Who would win in the oppression Olympics?

Who would win in the oppression Olympics?

Wondy isn't a queen.

Charities and public schools are using donations and public money to buy tickets for Black Panther, it wins by a mile

whoever wins, we lose

They did the same with Wonder Woman

She does.

Wonder Woman action sequence

Black Panther action sequence

No, they didn't

The action sequences outside the suit are much better

Legit embarrassing

Yeah, they did
It just wasn't supported by celebrities so it never made the news

By characters? Panther. By actors? Gadot.

Only on Playstation 2™

Power to the Players

ok sweetie

Black Panther can lift maybe 2 tons. Wonder Woman can lift in excess of 30 tons. Black Panther can run at a bit over 40 mph. Wonder Woman can move at nearly sonic speeds. Black Panther's claws can cut metal. Wonder Woman's sword can cut Kryptonians.

On the other hand, Black Panther is bulletproof but not gas-proof, while Wonder Woman is gas-proof but not bulletproof. You'd think it would be the other way around.


I don't get why she was having so much trouble with fighting Superman in Justice League.

So it's shit praised only because propaganda, I knew it

Black Panther is only getting the shine because of black history month. Whereas women are perpetual children being internalized by white knights and beta orbiters so Wonder Woman wins out in the end despite no one giving a fuck about Wonder Woman.

>they did but nobody except me knows

>Who would win in the oppression Olympics?
Is this a joke? Black Panther and it's not even close, people are praising it like a fucking revolution despite being only a boring CGI ridden piece of shit

Because Superman lives in a world of cardboard and very few people can rival or overpower him. Wonder Woman can only top Clark in technical expertise and natural fighting prowess. And the fact that she'd go for the kill/debilitating injury while Clark would hold back. A Clark that doesn't give a shit will end Batman in a single panel and Wonder Woman within three.

Even Sup Forums knows black people are more oppressed than women.

>implying Wonder Woman didn't shatter multiple glass ceilings

niggers > womyn

>hero and villain punch each other and there's a big colorful energy shockwave
>hero emerges with that "arms extended at sides" motion and burst of energy shoots everywhere
>hero punches villain and sends them flying through abandoned area
>battle ends when hero floats, charges, and shoots a big energy blast to kill the bad guy
when did capeshit become DBZ?

You seriously can't tell just by watching these fights? That entire slugfest between Ares and Diana had less impressive collateral than a single one of Clark and Zod's bullrushes.

Disney has several CG companies under their umbrella. WB doesn't.

>96% RT score
Man fuck Disney