Welcome, strongest avenger

>welcome, strongest avenger
This movie was fun.

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can't disagree with you OP

OP wasn't a faggot today

>welcome, strongest avenger
it's a funny line but only because it's leaving its own universe's rules behind (why would the computer be programmed to say exactly that line as a punchline to Thor's previous moment) and creating a SNL like parody world

For instance, the spring break line is less funny but it still "makes sense"

The theater scene was the funniest by far



There a hd stream yet?

really didnt like the movie but that was great comedic acting

if he had been that type of bimbo + a conan esque savage war thunder god it'd been great

You idiot, clearly Banner just so happened to program it to say that, because like Thor, it turns out he wants to be called and known as the "strongest Avenger" as well. and it wasn't a punchline, it was more of a funny coincidence

Hulk couldnt understand that you shouldnt enter a ship by breaking it apart, not sure he could program the ship's computer. It's a funny line, thats it

was it banner or stark who programmed that though? hulk stole the quinjet in hulk form and has been in hulk form since then.

Did Thor beat Hulk in the comics?

depends who's writing and what you want to do or where do you wanna take a story

if a writer wanted it he could make spiderman defeat thor

It was

whether or not you "beat" the hulk in the comics is 100% dependent on the writer and the plot. thor can fight him hand-to-hand and an enraged hulk is technically no match for thor with odin powers but thor would have to knock him out or kill him before he got angry enough to power up more.

Seconded. Too many quips, most of them shitty, but this one was great.

Comedy is harder to create than action. Makes sense to hire comedians to make these films.

It was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it. Marvel, and especially Thor, is at its best when it doesn't take itself too serious.

Thor has beat Hulk, and Hulk has beat Thor. It all depends with Hulk, because while he is insanely strong, his big weakness is he doesn't really start at "max" strength. So if you are strong enough to end the fight quickly you have a chance at beating him.

>HULK: imagine how funny it'd be if the holocaust HAD happened
Jesus Christ, Waititi

2017 was a different time


"he knows i love snakes, i picked up to admire it" is such a great dumb delivery of a such a weird ass line while being perfectly in-character and in-universe


holy shit comics are for retards

God this movie was shit

i cant tell if this thread is ironic or not

Me neither. Thor ragnarok? Thor Cancerok

It was indeed not that hilarious

it indeed was fun.

>leaving its own universe's rules behind (why would the computer be programmed to say exactly that line as a punchline to Thor's previous moment)
>leaving rules behind
>why would someone program a computer to say something funny
A character doing something you don't like isn't a plothole. It's not leaving any rules behind.

it's only funny because it's absurd coincidence to finish the early set up of Thor going "strongest avenger". It's almost a rick n morty joke, it's funny because it doesnt take itself seriously, it breaks off tonally

unfortunately there's nothing to take seriously either so it isnt that funny - because it's not really a big tonal change since nothing is ever serious to begin with

>That scene where Banner loses it, becomes the Hulk and goes on a drunk Mel Gibson rant about how Loki is a "mutt subversive jew"
wtf Waititi

>movie with Gladiator shit
>hulk is killing people to live in a penthouse
>nothing is made out of this
seriously, the jokes were fucking babyish. "big rock man has a soft voice haha"




seriously, you have to decipher what the fuck is going on. A kid reading this could explain basic shit visually better than the creators

Hulk has always been a monster tbqh, he's killing national guard in his first movie and kills loads of civvies in the two Avengers movies

but make something out of this, mention it, make a joke about how fucked up that is. Dont step over it and make him a cute big baby shrek who secretly wants people to like him (or at least make that PLUS aknowledge his killing which would be funny)
