Closes his eyes to shoot

>closes his eyes to shoot
>call bullshit, and get pissed on such a cop-out ending
>dwell on it
>remember line "I got lucky with the lights"

Holy shit, so THIS is the power of Kino.

Fun fact: Collateral is the best movie either has been in.

>I haven't seen Rain Man, Magnolia, Minority Report or Edge of Tomorrow.

anti-white trash

Great movie

I bought it and watched it last week.

those are all worse

I liked him in training day more

Edge of tomorrow is juvenile drivel.

As opposed to Collateral? Literally about an international assassin in a suit.

not sure if serious

the ending ruined the entire movie.

lol kill yourself

I can't even watch this movie. It has that 48 fps hobbit effect to it where everything seems super real and I just can't get immersed

>has all the marlel movies on blu-ray

>you don't like what I like
>you must like capeshit

I think you mean the cheap 60i soap opera effect. The Hobbit was shot in legit 48 fps, and as a result looks beautiful. Collateral was regular 24 fps, but Mann used a slow shutter speed to increase exposure due to lighting issues on set. The result is an unwatchable motion blur disaster. Truly nauseating film.

Tom Cruise is cancelled. He was in Rain Man with Dustin Hoffman, who got naked in front of his daughter's friend when she was 16 and he was a grown man. Jamie Foxx is cancelled. He was in Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained. Tarantino bullies his female employees into risking their lives. Michael Mann is cancelled. He directed The Last of the Mohicans, starring Daniel Day-Lewis in a whitewashed role as a Native American.

That makes sense as it's obviously not HFR but still has that effect. I disagree about The Hobbit though, it looks awful too.

>remember line "I got lucky with the lights"

Remind me of this line?
When? Where? General context and meaning?

I always thought he won the shoot-out because Vincent runs on highly-trained
muscle-memory more than improvisation. So he shot center-mass and got the
metal doors instead, while Motherfucker Jones spray'd it like a spastic gansta
and got in a lucky hit through the glass.

>doesn't like mann kino
probably a faggot too.

It was alright, there are better Mann kinos, the transporter cameo in the beginning was a nice touch

I love Heat, this I don't like because of the soap opera effect

if i remember correctly its from the very beginning when he bets the nigress he can get to her destination faster his way instead of the directions she gave

>I love Heat
the heat coming off your dad's engorged genitals maybe. if you don't like collateral, you don't like Heat.

Really? It makes the city look amazing. More light sensitive than film.
Took it beyond that alienating "home videocam footage" vibe for me.
Wish more movies were able to capture that aesthetic before the tech
moved on too many generations. Now every movie and TV show uses
that flat-looking shit. Collateral had a fantastic feeling of deep spaces.


The Hobbit only looks bad because you associate the smoothness with cheap 60i. But the reality is that it achieves smoothness completely differently (with more frames instead of more blur). If you can get past the initial reaction, it really does just look better.

Collateral on the other hand is just irredeemable because it's simply lacking in visual definition.

>The Hobbit only looks bad because you associate the smoothness with cheap 60i
Do you really think I sit around all day watching cheap 60i? Cheap 60i which I haven't seen in over 15 years looks like shit, Collateral looks like shit and Hobbit looks like shit. The only reason you are blaming it on association is because cheap 60i came first.

>Daniel Day-Lewis in a whitewashed role as a Native American

Hawkeye was meant to be a white kid raised among natives.
The Last Mohican of the title was his adoptive father.
That's the literal story of Last of the Mohicans.

>Natty Bumppo (Hawk-Eye), the child of white parents, grew up among Delaware Indians and was educated by Moravian Christians.[1][2] In adulthood, he is a near-fearless warrior skilled in many weapons, chiefly the long rifle. He is most often shown alongside his Mohican foster brother Chingachgook.[3]

Vincent killing Max and the girl would've been a unnecessarily edgy ending. The movie has no arc then.

Literal opposite is true.

All that carefully crafted weaponry and costumes and props are turned to instant stagey-looking dogshit.
Instantly kills the immersion. And I grew up watching shitty BBC stuff like OG Doctor Who.
I have no problem with "bad video" stock and story immersion.

Collateral feels very in-the-moment and real.

Sounds like you also think people's genders should match their sex assigned at birth.
>oh hawkeye's just a white kid
>oh jazz is just a boy whose parents deformed him with hormone treatments
Maybe sometime you'd like to join the rest of us in 2018.

He says it twice, to the nigress, when he won the bet, and to tom cruise, when he was right about how it'll take 7 minutes on their first ride.

Okay. Will give it a re-watch soon and look out for that.

>realism breaks his immersion

Actually, the reason I'm blaming it on association is because 48p looks good to me whereas 60i doesn't, and it took me a while to appreciate 48p because I was negatively conditioned.

But if you don't want to spend the time to appreciate HRF that's fine. There are barely any HRF films so you're not losing out on anything.

The fuck do lights have to do with anything. Even if the lights are off a trained killer should be able to still kill you. He did most of his killing at night in the movie anyway. Now all the sudden he can't see, much less move to the side and wait for the doors. Stupid fucking movie, complete trash ending

ITT: fuckwits can't appreciate true kino

You cannot be serious. I respect that some people prefer 24 fps over higher frame rates, but you cannot use "immersion" as your reasoning because it is just factually incorrect.

Higher frame rates look more real, because they have better visual definition. That is just a fact. You can't be more immersed in something that looks less real. It's a contradiction.

24 fps is superior for applications where you want a cinematic feel, which is the opposite of immersion. That's where you want the audience to feel like they're a viewer rather than a participant.

>doesn't understand how vincent is literally underestimating max the entire movie
>literally has a scene blatantly shoving it in your face with the line "what are you gonna do about it?"

way to out yourself as a stupid fucking retard, user.

>24 fps is superior for applications where you want a cinematic feel, which is the opposite of immersion. That's where you want the audience to feel like they're a viewer rather than a participant.
Literally the opposite is true again. Calling troll and ignoring henceforth

i didn't like it when ethan hunt was mean to ray charles.

i really like this L.A. aesthetic which is cool but makes you feel lonely, especially with the soundtrack

also reminds me of L.A. in lethal weapon in the 80's with the jazz music

Never noticed that holy shit

I don't understand the love for this film. It was two dimensional. Basic story about some international assassin. Ending was dogshit underwhelming. Foxx had a shit personality/character who I didn't care about.

Foxx had a gun pointed at Vincent you fucking moron. You're telling me a trained assassin would be so fucking dumb as to consider that a non-threat? That's why the ending was such a dogshit cop out. Vincent would have killed him the moment he set foot in the room, no fucking questions. Then he sees him with a gun and he just calls his bluff?

>doesn't think that the reason he thinks it's a bluff is because he thought he got him all figured out as a coward already

can you stop, you're making yourself look even more retarded by the minute.
what the fuck do you think the entire point of the taxi conversations were.

Gunshot sound design in this is kino

I don't buy that it's in character for the guy who always makes sure, to the point that he delivers two bullets in the heart and one in the head, to take such an unnessecary risk.

magnolia is shit

Vincent never gets into the same car as Max until the fighting is over in the final shootout. Vincent’s death is because he can’t adapt, he tries to use the Mozambique to kill Max through the train door, and Max just mag dumps into Vincent. The irony of Vincent’s death is he’s the least capable of adapting, he’s incapable of it. The final shootout was Max playing it by ear and Vincent trying to kill him the same way he kills everyone else which doesn’t really work when you’re in a train car with a heavy door between you.