Why don't they make any good buddy cop flicks anymore?

why don't they make any good buddy cop flicks anymore?

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That would require rugged maculine leads with good chemistry and fast paced directing.

No way to get the best thing about it but it was not immediately known

Nice Guys was buddy cop kino, check it out if you haven't my dude.

racial jokes are no longer allowed.
masculinity is no longer allowed.
gangster muh dick culture has eroded the inter-racial brotherhood that used to exist.

Nobody likes cops anymore.

also Zootpia was a buddy cop movie.

Yep. But no one saw it. Hence, no more good buddy cop flicks.

Cops are gay. Once social media exposed their murderous tendencies it became unfashionable to make light of their bullshit

There's a lethal weapon series at least, it's not bad. Really everything's pretty dead in this era of political correctness overdrive.

Because all the nigger-nigger buddy cop movies of the '90s and early '00s killed off the genre.

>Danny Glover became an insufferable liberal leftist preaching zealot and a Bernie Sander's aficionado

Where did it all go so wrong?

>trusting niggers

End of Watch is pretty good, although it is not a commedy.

that cop movie with jake gylenhall was cool

>buddy cop movie
>buddy cops die

>that picture

I haven't seen anything this funny in a long ass time, thanks user.

>I have only been here a week
That pic is years old

Never seen this one before, pham.

cant do a light action movie with comedy mixed in anymore because everyone is too cynical to believe a plot where main characters take on hundreds of trained mercenaries and thugs and come out fine and joke about it. Its either full action or full comedy.

try Lets be Cops

But they do.

Unironically Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys don't count because they're both by Shane Black.

I guess as a genre it's just oversaturated and people don't want to watch them anymore.

I mean, they completely filled the late 80's, early 90's.

Also they were always about some kind of culture clash too, or two different races, and in the current political climate, liberals fucking HATE the idea of a black dude and a white dude getting along.

Hell, movies like this aren't even meant to exist


>don't count because they're both by Shane Black.
And why does that mean they don't count? It only goes to show that he's one of the only guys that know how to buddy cop movies right.

Watch Central Intelligence or SPY or The Other Guys