What do you think about the neverending story 2

What do you think about the neverending story 2

>What do you think about the neverending story 2

I forgot it even existed.

Did you like it when you remembered it existed

I did not know this existed.

Why have you brought this knowledge to me, user?

Although it completes the second half of the book, don't watch it, it's absolute ass.

There's also a third one.

It's not bad you just hate it because some guy on the internet said it was bad


why is life such pain

No, I've seen it. It's bad. The only thing worse is the third one.

The second one was good but I agree the third was bad

The Bastian from the first movie was so much better. The robots were scary/cool

How was he better,

>and the series

>I forgot it even existed.
>I was born 8 years after it came out

>it's absolute ass.
kill yourself faggot

those things had a kino design

Posting more pictures

>that deal he makes where he can trade memories for just about anything
>starts climbing a wall and instead of wishing for a ladder or some shit, he wishes for one brick to pop out at a time
>this consequently makes him a mind wiped retard except for one memory about his mother that the bird creature had a cry over

Stupid ass movie.

I honestly don't remember ever having seen it but I must have

>Did you like it when you remembered it existed

No, but dont worry I'll forget it even existed soon.

>Stupid ass movie.
are you a nigger?

Well he was running from the monsters why would he wish ? he didn't even know that it would work , if he wished it could've not worked so climbing the rope makes more sense

>never ending story
>story actually ends
Fuck you

>3rd one

why didnt he wish for eagles to bring the ring to mt. doom?

kek PABLO omfg im dying this is the best meme.

also chloes face is shopped i hope

its actually not

i wanted to fuck her so badly

>its actually not
oh my. i start to understand pablo

Wow, she's cute. What's her name?

This is boy

kill yourself pedo faggot

This is no way to end a thread, how about something positive ,anybody?

if some faggot poof didn't show up at the end it wouldn't be this way would it?

Dang faggots when will they learn