ITT: people who got shows/into roles/ect. solely through nepotism

ITT: people who got shows/into roles/ect. solely through nepotism.

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Why do you losers hate nepotism so much? You have shitty loser relatives we get it, get over yourselves

Almost every single Jew in Kikewood.

Hi Will.

Max "Land This" Landis
Franco's brother
Spike Jonze (got scripts handed to him by Coppola)

This. It's basically the same thing as any other career. If my child got an advantage, that advantage doesn't come free because it's from MY hard work, and I, as his father, has the absolute right to give him that advantage.

I swear it’s just jealous anti semites and commies who hate nepotism
Life isn’t fair, get over it

She was great in American Horror Story

'Sup, Will? Also, nepotism promotes mediocrity over a merit-based system which makes humanity better as a whole.

It's the most poisonous thought the Boomers and Gen X introduced into the culture. The idea that if you build your life off of opportunities presented by your parents that you are somehow lesser.

In real life staying in the family business is one of the best decisions you can make.

>merit has no place at all in a civilization
Get a load of this fucking kike



Meritocracy is a meme. What do you understand by merit? Whoever worked the hardest deserve a better social status? If so, those who are predisposed with advantage early in his life (e.g. parent's financial support to get the best education) can game the meritocracy to his advantage.
In short, merit won't solve the nepotism problem. If anything, it will enhance nepotism.

The problem is when it's solely nepotism, meaning the one who gets the advantage is by no means qualified for the job.
For example actors who can't act

I agree. But the same thing can happen with affirmative action. And like my previous post, meritocracy will only enhance nepotism. Non-qualified actor (or worker) is a sunk cost, no matter via which channel he's recruited. The optimal solution to the problem is to solely judge the end result, not actively hinder the means (in this case nepotism). If Cara deLevigne is totally shit, there'll be a stable equilibrium at some point where she will not booked anymore for anything.


I don’t get it. Are her parents actors or something?

Does a jewish sugar daddy count?

Because even the most retarded monkey will understand that it promotes mediocrity.

After Earth was good

ITT: Actual jews

for me to poop on

>everyone I don’t like is a joo

Chinks, Indians and Africans are all huge on nepotism too. Only western cultures view nepotism as the corrupt, anti-capitalist practice that it is.

Does it make you sad that your dreams of going into space exploration for yourself will never be realized? You can, quite literally, blame the Jews. This is why.

The Jews destroyed humanity and, via extension, humanity's chance at interstellar travel. They did so with the "usury banking system" (, a system founded entirely on one word.


Trust, as the extremely few of you who are currently happy with a significant-other can attest, is the number one key to any relationship. Trust opens the lines of communication and strengthens the bond between a man and a woman (or, if you prefer, "a man and another man," "a woman and another woman," "a nu-trans fourth trimester transsensual Angst Profile ZETA-8 genderqueer pseudo-dyke reformed lesbiophilic heteromollusc and another of its kind", etc.)

Any soldier who's been in battle will tell you, without the slightest hint of irony, that trust in his fellow soldier is not only recommended, but absolutely vital to keeping themselves and their fellow soldiers, intact. As the old adage says, "every man deserves respect until he proves otherwise."

This, ladies and gentlemen, is why the Jews are literally a cancer that has plagued this planet for thousands of years. Usury banking (and those who, faced with little other choice, embraced it) gave birth to the Rothschild Family, John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan & a host of other greedy, soulless, mistrusting individuals who also used other unethical and (questionably) immoral tactics to further their fortunes, fortunes founded on the misery and mistrust of others. They also silenced visionaries such as Nikola Tesla, whose dreams of wireless electricity for all were crushed forever by those in power at the time.

I encourage any genuine Jew or supporter of usury banking (or even loaning with interest, at that) to debate this with me, if you so desire, but your position is indefensible and your so-called "argument" is unwinnable.

Without usury, private money lending is discouraged and without private money lending the only option for individuals to start businesses, get an education or buy land is to rely on the government grants or save for decades.
This is one of the main reasons why muslim countries are all extremely shit with low social mobility, low education standards and low diversity economies.

>That time Nicolas Cage said "Fuck Nepotism"
What a wonderful guy

>only anti-semites are against nepotism
>how dare they imply I'm jewish!

T. Jesus

This guy should be the poster boy for nepotism


In the case of Spike Jonze, it actually turned out to be pretty good though.

In the real world though (as opposed to your delusional neckbeard hugbox) nepotism has nothing to do with Jews. You obsess over Jewish instances of nepotism, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist everywhere else too.

He says his father never helped him get any roles and he auditioned for his fathers movies but never got the roles.

Have a hard time believing his name didn't help get some of his early gigs though, just having the surname on a poster is worth hiring him.

and that's a good thing

her and Cara

space isn't real

her dad does 80 films a year to help her get ahead in Hollywood


if he /really/ wanted to pull the "I'm not riding on my succesful family's coattails" he should have changed his last name like Nic Cage

Jaden is top tier rapper now on his own label

This same Jew will then turn around and harangue you about "white privilege" and how you don't own the contries your forefathers built for you. That nationalism is stupid and only unaccomplished losers take pride in what they didn't personally do. But you better remember the 6 gorillion, goy!


the microcephaly jokes are always good


Sofia Coppola

I've heard that. I watched it. It wasn't the worst movie, but how do I make it good. What frame of mind?

Literally this entire show, every one of the girls is the daughter of some famous New York socialite or entertainer

>4 films in pre-production
>6 films still filming
>22 in post-production
>16 to be released
He's unstoppable

pretty sure he got the entire cigarette package by now

Chaim please

He knows everyone in Hollywood. He's unstoppable.

he's fucking awful though
it must be nepotism

The entire Coppola family sans Sophia (good director) Shalia Tire (good actress) and arguably Nicholas Cage.

I like hollywood nepotism when it involves the sexy-starlet daughters of my favorite actors. Being the offspring of a famous person makes them automatically hotter

>He says his father never helped him get any roles
you really think he would admit it if his father did? He's not getting any roles based on his talent.

Ew why does he look so dirty? He was actually hot once why do rappers all look like shit