Tom King's "Vision" was melodramatic garbage...

Tom King's "Vision" was melodramatic garbage. It was like it was written by a creative writing student who just read Raymond carver for the first time.

SU's only half decent season was the first 1.
The only people who think otherwise are bandwagoners and waifushitters.

Sup Forums's mods and janitors need to allow Dreaming of Utopia threads. The comic is legitimately good and its ridiculous we can't talk about it because of an interpretation of rule 3.

There's nothing inherently wrong with a work being being. And people who complain about works that are obviously and intentionally edgy being edgy are retarded. It's like complaining that a comedy has jokes.

Season 4 of Adventure Time is underrated.

>There's nothing inherently wrong with a work being being.
*being edgy

Cool World has flaws, but I mostly enjoyed it. Fuck Wizards (1977), though.

First season of Wakfu is incredibly hit or miss, and it's mostly misses.

Gwenpool is boring and not remotely close to being as good as the Grant Morrison Animal Man it's trying to copy ideas from.

Thank you. I had a huge problem with ti ever since he killed Louis CK and admitted in the letters page that he did it just for the "surprise shock" factor. I mean, it was a nonsensical scene too...

Almost all of Bakshi's films are overrated
There's almost no substance to any of them. Just good animation

I feel like 2/3rds of people that praise Gwenpool for being a "good current running series" are just thinking with their dicks

>SU's only half decent season was the first 1.

Everyone says you can find anything on the internet but you can't find .pdfs of children's picture books and it's really pissing me off.

I absolutely love BvS and MoS, but didn't like WW and hated SS.
I write shipping fanfiction
I'm a massive waifufag
I absolutely love every MCU show and can't wait for more. I also don't understand why people despise Iron Fist as a character and a show to such an extent.
I write shipping fanfiction
I can't stand Pixar. I think the first Toy Story is alright and generally dislike everything else. Out of all of them, I hate The Incredibles the most and found it a chore to get through.

Adventure Time was always hot garbage from the beginning. It jyst happened to come put at a time when CN was at their worst.

Almost all Superhero cartoons are boring as fuck.

Same goes for all of S1 Spongebob. Will never understand how anyone can say it's their favorite

Fosters is Craig's worst project that I can't sit down for more than an episode or 2 without getting mad

Coding is an overhyped, shit-tier job that you should avoid at all costs. Fuck the money and fuck the whole "2smart4u" circlejerk

>Almost all Superhero cartoons are boring as fuck.
That's why you watch those that break the mold.

yo, dog...

what's your ships?
to contribute to this thread, i unironically enjoy steven universe but i am aware of its flaws. i am mostly in it because i want to see where it goes. also, i want to see steven become a man and stop sobbing all the time

Agreed. That was an exception

>Baby's First Shounen
>break the mold

Damn, another one of these that comes when I have no thoughts on the mind and will no doubt be absent when I do.

Even with all the dumb shit that happened in it and all the flaws it had, I'm still going to miss Archie Sonic and I really, really hope IDW Sonic isn't just the games in comic form. The OCs made me give a shit about the comic

The Earth stuff is easily the worst part of the Transformers comics. Also I don't mind the trans stuff in LL but Anode is still kinda shit. Lug is good though. Prowl is still worse than Anode

Rick and Morty's seen a slight decrease in quality recently, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. It's just alright, not as good as the best episodes but not as bad as the worst. It's in the middle right now

Samurai Jack season 5 was fine outside of a couple of episodes. I wish we got more closure on a couple things and certain elements were handled too haphazardly but I was ultimately satisifed

Chromedome/Rewind and Midnighter/apollo are the only gay couples/characters I can tolerate in comics at the moment because everyone else drops the ball so goddamn hard

I genuinely cannot get myself to give a shit about the X-men no matter how hard I fucking try. I just find them boring

I don't really care about live action capeshit, and the only reason I saw Wondy and Spider man was because of my family

The only reason I haven't watched YJ season 2 is because I hate the timeskip idea

Gwenpool is cute and fine but it's nothing groundbreaking

Sonic Boom is the only good Sonic show, but it's not as great as people think it is. The only reason it's the best is because everything else was worse

Archie Mega Man was okay, but people who think it's better than Ian's run on Archie Sonic are delusional

Archie Sonic reboot>pre-reboot

>Adventure Time was always hot garbage from the beginning.
Awful opinion.

