What genre/personality would you say his acting is?

What genre/personality would you say his acting is?

the aging tryhard who refuses to accept hes not cool anymore


the same joke very single week for years

What amazes me is that THIS board THE board that praises RLM as a comedy pinnacle when it is just a group of old, unfunny men has the BALLS to shit on Tim. Jesus, you guys made Adam Sandler rich. Get some focking taste!


I unironically like both Tim Heidecker and Sam Hyde and there is literally not one thing that you can do about it.

Hey Tim

It's called art.

Tim was in an RLM episode you dumb yurocunt

>t. retards who don't realize this is how Tim's persona both on screen and off screen is intended to make you feel

What made this great is the fact that there were probably numerous people knowing nothing about adult swim, switching through channels late at night, seeing this trial, and thinking it was real.

Tim Kino

lol so randumm XDXD

They need to bring this back

lmao he's really not pulling off that look at all


no, i get it. it's just not funny.

yeah unlike Sam "never made even person chuckle" Hyde

Nihilistic absurdism.


That's the point