Take a seat Marvel


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>Audiences enjoy good movies
Who'd have thought?

even Suicide Squad is better than Black Panther

Has anyone seen it? I'm actually intrigued. I'm not going to pay for it though. Fuck (((Disney)))

By rights all capeshit should be 40% or bellow

>caring about capeshit



no one saw JUSTshit League that's the reason why we won't have to suffer through another DC piece of shit until December




thats really funny

based wheedon

Has some great moments, shame some of the acting was spotty and movie as a whole was just pretty crap

WB really missed the mark with JL. So sad

This is what spics and pajeets think is kino
The absolute state of Sup Forums in the mid 2010s

I liked it a lot. It reminded me of the 90s Batman movies but with all of the DC characters

how did this get made?

ok, what is the point of a justice league if superman is stronger than all of them together?

You clearly didn't see Batman v Superman

Superman isn't as smart or clever as Bruce and is slower than the Flash

to compete with Avengers and funny enough Supes can solo the whole Avengers too

Black Panther on suicide watch!

Is Black Panther any good?
Or at least good by MCU standards?


I fucking hate Whedon.

Superman is smarter than Bruce, just not as cunning and manipulative.
Yes, he technically is slower than Flash since he cannot access the Speed Force.

Suicide Squad was pure art house

>Wonder Woman
Magic items/backup Superman
Tech solution, MMH also has telepathy and desguise
Magic Items/Telepathy
His writers are fanboys

It was amazing. I went with my wife and her friend. It was amazing.


Is this bait? I sincerely hope it is for your own sake

>watching capeshit

I thought DCcucks were extinct By mass sudoku?

Thought this was Sans and Papyrus at first. Thanks for nothing faggot

Most thoroughly enjoyed Justice League for what it was. I like DC comics more but think Marvel is doing a better job with the movies. I hope they continue the DCEU despite some missteps and failures since it'd be great getting the first Flash movie

>still posting the incorrect version

Most thoroughly enjoyed Justice League for what company made it.
If the same movie would have been made by disney, Sup Forums would have thrown a shitfit

friendly reminder

This so much.
Snyder is a fucking visionary that is unappreciated by the soyboys

oh yeah, kryptonite right? Well, the dude had an kryptonite spear through his chest but can be resurrect in the next movie so it's pointless in the end. Also, he has overcome his kryptonite weakness many times before

what's the point in being clever over an almost immortal thing?
also, I know Flash is faster, but why he's always so useless other than flashpoint paradox?

yeah pretty much

almost right

he would beat them senseless in a 1v1, even if they group him he can(easily) win

here's a pretty good analysis of the whole Black Panther situation by Joe Rogan.


tldr; it's stupid as fuck how certain people who have nothing for themselves still claim pride because of their blood

Her friend, Jamal?

DC should've just copied Marvel's fomula. More jokes and the same origin movie with the same doppleganger villain over and over. Well actually they kinda did with Wonder Woman which succeeded. THEY SHOULD"VE KEPT DOING IT. That's the way you win.

>why he's always so useless
In what way? He saves Central City all the time and has been instrumental when assisting the Justice League in the comics. He's also a skilled detective who can examine things very quickly

>DC should've just copied Marvel's fomula

Actually, her friend's name is Gerald. Yes, it's a male. And yes, he is an African-American.

And yes, I got prep him before he fucked my wife. It was so hot to see him after the film. He felt so empowered

hello marvel shill

>he would beat them 1v1
The movie version? Probably. Though the movie is about them beating another planet's army, not each other. It's like saying there's not reason to have the 96 Chicago Bulls because Jordan would beat every member of the team 1v1.

You mean on Suicide Squad, right?

look, I'm a Flash fan myself, but he's pretty useless in JL. Brings almost nothing to the table since Supes can be almost as fast as him.

>Video begins with chimps and monkey noises

>Though the movie is about them beating another planet's army.
like superman did in MoS?

>fags LARPing as intellectuals of the past vs actual adults with kids
Makes sense.

>tfw huge flash fan and can't come up with a counterpoint
guess I'll start tossing out my comics

There were, like, 5 Kryptonians that came to Earth. The rest vegged on the ship

Best moment in the history of capeshit.

>when everyone is monkeys, no one is

Superman can't do everything alone, what's the point of reviving him if he isn't way above their level? They were getting BTFO by steppenwolf so they had to bring in the big gun. I'm glad they got 1 thing right about Superman in this trash movie

Mortal Kombat 2 tier graphics.

Because he’s the ideal that they strive towards. None of the rookies like the Flash, Cyborg, or even Aquabro are functioning at anything close to their full potential.

>muh graphics

>Take a seat Marvel

It's sad I know. He's awesome as a solo hero though

yeah, but Zod alone could beat up half JL alone
cmon man, supes is extremely overpowered its embarresing when the others members try to keep up and be helpful

Three. And even one is a potential extinction event.

DCucks don't care about aesthetic any more?

cw shows look like this?

neither is Superman at his full potential, what's your point?

It was made clear he wouldn't have done that head on and needed the military as well as alien tech backfiring for the aliens. Also it was squad size compared to Darkseid's army and Krypton wasn't a planet of literal gods.



Dr. Manhattan would solo all of them.
The Comedian would rape the PTSDed survivors.

Thanks for the big red rings, user. Otherwise, I wouldn't have figured it out.

The only right answers

The original plan was the JL would beat steppenwulf with a tight victory THEN resurrect supes, realizing they couldn't handle something harder
Instead the Joss rewrite put that in the middle of the movie, completely removing the necessity for the league

>a jew saving eastern europeans instead of genociding them

what did they mean by this


What are you replying with a less up-to-date version for?

tfw the highest-rated "critically-approved" dc movie is the worst one

this is my point.
>holy shit this guy is hard lets wake supes
>wake supes
>he handles it like it's nothing

they look better

imagine this but with a yellow lightning instead of blue and flash with a penis head

ezra is pure

>critic rating

unironically kys

>Dr. Manhattan would solo all of them.
manhanttan can create and destroy things in an atomic level, instant teleportation, can multiply itself...
there's no need to any other hero in the world if you think about


You want to compare audience scores?

Scarlet Witch could mind control him and turn him him into her personal sissy faggot.

I have to update it.

>JL movie without Superman
>JL can't do shit without him
>JL resurrect him
>Superman pratically soloed the villain
this movie was a joke as a JL movie, great as a Superman movie

is there a watchable JUST league rip? Blu-ray comes out next month.

>a bunch of Sup Forumstards and Sup Forumsirgins make a ton of fake accounts to give a movie they don't like a 1 star

>snyderfags still exist
Wonder Woman is passable. That alone makes it the best DCEU movie.

actually normal people just see all of this in the genre of superheroes
only autists care for the Marvel x DC

Someone please kill Whedon

That they all have room to grow. This, in my opinion, has always been the mistake with the X-Men movies and to a large degree, the MCU as well.

The exceptions were First Class and, strangely enough, the Thor trilogy. I hated a Ragnarok over all, but I did appreciate the fact that it shows Thor growing into something more like the comics, at least in terms of power.

I pray that the DCEU endures because of details like this. It didn’t come straight out of the gate depicting all of them as the end-all, be-all powerhouses each of them are.

WEB-DL is fine

yeah, in your dreams
not everyone is a sissy like Stark