks...You keep it! (Shoves the saw between his legs)

The Terminator >*the worlds biggest power gap*> Predator > Conan The Barbarian > shit > the rest

if I'm not me!, then who the hell am I?

T2 is better than The Terminator though


It really isn't.

You're not my mother, Todd.

Predator 2 > Terminator 2 > Aliens > Bill Paxton

True Lies>Predator>T2>T1>Total Recall>Everything Else

Predator>The Terminator>Conan the Barbarian>Terminator 2>True Lies>Total Recall>Last Action Hero>the rest

Whats more shit? Terminator 3 or salvation?


3 isn't that bad

that was pretty good too, but its not as Epic as Predator and Terminator

Game over man, game over.

>You are Edgier than your wall of 200 dollar Katanas.

>Millennial soy & tofu fags actually believe this

3 is pretty goofy in places. Salvation has some good things, but the story gets weaker and weaker as it goes along. They're not that bad. The tv show was better than both though.
Genesis (or whatever it's called) is the shitty Terminator movie.

I thought Genysis had a cool story.
Liked the writing but hated that they changed the characters

Story was cool, but the finished movie wasn't. Bad casting, bad effects, dull fight scenes and stunts, etc.
Connorbot could have been awesome, but it was just laughable and weird. Bad casting and bad design are to blame. Even the T-1000 effects were shit compared to T2. What the actual fuck?

These are great books too. Read some of them when I was a kid

>Sub Zero! Now, Plain Zero!

>That soundtrack

you cunt

>TFW no phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range

Total Recall is the best movie in which Arnold appears.
Commando is the best Arnold movie.

predator>total recall>terminator>true lies>everything else

Yes I am. Now stop browsing image boards young man. You have homework to do.

T1 is the best movie in which Arnold appears. And by a fucking long shot.
The Predator is the bet Arnold movie.

you miss typed T2

And you mistyped Hercules in New York.

>no Hercules In New York


The new feature length Kung Fury will be in the top5.

Top tier:

Conan, Predator, Commando, Terminator 1 and 2, Total Recall, True Lies.

Good Tier:
Running Man, Raw Deal, Eraser, Last Action Hero, Kindergarten Cop, Twins

Bad But Watchable Tier
Junior, 6th day, End of Days, Terminator 3, Hercules in New York, Red Heat, Last Stand, Batman & Robin, Conan the Destroyer.

Uninteresting and forgettable tier: everything else.

> I Forgot Jingle all the way

Put it in bad but watchable.

pleb opinion

Total Recall > The Terminator > Terminator 2 > Predator > Conan the Barbarian > the rest
Which one, user?

Accurate image

I did nothing, the pavement was his enemy

Hello roastie, fuck off

Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last? I lied.