>Same goes for all of S1 Spongebob.
Pizza Delivery? F.U.N.? SB-129? Rock Bottom? Texas?
Get outta here with that noise.

>Adventure Time was always hot garbage from the beginning. It just happened to come put at a time when CN was at their worst.
Absolutely, I'll add that it had serious negative repercussions on the entire Western animation industry: by not being good but being marginally better than the average drivel of that era, it created a pattern of follow-the-leader cartoons that persists to this day.
>Almost all Superhero cartoons are boring as fuck.
Yes, and see for elaboration.
>Same goes for all of S1 SpongeBob. Will never understand how anyone can say it's their favorite
That whole show is deeply overrated, and not just on Sup Forums.
>Fosters is Craig's worst project that I can't sit down for more than an episode or 2 without getting mad
Haven't watched many of his shows so can't really speak for the "worst" part, but agreed.
>Coding is an overhyped, shit-tier job that you should avoid at all costs. Fuck the money and fuck the whole "2smart4u" circlejerk
Largely agreed, with one massive caveat: it may be THE best career option for those looking to move to another country.

Boring, boring, and boring. Never laughed as a kid and have never laughed as an adult.

AT was "wowy wowzers this is totally butt" with semi-interestomg storoes and characters devs that never went anywhere. Still better than S1 Spongebob DESU

Gumball S2>S1>S4>S3>S5

They've gone from actual decent writing to almost exclusively gag humour, and the characters have turned into excuses to spout snarky remarks and 4th wall breaks.

you just don't like epic bacon pancakes xD

How the fuck is it shonen? It's not even fucking anime...

My only problem with Spider-Man 3 is the pacing.

Outside of Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows, I can no longer bother to give a shit about the character. Not in movies, cartoons, games, and especially not in the main Amazing book. I don't feel like the character is going anywhere or doing anything interesting (especially not 616 Peter). If Marvel was to kill off Peter tommarrow I would not shed a single tear.

nobody's opinion on this board is worth being listened to

I unironically enjoyed Superman: Grounded and thought it was the logical conclusion of the New Krypton storyline.

Regular Show was good for approximately 3 seasons before the premise wore itself out. Pops deserved death throughout.

Conversely, Adventure Time was never good. Finn and Jake are unlikeable as fuck, blithely spouting nonsequiturs like overgrown toddlers. And if I have to hear Hynden Walch's cloying voice again...

It's easier to find new anime to watch than it is to find a new (western) cartoon to check out. I wish it were easier to "get into" western cartoons, my collection is like only a dozen animated series.

Animation can be in any genre, but I can't help but think most western animated television shows kind of have common elements and probably fit into there own genre. For example, all the talking animals which act like humans or whatever. Disney movies have there own conventions too, but I wouldn't say they're a genre, since they're all done by Disney.

I've mentioned some of these points in previous threads. so I'll add some new ones.

I really enjoyed Spider-Man: Homecoming.

I loved Man of Steel, and it breaks my heart that all the DCEU movies following it have been poor in my opinion. I do not look forward to Justice League.

Bendis is a lazy cunt of a writer. If he put in more effort, then he'll be great again. Just put him on street-level heroes because those are his best fits.

I loved Iron Fist's Netflix show. I think it's better than Jessica Jones but I love all the Marvel Netflix shows so far.

I'm having difficulty enjoying comics and cartoons as much as I used to because I think I'm depressed.

Company wars (specifically the MCU and DCEU ones) have ruined discussion for either sides of the movies.

Stop-motion animation is the most underappreciated form of animation. A Grand Day Out is the best animated short I've seen.

Dobson threads are some of my favorite threads.

>Stop-motion animation is the most underappreciated form of animation.
Stop-motion animation is my most hated form of animation. Yes, more than CalArts style even.

>complains about non sequiturs
>posts Ren and Stimpy picture

You know you can use a reaction pic from something you don't like, user

Gleason is a shit artist.

Frank Millar's work age like milk.

And its been years since Batman comics were any good but King is just the fucking worst. And his Vision wasnt all that good.

> Bruce Timm has done nothing wrong in terms of character sexualization.
> Nothing morally wrong with Babs & Bruce fucking to relieve stress. Being a mentor/father figure is irrelevant if he doesn't hold a position of power over her which he does not.

I know, it's still funny though.