"Lupita Nyong'o shows up with a white date (Jared Leto) at the Black Panther premiere and causes outrage online"

>"Lupita Nyong'o shows up with a white date (Jared Leto) at the Black Panther premiere and causes outrage online"

Is she our nigress?

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Pretty sure this pic is old

>causes outrage online

Because OP made it up. Also Lupita is CUTE

Niggers hate race traitors. Look how they reacted to Serena Williams and Malia Obama.

People just look for reasons to be outraged. It's easy and it feels good.

Zoe Saldana is our nigress


Blacks want to segregate themselves because they've seen too many movies and think they can sustain themselves

I was always shocked JJ didn't use her in Star Wars. They instead cast fucking BOYEGA and made her CGI. That level of stupid is off the charts.

A BM dating a WW is never okay, a BW dating a WM is never okay (until it happens to the BW complaining).

All that's missing is a nintendo switch

did he rape her with his giganto penis?

How come almost every famous nigger go after white woman then?


As if BBC/HuffPo/CNN/etc don't make up bullshit the other way as well, e.g. the "outrage" over that Chinese/Japanese blackface.

because they got a ton of shit from black women their whole lives and get tired of it. a nice white woman who is pleasant and shares my interests like photography and house music is a breath of fucking fresh air from """"woke"""" suburban black women who think every action is political statement and have i done anything to uplift the culture today?

>le media makes things up so it's not retarded that we make shit up

the absolute state of Sup Forums

two wrongs don't make it alt-right

>I come to Sup Forums for news

The absolute state of Sup Forumseogaf

She's clearly not pretty, Jared can get better.

lupita looks like she would ride you and break your dick off man. none of that starfish shit from her.

Lupita is cute as fuck desu

Niggers and faggots, someone's gonna get mad. At least make these threads funny.

Lupita Nyong'o, Letitia Wright and Zoe Saldana are /ournigresses/ and are very beautiful.

I completely agree with you. Also, checked.

Do not want

If Lupita would get some big fat fake tits she'd be my dreamgirl desu

>causes outrage online

you can just replace this part with 'nothing happens'

she has great taste

damn you Leto, must you have everything!?

They (as in the cast) look genuine, kind-hearted melanin-heavy neighbours and not those blacks.


He can't keep getting away with it

What material is her swimsuit made from?

Lupita Obongo is cute. CUTE

Cant stand this faggots entire being. It was enjoyable watching him/her die of aids. If only it was real. Leto fans should gas themselves for memeing such an unironic faggot into existence.


stay the FUCK away from her whitebois

>Lupita Nyong'o
Oh Reginald, I beg to differ.

Black genocide

Lupita Nyong'o is one of the most legitimately beautiful and talented people working in Hollywood right now. She has a real light to her.

I really hope she didn't get Weinsteined bros.

Exactly, she belongs to Hispanic men not some white guy with a jungle bunny fetish or some loser black.

Cant argue with those quads


too bad she's flat as a washboard

Not where it counts.

Of course it is retard. Leto has short hair now

I mean, it’s definitely fake. Dude cut his hair off for Suicide Squad and never grew it back out

good let the niggers be niggers around themselves

Once you go financially stable, you never go back to the poor table.

t. amerinigger

Umm sweetie..

>liking flat asses

>inb4 Leto wastes his god tier genetics on a nigger

>because they got a ton of shit from black women their whole lives and get tired of it
seems like a shitton of projection here

hes a self hating black

noone likes flat asses, but only niggers and americans care more about asses than tits.

chances are you'll grow up, eventually

How dare she? Doesn't she care about black people?

t. amerimutt

Because these people are racist

Why didn't Disney make her the female protagonist of Force Awakens instead of giving her assholes eyes and orange skin

Well, have you?

Maybe because black women are tired of deadbeats who are good for nutting and running? I'm projecting, but those are my experiences as a white guy who gets treated very kindly by black women.


I bet she fucks Leto with a strap-on as they both shout "Wakanda FOREVER".

Letto its
Such a diva
Such a madman
A total rascal!

Lupita is adorable

Her as the stormtrooper deserter would be great but also people would complain too much that there's not enough males

quads of truth

>He isn't an ass man

I want to lick Lupitas puffy vulva!

>implying that's a bad thing

besides, tits are vastly superior to asses simply because it's much harder to find and maintain good tits compared to asses. any retard can squat their way to a decent butt, but nice tits are 100% genetics. basically asses are the equivalent to plebs.

soyboys are the ones who like big asses because they want to impress niggers

soyboys like what they're told to like, like women.

who did she allegedly cause outrage for?

Sup Forums? yeah what a controversy

She would be cute if it wasn't for the unfortunate negroe skin colour.

I bet she tastes like chocolate.

>can get better

fucker could get anything he wanted. at this point why not try a black goddess? he has probably fucked so much pussy he doesn't even care by now.

Iceland letting the side down as usual.

Black people don't want to lose their black queens to whitey


its not patrician if everyone likes it user.

Soy countries like tits, interesting...