Sopranos is a well made sho-

>Sopranos is a well made sho-

Other urls found in this thread:,_The#Non_Descript_Pocket_Pistol

I'm midway through season 2 and it's literally just a fat sociopath being an asshole with his sociopath asshole buddies and constantly bitching about not feeling fulfilled.

You just described Sup Forums

calling Tony a sociopath is an unjustifiably reductionist assessment of his character
The Sopranos may be too smart for you

come back when you've finished it

the show is a character piece. it's not about the mafia.

>tony is a 'good guy' meme


My favorite thing in this show is how they portray older people by far the best is Tony's mother, it clicked so much with my own grandparents

You know it wasn't that long ago you used to post on Reddit

As far as i'm concerned, YOU SHOULD STILL BE THERE!

you are a huge retard

it's just a joke



fuck off, that was hilarious end to a shit character like Jackie
live as a joke - die as a joke

weird choice to use a shitty fake prop gun for a closeup

Jackie's death shows what a scumbag Ralphie is. He could have given him a pass, and he had T's blessing to do so.. but he said fuck it and set up the drug story to kill him.. because he was tired of dealing with the kid.

It also deals with Meadow facing what her Father does.

What about the scene where the hitmen try too kill Tony in the car and put there arm in the car instead of just shooting him from a distance.

I love the series but some bad stuff, also the football scene with Meadow.

'you're either a good guy or a sociopath'

-grumpy face user

Meadow didn't face it at all, she chose to ignore it.

He was my best earner!

Tony has sociopath tendencies, I doubt there's many people who are 100% sociopaths who feel absolutely nothing.

>also the football scene with Meadow.

I don't remember this.

baby learnt a new word.

I quit at the beginning of season 3. Nothing really changes plot wise.

How the fuck do they send a fat fuck who can barely run to do a hit in the ghetto?.

any /k/ posters around? is that an actual gun model? it looks like a cap gun.

Joe Gannascoli is a piece of shit who dicksucked and annoyed his way into the show and having a bigger role than before. Slimy. Other vast members still hate him because he was a rat and used Gandolfini's death for personal gain. He now goes to Italian restaurants in NYC and makes shitty salads by people's table after talking the owners into giving him 500 dollars because Sopranos guy will bring in customers, and says he's a world renowned chef when he used to be a hoagie slicer in a shit tier Brooklyn pie place. Disgusting.

Vito was always the weakest link in the show. The actor is shit and his awful gay storyline almost ruined the first half of the final season.

were those the 2 random black dudes?

i think the point was they were in over their heads and didn't know how to do a proper hit.

the worst part was tony's mom's cgi scene, so unnecessary

it's still the best show ever though

yeah that was really fucking stupid

yeah it looked really bad too. i don't know who they paid to do the CGI for that scene but it was terrible.

you're right that the scene was completely unnecessary too.

i love you johnnycakes

That's a Deagle brand Double Deagle. They hold Glock clips and are kind of like handheld machineguns. Mobsters like them because they aren't as world as long rifles of mass destruction like AK-15's and such.


The incompetence of the fbi, bad acting from the kids, and hamfisted symbolism/philosophy really brought the show down a few notches


Hahahaha oh my god, his fucking wikipedia page. Did he write it himself?

"Gannascoli's interests then turned to cooking. He learned culinary art and opened a restaurant, Soup As Art Restaurant in Brooklyn. He has worked in New Orleans, Los Angeles and New York, though he dabbled in acting."

So he's another dumb rich faggot who thinks he's a chef? Also, why does ANYONE think that being a cook is something to brag about? It's a shit job for shit pay, for drug addicts, ex-cons, mexicans, and literal retards.

Hey, let's shit all over the most well written
and influential hour long drama of all time. That's a sure-fire way to trigger some autists. It's a Sopranos hate thread!,_The#Non_Descript_Pocket_Pistol


Tony never really gave him a pass, he was telling Ralphie he had to kill him without actually saying it


aj was a good, well acted character

>autistic automated response
AJ was a faggot and so are you

>Quality of a character is dictated by how likeable they are

that was the whole point of his character. It would have been much less interesting if tony's son was like a jackie aprile jr.

you are a bellend

at least im not a "poofter" as you entire island of faggots like to say
>hes a good character because youre not supposed to like him
dude youre not supposed to like tony but HES actually a good character
get your head out of your pretentious contrarian ass

AJ was a good character though.

>I think AJ is a great character and I can relate to him in so many ways.... like the scene where tony catches him in his boxers while on the computer LOL thats like totally so me... great self insert character since I'm a humongous brat faggot just like him

You're taking it awfully personally my guy, grown up AJ was a good depiction of young adults and their "depression".

>vast members
>Vito was the vastest member in the end


Aj is a way for baby boomers to further give us shit
You are a humongous faggot for liking him and probably some Sup Forumstarded neoconservative who thinks he was "born in the wrong generation"
Fuck off you gay fag

it was a subtle thing you missed out on and a winning move for Tony.

Firstly Jackie shot a made guy, robbed a made guys card game, killed the made guys dealer which marks him for death. Tony then shifts the decision to Ralphie whether or not to kill him and takes the burden off himself. Now, if Ralphie kills Jackie then Tony can distance himself emotionally and say it was Ralphies call. If Ralph gives him a pass, it weakens his position in the mafia, which is why Tony was hinting he should let him go

i remember in season 1 or 2 when he was just a civvie in a bakery who christopher told to fuck off

I guess I was wrong about you taking it personally.

They were amateurs and Tony later says,
>...two mulingnons with cap that all they think of me? My self esteem has never been so low"

He's saying the guys that they sent to kill him were shit and he feels like shit because whoever sent them thought he would be that easy to knock off.

i read that he wasn't liked by James in real life and was not close to him and when James died, Joe pissed off the entire cast by doing news interviews saying how close he and James were and he did all this for his own personal gain

plus the whole johnnycakes and gay vito storyline being all his idea

>These guys are the best!

