Hey derpina where is my le toothbrush? XD

>hey derpina where is my le toothbrush? XD
>it's in my le butt :3


fucking based

women are disgusting



roflasmpbtwsffmd(rolling on the floor laughing and shitting my pants because that was so fucking funny my dude)


ebin ! :DDD


Xher bergina looks like Muffy's lips


Admin put me in le screencarp plox

>dem homer simpson pussy lips

Who was in the wrong here?


I've got the exact same toothbrush in my bathroom right now.

reddit gold worthy desu senpai!!! :)

>walk in bathroom
>see this
>kick toothbrush with full force

Or even here?

well, now you know what you gotta do with it

So it would be less disgusting if it was a picture of some fat pale hairy man ass?

Face it, on average women tend to be far more groomed and hygienic. Meanwhile men are typically fat unhygienic hypocrites who expect their partners to be clean and delightful.

It's no surprise only the top tier of men get the vast majority of women.

bi mmf is true kino

>women tend to be far more groomed and hygienic
lmao no, girls will even admit this is wrong

Why would you want to hurt someone like that? Like, I might not like you, but I'd rather just shun you from my social group than hurt or abuse you.


Shes inserting the wrong end.


lmao, no. Girls who would admit that are probably the smelly "not like other girls" attention seekers who surround themselves with harems of beta losers. Such men have very low expectations.

Or maybe you're right about most women and I'm just oblivious because I only pay attention to genuinely pleasant women.


Why would you want to put a toothbrush in your ass in the first place?

Dont knock it til you try it.

stop posting my intimate pictures with my daughter you freak

this was her idea of a goof

Ok then don't knock kicking toothbrushes up peoples ass til you try it. Maybe it feels good to some people.

it feels good (man) XD

>putting a thin toothbrush handle in the ass and posting it on the internet like it's some kind of achievement
fucking amateurs
train your asshole until you can take something way bigger

exact same reason as you would have to kick it up her ass.

t. never had a glorious prostategasm

outstanding thread

t. never kicked a toothbrush up some sluts ass

>these images have been deleted
>op is still up

hey im not arguing with that