Cast her

cast her

Other urls found in this thread:

Idris Elba

emmy rossum

one of the buff Wakandans in Black Panther

I think it'd be best if they casted a non-actor who looks the part and has personal charisma. Hopefully it would turn out more like Bautista in Guardians of the Galaxy and less like Ronda Rousey in Fast and Furious




>cast her

Chloƫ Grace Moretz

but bautista is unironically a good actor

Maria Wattel


sex arms

This. He was excellent in BR2049.



Nice reading comprehension, that's just what that poster said.

The point is before anyone hired Batista as an actor it would have been easy to assume he was just a useless roidhead like almost every wrestler.

There are literally no working actresses who come even close to the necessary body type to play She-Hulk. The closest would be Jessica Biel or Emily Blunt but they're more lean than jacked. The only options are:

1. Hire an athlete or fitness model, which is always a gamble.

2. Make her all CGI

Leslie Jones. screenshot this.

I don't think making her CGI would work. She looks too human in comparison to the Hulk. It'd be like having a regular CGI person walking around, which as Rogue One showed us doesn't really work.

Most muscular women are quite short, whereas She Hulk would need to be yuge. You're gonna have to enhance her appearance with CGI anyway so you're probably better just making her all CGI

Emma Stone



this, and to my knowledge there's not a lot of actresses who are super fucking shredded
and if you cast a shredded actress it's gonna be weird when she has to play jen (who i'll assume has more screen time than she hulk)

I don't mind a girl having a lot of muscle but for God's sake figure out a way to keep them tiddies please.


Marvel are absolutely shameless with CGI nowadays. In Black Panther basically every action scene devolves into CGI models wiggling at each other, even if the scene shouldn't require any CGI. They'd do a CGI She Hulk in a heartbeat and not care about how terrible it looks.


that asian is the cutest muscle girl ever

>tfw my friend's girlfriend looks like this

Titties are fat. Fat goes away when lifting. Breast fat goes first. Hope she gets the best op for titties.



I used to look like pic related before I tried gear.

Swimmers and olympic athletes have the perfect aesthetic female bodies that would be perfect for this role

You can tell all of them are borderline midgets
I really dislike these meme body types on girls

does she have nudes or lewds

That tall sexy lady from GotG 2

this is actually a perfect casting choice. she-hulk would be cgi like the hulk anyway. but this is the perfect face and body type for the character

nice gyno dude


It's not just Marvel. Steppenwolf was literally a guy in armor with an axe. There was absolutely no reason he needed to be CGI

I get a weird sense of satisfaction knowing I never go the gym, but I could beat the shit out of any of these muscley girls because my body has produced multitudes more testosterone than theirs ever will

The green would make her uncanny anyway

>tfw dyels believe they are stronger than female bodybuilders

Blood of my blood
Mother of boners
Ruler of dat ass sea

His original design was a lot more monstrous, it would've made sense then

The average man is about twice as strong as the average woman, but you're probably below average and most female athletes are far above average.

I'm not saying I could automatically lift more than them, I'm saying I'd easily beat them in a fight

>that face

Fucking that would be gayer than sucking a feminine penis

I like this design because it makes the Doomsday design look like less of an asspull

I wonder if the uploader might have some sort of agenda

This 5'9 sexy beast


>fire cg team
>make fart ruffalo work out
>make piss evans, fartshit johansson, etc starve to below 70 lbs
>cast normal woman as she-hulk



La Luz Extinguido...

pretty sure all this roid women stuff is gay.
post moar so i can make sure

if you want to fuck this you are 10000% gay

Why would he agree to take a picture like this look at how smug this girl looks this makes me irrationally angry

>wanting to have sex with a woman is gay

what in that picture indicates that that's a woman


The only thing that makes me angry about this one is that she is clearly flexing his hands are way stronger than hers tho

Well, I know her, this is her from the front


again, this could be a man

I still think the man would win this one

We didn't get her as Wonder Woman so We should get Gina as She-Hulk.

I wish she would stop doing that fucking stupid updo she has now. Her hair looks bizarre.


They honestly look pretty cute together assuming they are a couple and not brother and sister which I now realize makes more sense as type this out....

And yet she cant beat him in anything 9/10.

julie bourassa


>*cooks maggots*
Yeah awesome actor

None of these roided girls are impressive, just like roiding male bodybuilders aren't impressive. What can natty female bodybuilders achieve?

>not hiring tall actress and giving her a realistic body suit with huge muscles and big tits



this is the way to go imo

Jordyn Getz

The skeletor costume was pretty good for (what I assume) wasn't a 200 million dollar commercial

Mia sand

i remember they did it to al yankovic for some rambo thing and it actually was pretty convincing, and that was back in the 80s for some joke sketch. no doubt marvel could pull it off now



Oh yes on VHF movie I think. Looked good
Comedian had body suit in watchmen . Would never have known if people didn't post behind the scenes stuff
It's the way to go for She Hulk. Just get a relatively tall actress and she can play both Jennifer and she hulk


Makes soft little soy boys cum in their panties



Stop posting womanlets

For me? It's Julia Vins.

goddamn that guy's shoulders and chest are fucking terrible, take his pants off and bet me his legs are sticks too. I can tell that faggot spends all his time curling

Nigger, you've never even touched one

None of these women can act. They're just bodybuilders you've found on Instagram or something.
Best looking at girls from WWE, where at least they have to PERFORM somehow.
What's the name of that British girl who had to retire recently? She'll probably be looking for work now.

but She Hulk is different from regular Hulk in that she's always green. She only gets Hulked out when she's really angry. Most of the time she just looks like a fit green Amazon woman. In a lot of incarnations she doesn't really even look ripped, she's just big.

is that what she looks like now?
i remember her original pictures she still looked cute
then it looked like she started juicing
but that pic looks good

is she still using steroids