Everything deleted

>everything deleted

what does this mean, tv?

Hopefully that Netflix bought the show

I think he finally found God and repented

Imagine actually supporting Kikeflix

I like Norm's shows, but he's not good enough for a wider audience.

How about he fucking explains why on his Twitter and makes a statement instead of just talking about golf all the time.

all set to private


Well fuck.

i'm not norm has been working feverishly on norm videos, hopefully he'll do some reuploading

Letterman got him that gig, guaranteed.

holy crow

This. Norm didn't own those videos and he wouldn't know how to take them down if he did. JASH owns them and they must have sold the rights to Netflix or some other production company. Pretty neat.

this is terrible

if i had to choose between norm being controlled by a bunch of comedians on youtube, or fucking NETFLIX, i'd go with youtube. we have no idea what will happen now.

Worldwide Pants acquired the rights to the show and it's going to be shown on Netflix with new episodes starting this Spring. Screencap this.

>Breaking News: Seth Meyers found dead in apartment. Norm McDonald set to take over Late Night.

He's gonna be working with them under the Letterman umbrella you ignorant slut, Netflix will literally let him behead kike babies on his show if he wants.

I wouldn't go that far, but that does sound like the kind of leeway that would allow him to make a good show

>just got around watching it yesterday
>they're gone today

Maybe he pulled a John Campbell

>Netflix will literally let him behead kike babies on his show if he wants.
and you're calling me ignorant

Adam Egret reported him for sexual assault. He said Norm kept cumming in his ass instead of his mouth like he wanted. Sick goddamn holocaust denier using the #MeToo movement to get money out of Norm. Ridiculous.

>pay (quite a lot of) money to 'rent' high maintenance web-series episodes on vimeo
>license is for a year but creators say in the comments that they will make it forever
>feels good to support content i like for once
>nek minut
>sold to hbo, all videos deleted and replaced with adds for their hbo show
>have to torrent stuff i paid for

good for them and good for norm i guess but also fuck u cunts

Damn, what a real jerk

>have to torrent
you jewish fuck, pay for it again like a human being

They were deleted by a fuckin sorcerer.

>April 4th


I literally can't unless I get a VPN and a US billing address and all this other shit. No HBO in my country


I really hope netflix didn't get it. Season 3 was "streamlined" for a wider audience and it was by far the worst.

I have like a dozen or so saved but I really wish I saved all of them now.

Adam Egret got cuckolded into a coma

Amazon Prime still has seasons 2 and 3.

Big whoop who gives a shit.

somone got their greedy little fingers on it...

good post

Who cares

People with Amazon Prime.

You, apparently. Now go the fuck back you rwelve year old redditfugee.