ITT: movies that only you like

ITT: movies that only you like

was this an allegory about gay marriage?

I love this movie. The score is one of my all-time favourites.

Same here anons, I know it's not GOAT material but I fucking love this shit, always leaves me teary-eyed by the end

This shit scared me as a boy

I rewatched it recently, it's not a bad movie at all.

OP you are my fucking nigger. I love this movie and I don't get why it bombed.

In my top 10 for sci-fi and safe enough for kids to watch, it's great.

I think Bicentennial man wanting to die, and his family aging when he lives 200 years is scary as fuck. PG my ass.

I remember the "BLACK ROBOT"

All other robots are similar, but the robot dying at the robocircus has black features and talks black.

Says it all.

We had lived for a while, made his own house, made fat stacks, cummed in his daughter of his childhood friend a bunch of times. What else is there to do?



spoilers, he hung himself at the end with an electric carbon fibre rope

God i love that movie
I will never not cry (internally) at that last scene

the first one was OK

haha guys remember that scene where he's talking about having sex with a girl

haha can you imagine being that in the dark about sex lol

>and you wanna experience that?
>oh yes please
> do i

was he our guy?


>loner shut-in
>female robot
>never had sex
he is literally Sup Forums

Man I fucking hate looking at Danny McBride's face. Fuck that guy, wish he never got famous. He's like an unfunny Will Ferrell.

but he was actually smart and not just pretending



I liked it, then i read the book, which was fucking amazing. Now i hate it.

>doesn't even figure out how to doomstack until the last 5 minutes
that guy was shit at games

It was a good movie, user.

The books about the young Ender are the worst. Read Speaker for the dead onward, user. You won't regret it.

This looks very normie.

I like pic related, also old, also normie. Goldbloom's character is literally /ourguy/.

>the first one was OK
this sums up the series pretty well


solid 5/10

Is that fucking cast for real??

I'm downloading right now.

unironically great movie

yes its not in the same league as the original, but it has so much going for it.

this thread is the exact reason why I hate this board and all of you are reddit shits who should be banned for liking objectively awful movies.


post your top 5. no, 4.

>if you like something I don't you're a Reddit tourist
Imagine being this deluded.

>everybody must like what I like

>unfunny Will Ferrell.
so just will ferrell then?

>unfunny Will Ferrell

Fuck yes Bicentenial man

Starring the ultimate in movie dads: Sam Neil and Robin Williams, comfy as playing catch with your old man and sharing a beer afterwards on a warm Sunday summer evening.

it was made in a far off time when movies could be serious and still be for kids


Pure fucking bullshit, do NOT read beyond Speaker. That entire chain with the piggies and his bitchy mexican wife ruined Ender forever.

I liked it, but I kind of assume I'm like half of the target audience

I never bothered watching it since it going down to PG13 seemed like a bad sign

only chads (like myself) understand

american nationalism is so obnoxious

>he'll never experience the american dream

Impossible, because if I didn't like it I wouldn't have this.

It lacked the incestuous undertones that made the books great.

I bet you've been here for maybe a year or two

1. GoodFellas
2. Mulholland Drive
3. Blade Runner
4. GodFather Pt. II


Every one I know said they didn't like it. I thought it was great.

holy shit i remember this, loved it as a kid. h h how did it age?

I know plenty of people who love this movie though

Wasn't allowed to watch this. Or any Chevy Chase movie. My old man said Chevy was a liberal douche and I weren't to watch him in his house. Same thing with anything with Rosie O'Donnell

I wasnt allowed to eat combos in my parents house

>man showing his midriff with fingerless gloves and a beige coat
80s fashion was the pinnacle of __________

Niga, get da fuck outta here.
Dat flick is BOSS!


Legit kino

I haven't seen this since i was like 8 is it worth checking out again lads?

That movie scared me as a kid.

Fun as fuck

One of my favorite all time movies, not because is kino, but the atmosphere. Is the future you wish to become real since eveything looks great and feels comfy. Also the soundtrack is fucking awesome. I miss you James Horner T_T

How the fuck is this PG-13? The version I saw had topless sex scenes.

The definition of "just turn your brain off dude", but if you go into it like that it's approved kino.

i liked this one

So much better than that shitty Tom Cruise Mummy movie. Still want to know what happens in the future.

>Dread Lord Krull Grandmaster Mage
My UO main. Great movie.



Holy fuck, how have I never heard of this? It's got Best Girl from Twin Peaks, AND two legit batshit-crazy actors? Fuck my ass, there's probably not a torrent, either.

Bicentennial man was way too much. My dad died right when it came out. The trailers made it seem like a fun Robin Williams comedy about a goofy robot.

>My 8 year old face when it was over

hated this fucking movie

I was supposed to hate this or something? It was actually quite fun

Loved it

Anything else like it ?

Heavy Metal

I know Lucky Number Slevin is well recieved, but no one I ever speak to has ever heard of/seen it.

people hated it?

1% on Rotten Tomatoes. I rewatched it so often when I was younger I could recite the lines, I still like it.

I started to enjoy it when I saw that the machine was basically a train.

Yeah, this movie his heavy as fuck. That's why I like it though.