Director: Paul Dano

>Director: Paul Dano
>Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal
Is this gonna be kino?

Fuck yes, my body is ready.

>co-written by Zoe Kazan

wonder if he can do a good job.

whens it out?

>try to find trailer for this movie
>CGI family nonsense
quit naming your movies generic shit

the academy will eat it up.

Classic Dano

so THATS where i remember the general from black panther from

I think I'm in love with Carey Mulligan

She's very pretty but more importantly she looks wholesome.

instant classic


So classic he doesn't need to be remembered as an award nominee or winner, just his name is enough.

She's aging already?

Imagine how nice it would be to hold hands with Carey Mulligan.

She's mommy material

Imagine coming home after a bad day and her sitting you down and running her hands through your hair, saying "It's going to be okay sweetheart. I love you and I believe in you."

>puting your name twice

Only the clothing store is Forever 21. Actual people get older.

yeah imagine if she was hot

this lmao


Probably why heath offd himself desu

Don't you have a mom or something

I do but she thinks I ruined her life so she's always treated me like shit.

whats it about?

It will be another innocuous garbage for american college kids who want to think they are watching an art film.

>hurr durr art films are bad because college educated people enjoy them
You get that cinema is an art form, right? No, of course you don't. Go watch your capeshit.

gonna be classic

shes 32 and already looks in her 40s
just fuck mah shit up

Feminists always look very withered.

Haha wow. You guys need to get laid.

t. MCU fan

What's so bad about few art films here and there? Aren't there enough blockbusters already?

Look at this granny fucker

t. Sup Forumsvirgins

Joke's on you senpai, I am neither Sup Forums nor virgin

I'll fuck your gran any day friendo :)

They're all dead my dude, have at it

americans age like shit


Probably why heath offd himself desu

shes british though

Too scared to say white women, huh?