Was there even any point in sending blacks? I'm pretty sure that right afterwards Sil says,"it's gotta be junior right?"

>The actor is shit and his awful gay storyline almost ruined the first half of the final season.
i think they spent too long on it and should never had johnnycakes brought it, should have been a few scenes of him on the run and adjusting to civvie life, not a full sideplot

They were related to eachother. For whatever reason they seem to have people that are related to eachother in some sort of capacity do the hits.

it looks like a handheld Armalite M-47, a variant of the czech knock-off (actually made in China) type-75 pistol. It's a common misnomer that most Americans don't understand, considering the length of the magazine, concealed forestock, and sanded-down safety mechanism. In short, it is an assassin's dream and a nightmare for police to track.

Why did Vito shoot him with a cereal box prize?

that was fucking hilarious and odd considering they kill her off in the next scene

based Johnny Sac poster

the original plotline if the actress lived would be that she would testify against tony in court over the stolen airline tickets he was selling


I'm not sure if most people realize this but the show is basically a wacky comedy. I used to hate this show but I've been watching more lately and respect it as a sort of late-cronenberg-style masterpiece.

you should check out the actors twitter

if Sup Forums was an italian american it would be his twitter

Glad she died tbqh, the mommy issues thing had played out enough and season 3 was good.

He didn't actually give Ralph a choice. It was in Tony's intonation and everything that he had to be killed. All Tony's bluster to Chris aside, J Jr DID have to be killed for shooting made men.

Tony's "act" to Ralph was merely to rub in Ralph's face how much he failed Jackie Jr. as a role model. He wanted to make Ralph feel bad, and of course Tony was justified in doing so.

If it's """ralph's choice""" then he has to deal with the emotional consequences. Of course, Ralph didn't care all that much, because he's one of the most morally bankrupt on the whole show.

*just learned
baby just learned how to type on a Mongolian seaweed farming website.

>football scene with Meadow.
I can't remember this either.

my favourite story plot was T1000

Tony school friend whose a degenerate gambler and gets into 50k debt to Tony

really showed how the mafia effected also his family for example his son had his car sold to pay the debt and his tiution fund was gambled away meaning he could not go to georgetown but a community college

Meadow even mentions it when shes at columbia how hes at community college and popping acid tabs

love what he retweeted

>These idiots blame The Sopranos. How about blaming Jay Z & his pals for promoting violence in the lyrics of their music. How about some of the video games kids are playing? How about some plain old fashioned parenting?

Just how things are done

soccer scene where she saves a goal

just been on his twitter, dudes full blown redpill and not giving a fuck

One part always confused me, Tony repeatedly tells him he's not allowed to come, the only reason he lets him is because he literally shows up on the doorstep desperate. Then they both act like that was Tony's plan all along and he was being a predator.

yeah, this would have been subtler and fit the show better. The importance of the gay plot was mostly just to show Tony and the guys' reaction to the news, and Vito's failure to adjust to regular life. They could've done that without having Vito actually fuck a volunteer fireman/diner cook in fucking NH lol.

anyone find it strange how in the later seasons we have this completely new mafioso and associates that we never seen before in the show and everyone acts like they have been there forever ?

like that fat dude on the motorcycle or the dude who borrows money from vito

even carlo the capo, where the fuck was he ? also what happened to all of juniors crew ?

he's just plain based

There is a point where Tony makes up his mind and says fuck it...I'm busting this guy out. Also he gets pissed when he tries to use his kids as leverage. Did you watch the show?

>Jay Z rapping caused a pasty white kid to shoot up a school

wew lad

>plus the whole johnnycakes and gay vito storyline being all his idea
Don't kid yourself, the second anyone suggested that awful storyline I guarantee you everyone at HBO wet themselves in glee.
"Finally! A gay storyline!"

Tony knew he was a degenerate gambler but because of his friendship he tried to warn him against it but never really banned him. i think tony did want him to come but also decided to try and save him so he can later say ' i warned you '

remember how he gave lent money to artie who gets robbed by the french dude ? Tony won in the end due to sending furio to get back the money and getting artie to cancel his tab at the restuarant

>Then they both act like that was Tony's plan all along and he was being a predator.
I didn't see it that way. T-1000 acted like a naive high school kid after he actually went into the debt and Tony demanded payment, not like he knew Tony was a "predator."

I don't think you understood the post.

>the second anyone suggested that awful storyline
it was actually Vitos actor that came up with the idea

Underlings my boy

>I didn't see it that way. T-1000 acted like a naive high school kid after he actually went into the debt and Tony demanded payment, not like he knew Tony was a "predator."
would it not be better to keep the sports store as a business ? would there not be more money in that instead of ordering stuff to sell on the stores credit until the place is bankrupt ?

always wondered how christophas AA sponser managed to get in the inner circle of the bing

so hes right about you LOL

Sorry, working on no sleep, I meant that when the actor proposed it there was no way HBO weren't going to say yes. Actors are always pitching ideas and awful storylines, especially supporting characters.

Well Davey, it's because I knew you had this store's not a big deal. You can get out of this. Just file for bankruptcy and you can get a fresh start!

Tony and him have that conversation about how this is his bread and butter and how he he knew Tony would end up with the store. It's kind of similar to the conversation he has with Artie, about him seeing 10 steps ahead.

its not just that he helps him out with the whole substance abuse thing T but hes also a great forger

is this about the easter baskets?

lol dude loses his business and marriage, his kid loses his place at georgetown due to his tuition fund being gambled away and has to go to community college and becomes depressed and hooked on acid. He loses his home in the divorce and ends up on the other side of the country