
Can we have a Western thread?

Admittedly I haven't really seen much of the old classics apart from the Good The Bad The Ugly, but I fucking loved all the contemporary shit and nu-Western series I seen so far. What are the must-sees for this genre?

Seen and loved the following:

The Proposition
3:10 to Yuma
True Grit

And of course the nu-western Netflix series:

Other urls found in this thread:


No way to get the best thing about it but it was not immediately known

Once Upon a Time in the West
Hell or High Water is modern but still great.

the big lebowski is actually a western prove me wrong

I loved the shit out of this too.


Not a western, you idiot.
It's communist propaganda and takes place in the 1930s and not in the American west.

Fuck that.


The best one here desu

I think For A Few Dollars More is the best of them all, flawless in every aspect.

These and The good the bad and the weird

The Wild Bunch
The Great Silence
El Topo
Sukiyaki Western Django
The Last Outlaw
Bone Tomahawk

The Outlaw Josey Wales
The Lone Ranger (2013)
Young Guns
A Million Ways to Die in the West

Bone Tomahawk is a great one.

was actually going to watch The Wild Bunch for the first time later today

The Dollars Trilogy and Once Upon a Time In The West are kino. If you like newer stuff, then also check out Tombstone.

Isn't it a Noir?

Check out Pale Rider

Unforgiven again and again, such a perfect film. Django with Franco Nero is cool. Bud Spencer and Terence Hill did two movies called Trinity or something, funny. Blind man. The great silence. Dead man.

>The Wild Bunch
Amazing film. See it before they remake it.

Also, Fistful of Dollars is incredible, and after you watch it (or in whatever order you want, actually) watch Kurosawa's film Yojimbo and the 1996 Bruce Willis film Last Man Standing. They are all essentially the same movie.

The Assassination of Jesse James is the finest film ever made
Slow West is also pretty good, check it out

Holy fuck, I forgot all about Dead Man. What a great film. Amazing soundtrack, and I usually can't stand Neil Young.

I'm a big fan of Open Range.

This is such a /comfy/ thread

Continue on, men

unmissable Sergio Kino

what the fuck were they thinking when they made the last 3rd of this movie. It was a solid western until that point

Grace kelly

One of my favorite jackets in a film.

Play Red Dead Redemption

What does Sup Forums think about Magnificent seven and The hateful Eight?

Love them both but specially magnificent seven, really delightful experience. The acting of course wasnt top notch but really acceptable i think

The director has a fetish for genre switching into exploitation film mode.

the hateful eight was better than I expected, worth a watch for the performances.

This is not a Sup Forums thread, shitbird.

I just started watching John Wayne movies for the first time , they are great man however Clint Eastwood still remains my favorite

>bone tomahawk

Sometimes I'm not sure about you Sup Forums

Original Magnificent Seven - Very good.
New Magnificent Seven - Pretty good.
Seven Samurai - Exceptional, but of course not a western.

I made the mistake of watching Hateful 8 on a new years eve screening with my little sister.

It was way too long and the negro cockscuking scene was awkward. Otherwise, I enjoyed the format it was shot in and the single stage performance. Not a fan of Tarantino in general though.

I think they were good despite some of the SJW propaganda

Not a traditional western by genre standards but McCabe & Mrs Miller is one of the best film I've ever seen

I think Godless is a great, misunderstood series.

It's as much a homage as it is a great new Western on it's own merit.



I love this actress. If you enjoy her specifically, check out the two seasons of her other show.


I think Hostiles is still in the theaters, will be remembered as one of the better nu-westerns I'm guessing.

speaking of this, does anyone else notice the weird abruptness most Wayne-era westerns end with?

I've really only watched westerns from that time, is it a common theme in most early cinema or is it a ford/western specific thing?

The searchers has such an abrupt ending, for example.

that jacket is magnificent

I don't believe film will ever be able to reach the heights that literary westerns have already climbed desu

my all time favorite film

Favorite performance in a Western?
Gene Hackman in Unforgiven is awesome

still an amazing movie for a budget of less than $2 million

and high plains drifter


>i didnt like the payoff
was great all the way through faggot

I watched that last night.

The drama is well done but the action feels toothless and dull. Clint's character is too over the top; he's playing a caricature of himself in those scenes.

Deadwood is a must
Open Range
Outlaw Josey Wales
The original Magnificent Seven
Seraphim Falls is decent
Anything with Lee van Cleef

This movie

It is, but with a Western narrator. The Big Lebowski is deliberately a mishmash of elements from different genres, which is why it feels so unique; almost everything in the movie is "wrong" when you compare it to another part. The plot is a noir, the protagonist is from a hippie/stoner comedy, is friend is from a war drama, the the nihilists and Maude are Eurotrash art house, and the narrator is from a western.

A lot of people seem to think the gore at the end of the movie makes up for the rest of it.

I thought the first 5 episodes were fantastic but the finale is a complete letdown. The big battle at the end was such a waste with the CGI fire and digital blood shots. Michelle Dockery is on my waifu list though absolutely
gonna check this out too, but I think most people would consider her "other show" to be Downton Abbey

What's Donnie from?

Lee van cleef in For a few dollars more.

An inside joke from Fargo, mostly. But he's also completely clueless and lost in whatever context you see him in (a character that as technically pointless as Donnie isn't typical anyway), so he's just a general example of something that doesn't fit.

>I think most people would consider her "other show" to be Downton Abbey

I'm heterosexual though, so I don't consider Downton Abbey at all.

then they must like django unchained

solid as fuck

greatest western incoming

Can't believe no one has mentioned this kino yet.

Sorry, this kino.

There are a few great modern westerns, but you can't really call yourself a fan of the genre unless you start watching some of the old ones. I guess you're intimidated or bored by older movies if all you've watched is TGTBTU, but you're really missing out.

A Million Ways to Die in the West is unironically one of the worst movies I've seen. Most boring movie I've seen with a group of friends, and I've watched the Dragonball movie.

This is an oldie but a goody

Westerms > Samurai movies
Seven Samurai > Magnificent Seven
Yojimbo > Fistful of Dollars

Let the Bullets Fly
Tho its chinese so not sure if it counts

Name a finer scene in cinema
>Now we start

This movie is legit amazing.



Always forget about Posse, Billy Zane is great in this.


Cop out ending if you ask me. Rest was good though

The Good, The Bad, and the Weird is one of the best Asian Westerns out there imo.


Last Train from Gun Hill


Quigley Down Under


exactly. way better than the good the bad and the ugly

that is who i look like...in op's picture

He's not wrong, though. That game was kino.

good choice

seen it and didn't know that was sam raimi, thanks

Last Man Standing has an interesting twist on the Western genre

“The Searchers”, “High Noon”, Both original & remakes “True Grit”, “Unforgiven”, “Open Range”, “The Wild Bunch”, “The Assasination Of Jesse James ... “, & “Young Guns” are my recommendations.


the last update on the remake was back in 2015 not sure if it still happening

i watched it over 10 years ago so maybe i need to rewatch it also nice digits

One of the best soundtracks ever


rosamund pike basically ruined this movie for me

I’m about to watch Silverado (1985), anyone seen it?

thanks for the motivation to finally read this

Can't believe no one has mentioned Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

nobody ever does for some reason

nothing like a western thread to remind you what a bunch of plebs you share a board with. no discussion of anything pre-Dollars trilogy--that is, nearly every great western. as much as I like some of the later ones