*chokes your waifu*

*chokes your waifu*

oh hai Daily Mail


she has meatier legs than him.

her legs are thicker than his

The Daily Mail is living in Riley's head rent-free

This is common.

He upgraded damn. You go soy boi

riley, step away from the waifu, slowly

we know you're upset but theres no need to do anything stupid

The Weak should fear the Strong


jesus christ have you 2 neets ever seen a woman?

t. Virgins

what the fuck is wrong with his feet

as it should be
>ywn poots

>you will never be Mister Imogen Gay Poots
>you will never say "Mister Poots, I love your daughter."
>you will never fuck the Poots out of her
>you will never call her Pootie
>you will never put your arm around her waist and refer to your children as "All our little Pootses"
>you will never nickname various parts of her body Pootsie, Pootser, or Pootspoots
>you will never pant the name "Imogen Gay Poots, oh Imogen Gay Poots" in her ear as you make love to her
>you will never slip the ring on her finger and say "I guess you're Imogen Straight Poots now"

Jesus, look at Riley’s legs. Imoges is bigger than him

His feet look gross and her feet look great I can't blame girls for wearing sandals everywhere.

Fucking leglets I swear. I bet you've never even seen a gym from the inside.


There's not reason for a man with a low bodyfat % to have thick ankles

>morrissey shirt
>qt feet
>adorable even whilst getting choked

Perfect waifu

There's also calves in your lower leg, user.

someone tweet this at him

Which you cant see on the picture

She's got thicker legs than he does.

I've made so many of these weird things I hope he's seen at least a few.

most women have thicker legs than men

yeah, if you have chicken legs

Yes. And there's a reason why you can't, you brainless twig

Show your legs

imogen no

Man, I really wish he was some autistic fuck so I could root for him, but he is such a soyboy normie

Exactly, he should train them.

>moving the goalposts
Not an argument

To be fair calves are hard to grow, but still

>grown man
>5'4 woman have thicker legs than you
No wonder Mew quited

Ahaha chicken legs

Why are her legs thicker than his?



>ywn touch poots

shes the best :) just the best

he's got fucking frog legs, except frogs have thighs

>the weak should fear the strong

I bet MEW is crying right now


Very hot

I wonder how long it took mew to realize he was a faggot.

>that pic
Shit taste user


he's pressing his penis against her back
that's sexual harassment



based as fuck




Sup Forums FOUND A WAY

He got himself a real cutie. MEW is a soulless roastie that will be single in a few months, when Ewan gets his Obi-wan role back, he'll move on.


He's such a massive beta soycuck even while choking a hot bitch he looks like a needy piece of shit who could burst into treats at any second

>not locking a body triangle for maximum efficiency and pressure on the opponent

Lol. Shut your whore mouth, virgin. MEW is a goddess, you're just too beta to give a woman like her what she needs


Slow and steady wins the race, but this won't save Ewan McGregor's life.

You guys should youtube how faggy Riley's voice is. It makes this webm a lot funnier. One of the gayest voices I've heard. I didn't expect it at all.

>MEW is a goddess

>his waifu is a post-wall dried up whore

>implying there's any difference in 2018 where the average millennial is a complete manchild irregardless of social experience

the great un-soying of our time


the wall is very real

a woman without a husband and child past 30 is a mess


How about one of you FAGGOTS link to the FUCKING video?

>women don't hit the wall

>tfw a 27 year old female virgin and can feel it coming

Lol. Come back when you've grown some pubes, you jokes


t. John Boyega

A beanie inside the house? wtf is this shit.

>some scottish cocksuckers have been saying im back
>...yeah, I’m thinkin’ I’m back


you can tell she kinda digs getting choked

I didnt know you guys liked such filthy waifus. Choking is a pretty Dgen fetish.

who is adelaide

Mary Elizabeth Winstead
>age: 33
>net worth $2 million
Imogen poots
>age: 28
>net worth £2million

punished riley rises

>tfw you finally get that scottish cocksucker

He's back lads we did it

he must have trained with Prophet Haidaduli