Who is your favorite female monarch/ruler/head of state/etc. in television and film?

Who is your favorite female monarch/ruler/head of state/etc. in television and film?

Does she count?



Claire Foy is so hot. And even Queen Elizabeth was pretty hit when she was young

The queen was also quite busty, she just did a good job of hiding it.

princess Ahmanet - unfulfilled queen of Egypt, semi-goddess of chaos and death

Pic related gave me a fetish for women in armour.

Jenna Coleman as Queen Victoria. Loving Victoria on PBS.

Claire, Madam President.

Fly me to the moon Captain Deladier

That scene with Data? hnng. I'd let her assimilate me.

Hela rekindled the burning passion I had for fucked up goth girls in my younger days.

The Queen of the Black Coast

Emperor Georgiou

what film?

and of course Empress Hoshi Sato

Gina Davis as President
Glenn Close as VP
VEEP (s1 and 2 only)

Secretary of State doesn't count (both in terms of function and actress)

*looks at you*

Queen Elizabeth 2: The Golden Age


STD sucks, go back to your containment thread.


Empress Wu in Detective Dee
Don't watch the sequel


The Last Tempest by Li Hanxiang. The only movie about Empress Dowager Cixi I ever watched.
Let me know if they make a new one.

The soft porn version