What's his name again?


He gets more hot pussy then you ever will fag and he is a real man dan the man

How the fuck has he gotten away with it for so long? I was convinced he would get caught up in the whole me too thing.

He brainwashes and installs microchips into his actresses brains that will give them immense pain if they think anything negative about Dan.

Try to say Beer Can without sounding like a Jamaican talking about sweet meat.

"Don't call me that"

>Dan “The Man With a Plan” Schneider
>Dan “Van Driver” Schneider

>tfw prime Miranda will never give you a prime footjob
Poor girl, but what a lucky fatass. I envy him so much.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Dan "The pussy divider" Schneider
Dan "The hips collider" Schneider

>222. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 02/15 **#2**
>It was just a music video, but this former tween star was all about the casting couch when he cast his latest music video. Drake Bell

He found a way, like Drake.

Army of spies, and the right connections.

Gary Glitter's Babysitter.

Dan must be so proud of him. He taugh Drake well. I bet Dan shared Megan with him often at their kids show.

Don’t be so rough with her, fellows. Just imagine being 13 years old Miranda Cosgrove. Dan tells you that you will have your own show, iCarly, and you will be famous, rich and glamorous. But then, he tells you that “if you are nice with me, I will nice with you”. And basically, contract negotiation is about how much you are willing to “give” him. If you say yes, it’s assumed you are available for sex while doing the show. If you say not, forget work and fame, you will be blacklisted at Hollywood, Dan and his powerful friends will talk about you like “just another insufferable and spoiled little bitch”. And remember that you are just a 13 years old. You just want to be star, you are too young to know better.
So, don’t talk about her like a Hollywood hooker. 24 years old Miranda Cosgrove hates casting couch as much as anybody here. She will never fuck producers to get roles again. She was just too young.

By being the most powerful man in Hollywood

That's so sad, Miranda. Feel sorry for you.

Paul Blart?

>literally Nickelodeon commercial for tween show
>Commercial 1
>Boy - "The pool is 12 feet deep.
>Girl - "No the pool is 12 feet, as in 12 feet maximum."
>Commercial 2
>ends with boy asking another boy "Are you wearing a diaper?" and checking plastic hanging out of his jeans.
these shows are just filled with fetish shit constantly. it's so obvious and all different fetish shit.

I wish he was my dad. Nothing sexual. We could go fishing together or something.

Dan "cream team" Schneider

Dan "straight up club" Schneider

Dan "a hole in one" Schneider

Dan "Weinstein is my Einstein" Schneider

Dan "Pete for greed" Schneider

They have to rhyme you moron.

Dan "metoo" Schneider

Damn. If she was not rich as fuck thanks to Dan, I will feel sorry for her.

He's legit innocent, there are so many washed up nick stars that could have their spotlight for #metoo wave

He's a low level TV producer, with an exaggerated power level, he's small fry compared to Weinstein or Spacey to be "protected" by "'""them""".

He's the target of a huge online smear campaign because he's fat and has no self-awareness around kids

After so many time without being outed, probably that's true. Dan is just some random kids show producer about nobody cares. Very disappointing.

Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider

BLASPHEMY!!! Dan the man with a master plan is Sup Forums hero, living Sup Forums dream. He is just too smart to get caught.

Dan "Hold her tighter, she is a fighter" Schneider

>August 14, 2017
>Teen Choice Awards
>This B list actress from a long running movie franchise just got her drivers license but was telling the drooling men two and three times her age hitting on her that she was 21. Even if she told them the truth, most wouldn't care. Between the TCA and Kids' Choice, you see the underbelly of sexual deviants.
>Isabela Moner

>Dan "get in the Van" Schneider
>Dan "I built the Hadron Collider" Schneider