Sardonicast gets launched

>Sardonicast gets launched
>Has such film buffs as Ralph Sepe, Adam from YMS
>Oh and this fucking asshole with zero film expertise but he talked about shitty movies once so he's just as important as YMS and RTMM
Why is this rambling cunt now just accepted into the youtube movie reviewer community? What the fuck did he do to get instantly accepted like this?
Is it just a popularity boost for Ralph and Adam and they don't even care about YMS at all?

I want this cunt to fuck off and die, he's almost as bad as fucking AngryJoe

Other urls found in this thread:

The fact that he barely spoke in the podcast was very telling.

>Ralph Sepe

More like BASED SEPE...amirite?
Who /TeamSepe/ here?

>so he's just as important as YMS and RTMM
Imagine thinking two internet non-entities are important enough critics to support your criticisms of another internet non-entity
Truly pathetic.

>a manchild who defends star wars until his last breath
>a commie who makes shitty """"""""""movies""""""""""
>a guy who fucks dogs

and kids look up to these guys.
Just fucking end me now.

I fucking hate that logo because it's so completely incorrect about what a human face is, he just draws jawbones coming out every direction and it comes out as some fatty starfish. I wish people would just get an artist friend to do their logo if they don't know what they're doing. It bothers me more that he thinks the logo looks fine because it doesn't.

literally who?

Fuck off

Oh. Great. more side projects for Adum so he can take years to make one YMS.

>haha sarcasm guys xD

Take that Be Bo Back >:(

Remember that video when he visited Sup Forums?

Yikes I don't remember Sup Forums being that decent.

It's hilarious he was so ass blasted about the comments on his defense of The Last Jedi he had to make another video addressing them.

A long time ago Sup Forums was a bit more than just a glorified fetish porn dump board

>Sup Forums
>ever good

I didn't say it was good. Only that it used to have a bit more going on

> film expertise
> important
You think way too highly of those guys.

He is too pro-Trump to be a commie.

This dude sucks. About 2 years ago I found this channel, and he's one of those guys who makes hate-filled rants about everything. Then I see a video where he's whining about trolls and taking a break from YT. So he's a guy who can dish out the shit, but can't take it. Haven't listened to the entire podcast yet but he's very much a "yes-man" who doesn't bring much to the table. Other than his fanbase of edgy kids, I guess.

fucking when did that happen?

He just says the same thing over and over and over about every movie.

RalphTheKinoMaker is LITERALLY /ourguy/
based italian

ralph is a tryhard cunt, YMS is a dogfucker, and IHE is a super annoying dickhead

He does "comment combacks" for everythung. Why I don't know.
Also I think he is friends with Mauler because he refused to attack him meanwhile he literally says he goes after his peers on yt when they make shit content.

Why are all of his opinions so terrible? How does he do it? I literally can't watch any of his reviews without pausing every minute because he says some gay nitpicky shit that's not even valid criticism.

He was attacked by Cool Cat and used the situation to have YMS and Doug Walker protect and save his ass while he played the victim. This caused him to get so many idiot subscribers to his channel. Now because of his large fanbase, he is considered a “expert genius” on movies.

In his Game of Thrones review, he made some jokes at Clinton supporters' expense and he complained in Kingsman when they tried to make a forced Trump analogy where Hillary Clinton's stand-in becomes President at the end replacing the previous corrupt one.

He is Guatemalan.

It's almost like it's purposefully exaggerated or something.

>worse at reviewing than both Ralph and Adam
>came after both of them
>has more subs than both


It's ignorant of anatomy, is what it is. He doesn't know what the lines he's putting down are for.

That's like every YT reviewer


He has another avatar that looks more like him that shows up in some of his videos to emote, and is drawn like a comic strip cartoon that is more 'accurate' to actual anatomy.
Either way though, you're a fucking moron, I don't really like the guy, but it's exaggerated. You probably think caricatures of peoples faces are 'badly' drawn too.

>tries to pretend to be a cynical ironic loner who’s above everything and isn’t bothered (like RLM)
>is in reality a whiny pussy bitch fag that gets triggered by everything

> the youtube movie reviewer community

What community is this?

The Cancer community.

>hating Liberal propaganda
>joking about idiots
>somehow pro-trump

There are people that actually believe this.

>it's bad on purpose so it's not actually bad

oh fuck off

But user! He made fun of Hilary! That means he’s a Nazi like Red Letter Media! That’s how it works!

who's worst: IHE, AngryJoeShow or Jeremy Jahns?

That one

IHE by far. His Star Wars are terrible. Has he even reviewed any other real movies?

>3 assholes that don't know anything about film ranting about film

yeah i'll totally listen to that. NOT!

The cool cat guy was entirely in the wrong 100%.

>watching youtube
oof. hello 90's born retard. Sorry you never had a shot at normalcy. Perhaps with years of therapy...

Not what I said. Reading comprehension would help you tons.

I liked Sup Forums when there used to be raids on the first page every single day.

You're about as hilarious as they are

Caricatures are often very well drawn, depends on the artist. I'm not foreign to exaggeration, I'm just saying his picture looks like shit because he doesn't know how to draw, not because it's exaggerated.



>Ralph Sepe
nigga of the 3 you listed he is more connected to Film experience than anyone else!


I fucking hate that stupid faggot

Why was /ourguy/ left out?

His videos are so painfully boring I get a headache thinking about them

because he is shit

HAH you wish

>implying this isn't true
A half-rotten apple is a rotten apple.

>A half-rotten apple is a rotten apple.
no its not its a half-rotten apple

>watching retard normie reviewers

The only true patrician reviewers are Munkey and Erich

>Muh anxiety


>youtube movie reviewer community

honestly, just talking about him and making threads will only make it worse.

He's painfully pseudo-intellectual and annoyingly drones on about irrelevant shit. Just stop watching him, and stop talking about him.

You are either a decent person or a Trump supporter.

no i'm a person

IHE is the worst since he is just some random asshole that doesn't even review shit, he just give his unwarrented opinion on things. Not that the other two are better: AJ is a flip-flopper and a sperg with anger issues and JJ is a casual that pretends to like about geeky shit but sees himself above it.

Stay mad, conservatard.

the only "good" review on something was his Destiny and Destiny 2 reviews.
fuck those aren't even real movies

Raids or being raided?

Who gives a shit?
As long as the podcast is good,i don't see a reason to bitch about a host.

He is honestly better than all of them. Let this sink in

You think YMS and the others are qualified to critique films?

Not really. Adam and Ralph may be autists but at least that gets you somewhere in a conversation since they fixate on way too many little details.

Meanwhile Stuckmann is a bland piece of shit that can't defend his points for shit.
>the cinematography was simply breath-taking
>well uh... it just was
He says "X" like acting, pacing, editing, and all the fancy words of cinema, describes them with an adjective and that's it, review over.

He litterally always makes videos about the comments though.

>He says "X" like acting, pacing, editing, and all the fancy words of cinema, describes them with an adjective and that's it, review over.

Isn't this what Ralph does.

Yms has zero film knowledge or experience.

Maybe because the three of them are friends and wanted to make a podcast together?

How is this so hard to grasp you brainlet.

Ralph is kino

BASED Argy poster

Depends on the movie. Same with Adam
This is why they suck at being reviewers where as something like RLM is more credible.

>is patrician because he panders to Sup Forums culture

IHE is pretty based.

More entertaining when he isn't talking about movies.

Agreed. The JARcast is kino