What was peak Arnold kino?

What was peak Arnold kino?

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all downhill after predator

That scene where he's smashing through the building in Terminator 3 while on the fire truck

He paid for that stunt with his own money

Predator is his best film.

pure kino

Last Action Hero got steamrolled by Jurassic Park. I always thought they should've pushed back the premiere date.


Total Recall - T2 - Last Action Hero

>uh huh yeah yeah yeah uh huh uh huh yes yeah yeah yeah uh huh yes.

Last Action Hero desu.

>organising by date
what a terrible way to organise media
>i want to watch blood diner
>what year was it?
>80 something i think
>better get scrollin!

The Running Man may not be the best film with Schwarzenegger in it (that would be T2), but it's the best Schwarzenegger movie. It ticks all the boxes. Total Recall is a close second.

Total Recall. Fantastic claymation scenes, which is practically a dead medium.

>end of days is not even there.
max pleb level.

>years in parenthesis

I'm glad I'm not the only one bothered by it.


The Sixth Day (2000) makes me proud to be an austrian

JP was headlined by a bunch of B-listers and most rival studios thought it would underperform.

What are you talking about? Commando is the best Schwarzenegger movie. It's basically what North By Northwest is to Hitchcock films. Running Man is kino though and agreed on T2.

in this board the more obscure is a movie the more is praised.
so Sup Forums always says running man and T1 are masterpieces when are more like B movies with some charm on them

They are masterpieces but even this board would agree that Commando is the most Arnold movie.

>They are masterpieces
pfffff anons only say this cause they are less known works and make them feel special and part of some secret club.


Quints have spoken.