Bendis Daredevil Pt. 6

Internet cut out while autoposting so the thread stopped mid issue. I fucking hate that. I'm going to do the thread now so there is no chance it will crap out again. Prior threads below. Because the last thread is dead, I'm going to restart the last issue because I don't have to worry about identical images.






I just remembered that Spock beat the shit out of this guy and everyone through a giant hissy fit.



Glad to have you here today! We're gonna finish the final TPB today!!!

I love that Jester was going to beat him down with a computer monitor. And if the Jester is willing to kick a man while he's down with the intent to kill, why would anyone be upset he got beat up? Why would the Avengers give a shit?



SERIOUSLY!!! Why would anyone be upset he got mauled? He's willing to take fucking hostages and imply slitting their throats!?



Not gonna lie, first time reading this I was not expecting that





Maleev could have used the same image with minor alterations and called it a day. Glad to see he went through drawing all new images.






Wasn't expecting this this early

If this was happening to me, I'd probably go with this option.

Perfect description




I didnt' get what Matt was talking about when I first read this. Many years later, I think i'm starting too.



To anyone in this thread, would you want me to continue posting Daredevil End of Days in this thread or give it its own? I'm going to have to make a new thread anyway so I'm thinking I'll do the latter.


I think the latter would be neater, yes.

>I really should see a psychiatrist.
Best thing I ever did.

My man



There's a head injury


Is he smiling?














I feel like Foggy is constantly the bearer of bad news.



How does the federal government not know he's Daredevil? He literally drove into a bar with half a dozen witnesses dressed in a Daredevil costume, admitted to beating Wilson fisk to a pulp, and then declared himself the new kingpin of New York? This seriously wasn't enough?



I think I'm starting to like this guy. Del Toro can get fucked.




>Not SHIELD's jurisdiction.
Since when does SHIELD giving a flying fuck about jurisdiction?












That's a lewd Hill.


Not gonna lie, this was the reaction I was hoping for.





Matt's a dick


So they ran a story without even knowing if this proof exists? Stupid. Also, what could possibly be written in a book that would count as hard evidence? I'm not a lawyer but I really don't understand it.










Shit just got real
