Stay mad, whiteboy.

>His pride relies on a Jewish made movie
Stay weak nigger

we did it pol
fight thje power

but can we make it go EVEN LOWER

Go back to rebbit you fucking niggers. Nobody brigaded the rating. It's just a shit movie by a shit director with shit writing.

>hurr durr white boy
>hurr durr colonizer
>hurr durr only black lies matter

>check user reviews
>all bad reviews are from faceless retards and trolls

Most people I've spoken to thought it was boring, even the good goys.

>>all bad reviews are from faceless retards and trolls
You viewed all 48,698 user reviews? Fuck off, liar.

only 41 pages

> Sup Forums raided it again

Damnit altright

>imdb rating still going up after the pre-release brigading

Find me one (1) thread about this """"""review bombing""""""

>wahhhh nobody can possibly NOT like this movie!
The absolute state...

>already doing damage control

>massively shilled blockbuster is just mediocre crap
>muh Sup Forums and russian hackers bombed the ratings
This is going the be TLJ all over again, isn't it?

>>check user reviews
>>all bad reviews are from faceless retards and trolls

And the good reviews are just as bad, ten out of ten; Literally shakespearean etc.

You know it and people are getting pissed about being shilled into watching bland boring flicks

It begins

I DID IT Sup Forums!

Speaking of TLJ...

truly the white race is saved

Praise KEK!


>we did it!
>74%, still positive

>samefagging this hard
sorry sweetie some people don't like the movie.

Black Lies Matter isn't a horrible movie that shits on all previously established lore (like TLJ did.) It's just slow and boring. I would be surprised if the rating went any lower than the high 60s. But yes, article after article will come out claiming "those evil racist white supremacists are responsible for the low rating."

only a matter of time

Just admit you're triggered that a movie with blacks being empowered is received positively.

>only a matter of time
>/poltards are claiming victory now

I dislike how fake the virtue is, it's faker than the fictional movie itself.

is this the highest rated marvel movie by critics?
i honestly cannot believe that is true

you guys are retarded, if you want to troll them you rate it 5/5

you do the opposite of what the mainstream media says to subvert all expectations and control the narrative


It's setting is interesting but it was boring. A lot of people including myself started yawning when the movie reached it's first hour. As most of the marvel flicks, nothing of consequence happens. Killmonger is actually a compelling villain but he is wasted. If his actions tore Wakanda apart in the end leaving T'Challa to fix the damage, it would deserve it's rating.

Yeah the movie was painfully mediocre, reminded me of Wonder Woman up to the awful CGI and everything. The marketing for this piece of shit has been more annoying so I guess it'll get judged more harshly

it's the highest rated comic book movie period


great post man

>being so pathetic you shill for garbage like this
>even more pathetic is that you have to make up a false flag to cover this garbage
Man time to do the world a favor and kys

funny because Sup Forums doesn't even care. they are actually discussing the movie better than Sup Forums about how they merged all of africa together

i'm not a DK fanboy, but its a good movie to base normie ratings off of

and this is just unbelievable
yet again affirmative action is hard at work and scaling grades based on race

>that audience score
That's how a real good capemovie looks like

>funny because Sup Forums doesn't even care.

his hero is even created by jews.



Hehe we sure did

>Further proves that "critics" are bought
>The mouse continues to manipulate
>Lorded as the "first"
>Outright lies told daily (that's not the final cgi)
>People are spouting these lies like gospel
>Some even believe this is somehow "real"
>Black fragility on full display

Somehow I doubt it.

A non-shilled movie should have an audience score that's close to the critics like DK. Most people are saying BP was boring, it's just a fact but redditors will still say it's being brigaded.

Buzzfeed journalist here. Would you mind if I interviewed you as part of my website's coverage on those raids?

[email protected]

amen brother we need to keep knocking blacks gays women jews trannies chinks and spics down a notch
theyre on the defensive thanks to our firm resolve

the score doesn't matter
it all depends on the box office

>We need too

You dont know shit about how this works and you never will.

fuck off theres no way i'm betraying my anonymous bretheren
youll never get me to tell you the name of our true leader

>before the movie was released IMDB had 3000 negative ratings (actual trolls) vs 20,000 perfect 10/10 ratings (actual shills)
>now Sup Forums or whatever boogeyman shills want to use for their narrative can affect a 40,000 rating score
The movie was shit friends, expect a massive drop next week just like TLJ

"Reverting to mean"

Imagine being this fucking obsessed over how much some people like a superhero movie for manchildren.


Lol this is so stupid. All these white critics so worried about being labeled racist they give the movie stupidly high reviews.

Why can't we rate movies based off content instead of race?

>Why can't we rate movies based off content instead of race?
Because that would mean one "side" would have to stop getting triggered by the other, and that will never happen now. We're too far gone into Hatfield and McCoy territory.

It's just funny how in 2018 if you say "Black Panther sucked" as a white person, everyone assumes you're racist.

My thoughts:

>boring white movie

>boring black movie

>good white movie

>good black movie


>>boring black movie
Well this is what it was