So much bad acting

So much bad acting...

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so much pusy


>he watches CW shows for the acting
>the channel famous for strictly casting models

You either have

>Hot Bitches
>Not so Hot Great Actors


That's a really nice padded bra.

"CW: The channel for fetish fuel."

Krager is the aids of Sup Forums we will never get rid of him.

I would like to have sex with her, if you know what I mean

That's not really a padded bra. Pictures of her show her to have decent (not large) tits.

So... what the fuck have I been missing?

Nice try, Madelaine. Nice ass btw



Still doesn't change the fact she padds.

It's the best show on the CW. Best cast, best writing, best premise and plot.

So of course the CW doesn't promote it and drags its heels on renewal because it isn't all about teen angst and love triangles.

Polly is best girl

Again, those don't look like they're padded. They simply push her tits together.

>Betty Sailor Moon
>Ronnie Sailor Mars
>Cheryl Sailor Venus
>Josie Sailor Mercury
>Toni Sailor Juniper

Who else didn't like Betty the first couple episodes then fell in love with her?

>both got reject by Chad Archie
>both turn out to be psychopaths

Archie literally dodged two bullets.

Bartender takes pic

im pretty sure aly is an alcoholic

Do you have that "Good lord" webm of her?

Same but I like seeing her suffer.

I wish Ravi was my b/f and i'm not even gay???????

I would take those 4 as my baby makers.


why the FUCK does this show take so many breaks

>whites supporting poc
who took this racist photo?

What the fuck? What season is this? How many seasons are there?

Only 2 seasons. Archie became a mobster and Jughead is a gangmember.

watch the show

in season three they are fighting aliens

I'm a virgin netflixer :(

Season three will be Afterlife with Archie
All of Season 1 is on netflix, You can stream Season 2 on the CW website (with ads)

>Season three will be Afterlife with Archie
Does archie die???????

you may think that you are joking,but that sabrina grimdark spin off is supposed to exist in the same universe.

everyone dies

What the fuck. Are they making a season 3 or are you just trolling?

wtf no new ep in a fucking week?

i meant month

giv betty gf

absolutely based

based pusy poster

Why do girls like this? My ex-gf a few years ago in college. She used to get my to do this sort of stuff to her. I found it super weird but just did it anyways because she liked it and it made her aroused.

good. dfc is better

my gf "doesn't like" it when I spank her ass. I don't care about it one way or the other, can someone explain this fetish?

You need to tie her up and whip her ass and pussylips until pain and pleasure meld in her psyche.

Everybody's different but it seems to be that most girls like to be dominated in some form. Makes them feel small and wanted. It also helps reaffirm to themselves that they're attractive without actually having to be proactive.

she doesn’t, she really wants you to punch her in the back of the head.


It's outrageous that they're barely giving Cheryl screen time anymore


The truly outrageous part is that she's joined the Betty cocksucking club too, she was the last one left.

yeah I wonder what happened with the actress that made them stop giving her screen time, when she was a major player in season 1
that incest plot line with her brother can't be the only story for her

Only because Hal was fucking her mom and thought Betty was sad because of that.

Elaborate pls

Nah they still like each other.


looks like a tranny

This guy fucks


iZombie is the best thing to come out of the CW. It deserves to be in a better network. It's about a medical examiner zombie girl that eats the brains of murder victims to take on their memories and personality to help catch their killer. In that episode she eats the brain of a masochist

Her upper lip disappears when she smiles and her chin gets bigger. Spooky

Dropped this show after Archie turned down a life of luxury and tapping that every night because "muh morals".

He's going to end up as a mafia boss now, better path than village-rich drug dealers.


Is he fugging Madelaine? If not, what's the point?