How are you supposed to be a Christian after watching this film?

How are you supposed to be a Christian after watching this film?

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It's hollywood. They want you not to be christian

If you have atleast two brain cells you'll be more religious after watching this.

the movie shows the devil to be real and you ask how to be a christian? seems like it's easier than ever before

It's okay user. I too let movies decide my eternal salvation. I lost all hope after the Lego Movie.

Like it or not, if you live in the western world, you are already a cultural christian

>you'll want to live a superstitious world after seeing the movie
The movie is a metaphor for a time when humanity was ruled by mass superstition.
There is no christianity without god.

But I'm muslim and think that letting your wife fuck strangers in front of you is not arousing.
How can I be culturally christian with these ideas?

Prove eternal salvation exists.

user are you retarded its the classical devil story.
The devil basically gave small pushes here and there so that family's own sins could ruin them.

The devil isn't supposed to be taken literally, you pleb. He's just a personification of human nature, which Christians try to hide and deny with superstition.


>The devil isn't supposed to be taken literally
yes, he is
watch the interview with the director/writer

You can’t. Next question.

Actual supernatural forces are shown in the movie, you idiot. I hope you're trolling


The supernatural forces are metaphors, they're just conveyed literally.

will you shut up already
you fucking idiot

>films only have one possible reading and have to be understood literally
t. Brainlet


It's an indie film, 'hollywood' isn't one big homogeneous thing, retarded Sup Forumstard.


the director himself said that everything in the movie supposed to be taken literally

I have faith and so should you

I still remained Muslim after watching it.

>Letting a fictional piece of media dictate your ideology

At least you guys are consistent.

What? The Goat is literally the Devil.

If you fear life and enjoy the security and despair of mom's basement you'll be more religious after watching this.

It's stilll a literary device.
There's no devils in the real world. The film is portraying a literal Christian world, but we, as viewers that understand devils and witches are nonsense, should view these things symbolically and metaphorically.


Or be lifted into the sky naked to soar with beauty.

>the vvitch

So what the fuck was Black Phillip's problem?

Does the VV actually have any meaning in the movie?


he's still mad that god threw him out of heaven

It's just some ye old spelling, user.

Most of the corruption going in the family are direct consequences of lies, their lack of faith also boosts their downfall.

Its jungle out there.

Why would (((they))) not want the goyim to be Zionists?

Well, it's a Puritan horror movie. In the movie, the father committed the sin of pride by brlieving he knew better than his community elders. Thus he was living in sin, and his family was out of God's protection. I don't agree that this is how God works, but it's how the Puritans would have seen the situation.

Why do they use "w" instead of "vv" in some places but not others?

When you realize that the underlying theme of The Witch, it becomes an even better movie.

First of all, the witch is real, as shown at the beginning of the movie.
Second, like the original puritans, the fatherfigure reinterprets scripture that leads to irreconcilable differences. The family represents Puritan america exiled from european Christianity.

Likewise, the witch eats the teenage boy with sexuality, and the devil lures the daughter with allures of material wealth. "The Witch" allegorically addresses the consequences of Liberal-Protestantism, and the nature of the USA as run by the devil.

>Likewise, the witch eats the teenage boy with sexuality, and the devil lures the daughter with allures of material wealth. "The Witch" allegorically addresses the consequences of Liberal-Protestantism, and the nature of the USA as run by the devil.


Fucking morons

Pride goeth before destruction

>the director doesn't have unconscious or subconscious motivations which he isn't aware of


Found the phoneposter.

No access to dictionaries

There weren't really grammar rules, people just wrote how they wanted to after how the word sounded. So they chose something different every now and then because of the lack of rules. I'm not entirely sure though. just guessing since this is how it was for swedish, maybe it wasn't that way for english.

Easily. Don't think you're holier than thou. That was the family's problem to begin with and made them a target for the devil.
"Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall."
1 Corinthians 10:12 NABB

This movie is not anti-christian, it's literally just a folk tale trying to stick true to what people believed back made from various other folk tales from that period. Look at it as a sort of fairytale someone would tell their kids as a warning. The father, through the sin of pride, leaves the church into the wilderness. All the family members commit some form of sin, and the withc of the woods and Satan sees that they are vulnerable from their sin and attacks them. Thomasin in the end is turned into a witch that we previously see smearing herself with baby goo so it's not a happy ending at all.

>This movie is not anti-christian, it's literally just a folk tale trying to stick true to what people believed back made from various other folk tales from that period.
That is anti-christian in a way, because it portrays Christianity as it really was, irrational and superstitious.

The devil isn't real.

Uhhhh, that AMA you linked to totally undercuts your point.
>Who is to say it is unambiguous just because I show it?
>(Is that ergot growing on the corn?)
>Every interpretation is valid. TRULY.
>But we need to know what a 17th century evil witch is right away so we know what the stakes are.

No, it's just an accurate period piece. Any anti/pro-christian sentiment would be derived entirely from the viewer.

I had a dream about this movie earlier, but I've never watched it before. Is there a scene where a tiger chases a man around a library?


>but I'm Moslem
Then we don't want or need you here

Sup Forums is a muslim site you cucklord. Now tell your pope to lick our feet.

if you had more than two brain cells, this movie wouldn't change your worldview at all.

The devil is religious fanfiction. The original texts never reference some all powerful lord of darkness. Satan is literally a generic term to describe a villain and it got twisted into being some guys name.