Look at my eyes, Daisy. One of them is a fake cause I lost it in an accident. Since then...

Look at my eyes, Daisy. One of them is a fake cause I lost it in an accident. Since then, I’ve been seeing the past in one eye, and the present in the other, so I thought I could only see patches of reality, never the whole picture.


Other urls found in this thread:


Don't tell me things like that. You've never told me anything about yourself, so don't tell me now!


This thread may go nowhere but you've made my day user.

That's fucking amazing.

When angels are forced out of heaven, they become devils. You agree, don’t you Donald?

See you space duck...

Ducks only think about their past right before death, as if they were searching frantically for proof they were alive.

Vicious! I'll show you Vicious!!!

So Edward is found?

I told you before, Donald: I'm the only one who can kill you and set you free.



Good thread

You're gonna carry that waaaaak

Duck Avenger, you say? His petty existence is beneath our notice.


Survival of the fittest is the law of nature. We decieve or we are decieved. Thus, we flourish or perish. Nothing good ever happened to me when I trusted others. That is the lesson.

The souls that God has given us, our spirits. Our spirits which found a way to swim through the immense network and live in the infinity of space. Is not the human body a mere shell, a form of existence all too small and weak for consciousness with such vast reach and potential?

Back then when I got home from work, you were always there waiting for me. And that was all I needed. Just you. But on that day, when I came back home the only thing there was that pocket watch; that and a small piece of paper that just had one word written across it: farewell. For some reason, I didn’t feel sad or broken up—it just didn’t seem real. But slowly I realized that it was real; that you were gone. And little by little I felt something inside of me go numb. After six months I made a kind of bet with myself; a pledge, that I would leave this planet and start a new life if you didn’t return by the time the watch stopped. I didn’t come here to blame you, I…I just wanted to know why. Why you disappeared like that.

Keep those eyes open


This is a good thread

Holy Shit this thread.

It's days like this that I remember why I come here.

Jet had a hard life.

You're tense, I'm calm. You apply excessive force; I control that force through fluid motion. That means relaxing the whole body so it can react instantly without resistance-no, without thought. Do you see now? It means becoming like clear water.

I fucking love this thread.

I dont get it

Have you seen Cowboy Bebop user?

yes but what do donald duck and spike have to do with each-other

Not really anything

That's why its funny

That banner. Nice timing.

>I think it's time we blow this scene.
>Get everybody and the stuff together.
>OK. 1234chan.

>This again?! Goddamn sonnuva bitch! Taking my money like that, you cheatin' dogs... Why, the only reason ya can even eat here is because of what I done! I busted my tail to plant those crops, along with my two good buddies!

>We're the buddies yer talkin' about.

>Yeah, sure we are... We planted those seeds like there was no tomorrow.

>You were always planting seeds of a different kind, though.

Criminally underrated.

Nobody asked for this, but hey... i can't say no to the idea

oh god


It's beautiful user.

So is the egg scene cannibalism now?

is that an edit or did they really insert a Cowboy Bebop visual gag into a disney cartoon?

the hair and cigarette are edits, but they intentionally modeled Donald's suit after Spike's

12/10 with just two posts. Congratulations, OP, you magnificent bastard.

Thank you for this thread, user.


Best thread ever.

Thank you OP and all the Anons who made this thread.

Can we get some more of this thread. It's like a fucking oasis in the desert.

See You Space Quackboy


Donald spends weeks tracking down an infamous bounty.
Hurts a lot of bad people, helps a lot of good ones.
Finally catches the guy, and turns him in.

...This ends up being the reward for the bounty.


Mickey did nothing wrong

Top fucking kek Sup Forums

Good shit

I fucking hate that guy.

Good job

You're gonna carry that waaak.

Someone screencap for posterity


The hell's goin' on here?

Requesting an obligatory edit with pic related

Someone run Spike Mcduck through a sketch-filter, then overlay the vector of the smuggie face.


Know much about purgatory? It's the place between heaven and hell, where those who were left behind, unable to get into heaven continue to suffer, a place of struggle and pain. In other words, the world that we're in now. Halloween is the one day when a soul in purgatory can be released. If he prays hard enough, he can go to heaven at last. Say your prayers, Dinklespiegel.

>You should see yourself. Do you have any idea what you look like right at this moment, Donald?
>A ravenous beast. The same blood runs through both of us. The blood of a beast who wanders, hunting for the blood of others.

Same Seiyuu.

I tried to do that with Paint.net, hope it's good

Is there any more context/explanation than the brief description?

That’s just how you were back then, you decided everything; in the end you were always right. When I was there with you I never had to do anything for myself. All I had to do was to hang onto your arm like a child without a care in the world. I wanted to live my own life; make my own decisions, even if they were terrible mistakes.

I'm a pilot

holy fuck this entire thread

Put me in the screencap

Guys this thread needs some kind of argument about sjws or forced diversity

>Quacksper knew this.

This never ceases to make me angry and sad at the same time.

Description pretty much covers it. Some idiot drew his stupid OC over a popular character by a famous artists.



Forget to mention, thank you all for the thread and nice to see that you like the draw
Well that was interesting

I have seen enough Hentai to know where this is going

>Trying to sex a female duck without a corkscrew
Good luck

good thread
capped it

is this what they cal meme magic

What episode is this from?

The new DuckTales pilot.


Gold thread

I think their JP voice actors are the same?


What did he mean by this? Seriously I'm confused what the fake eye meant

Good job op

very good

nice quads


One of Spike's eyes is cybernetic.

The one organic eye he has he probably feels more connected to and when he sees things out of it he's reminded of all the shit he's done the people he's killed and the lives he's ruined in his wake. The cybernetic eye meanwhile is just a machine, it lets him see things but only as they objectively are. There's no 'memories' no 'echoes' with his cybernetic eye.

As such he's caught between 'seeing' things as they are and 'seeing' things for what they represent about his past at the same time. Or something.


A Bebop thread need Bebop feels

You said "bell peppers and beef." There's no beef in here. So you wouldn't really call it "bell peppers and beef," now would you?

There once was a tiger striped cat. This cat died a million deaths, revived and lived a million lives, and he was owned by various people who he didn’t really care for. The cat wasn’t afraid to die. Then one day the cat became a stray cat, which meant he was free. He met a white female cat, and the two of them spent their days together happily. Well, years passed, and the white cat grew weak and died of old age. The tiger striped cat cried a million times, and then he died too. Except this time, he didn’t come back to life

Really hope he uses his Duck Avenger uniform in some point.

The fun part is that wasn't OP. The OP post was cool and I couldn't resist.


i still wanna find that mother fucker and wring his neck