We need Eva Green but younger

>we need Eva Green but younger
>I've got you
Why isn't she an A-lister yet? she is a 10/10

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No way to get the best thing about it but it was not immediately known

what the fuck does that mean

Is this the faceblind general?

more like
>we need emma roberts but unlikable


wow so emotionel

>mouth breather
>Eva Green
Nice try

>all you need to be an A-list actress is a 7/10 face and no other actual talent
good job brainlet

Eva Green is actually beautiful. She looks plain as fuck.

>7/10 face
nigga what

She looks dead inside.

The best thing about Eva Green are her tits. This chick doesn't have any.

>>we need Eva Green but younger


Andie was one of my first waifus. >this could be my daugter if one of my sick fantasies was real

he is 100% correct

not even fucking close get the fuck outta here


Have a female friend that deals her pot. Should I smash bros?

Now that the Harvester is gone, woman are going to have to get famous the hard way

couldn't you just post gore

>should i have sex with a girl?

too fat

is her name palmera handerson?


No larp she parties in Jersey with her all the time

Fucking wasted

>that deals her pot
So does she sell weed or is she a prostitute?
I often get confused.
Either way go for it. I'm Sup Forums so I always need to urge you towards the worst.

She deals for fun. He income is from sugar daddy's

Go for it unless you’re a celebrity.

Who are you to judge? Masha'Allah.

I think she's a total qt, but objectively she can't act for shit.


she looks really nice. but more like Jenn
not Eva

Holy shit she was Amelia in Nice Guys? She was so hot in that movie

She and sersha are my 2 waifus

>we need budget Kaya Scodelario
>I know just the girl

>doesn't have the tits or the crazy eyes
>doesn't get nude on every scene she's in


Kaya's eyes are crooked

>here's the upgraded version

She's fairly cute. Eva Green on the other hand can also do beautiful and sexy.

She looks insane.

it makes her 10x hotter

>we need Eva Green but younger
>don't worry I've got just the right person

>these boobs
is this from Dreamers?

She's not, she's actually really nice and polite
t. worked with her

sure you did

She has the crazy eyes dude, she's nice and polite because inside she's fucking crazy.

>the way she doesn't act crazy just shows how crazy she is

a perfect woman right there

She's into fat fucks

literally perfect for me then

wow nice panty!


Now you know.

she lack's green's alluring semitism.

she's cute but she's no eva. eva has big tits and just radiates with raw animal sexuality in a way that is hard to describe. she has an intellectual somewhat melancholy quality about her that you don't see in most actresses. jewish + french is also just a gr8 combo. haven't seen any new girls yet who can take her place.

She has weird puffy nipples, not a fan anymore


post em

nah little bitch of a fucker, eva green is a disgustingly horrifying ugly hag

It's fun following her sister Rainey on instagram.

bullshit, they look perfectly normal

filthy slut

>we sneed Sneed's store but younger
>I got you senpai



I know when we went but too late you also knew that their was only on it but hey if you didn't think that was so like it went?


Shut your stupid mouth

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

That's just a so when we went. Normally just it's not so like for it has.

She's nothing like Eva Green, you faggot.


This girl from Bomb City reminded me of Eva

Are you having a stroke, or am I?

Oh my, did that great or when won't shown. Be over for then when had that at these. Though that didn't when all of we were over when what? Where's that that wasn't wastes the first but that didn't dies when it's doing not the then.

>she is a 10/10
Not even close.

She hasn't shown tits yet

>but unlikable
But roberts is unlikeable as fuck rivaling watson

im no waifufag but roberts has at least some self awareness and seems more open than watson
this is most evident with roberts easily handling comedic roles whereas watson tried it once(end of the world) and not only despised the experience but floundered on screen