What's the definitive version of Satan on film?

For my money it's got to be Farm House.

I don't think there's ever been a creepier, more otherworldly depiction of old scratch.

What's yours Sup Forums?

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He’s not Satan, he’s Death you dumb faggot


>tries to destroy the knight's faith
>isn't The Adversary

reddit leave


The creepy ass tranny Satan and its baby from Passion of the Christ.



>The Morning Star is not represented as one of the most beautiful creatures in all of existence
And they'd be wrong. All wrong. At least follow the canon.

Mediocre film, but the portrayal of Satan in Constantine is one of my favorites. He's just so despicably glib

I'm also partial to that one. Him chewing on Keanu's ear because he's so excited about the veritable amusement park of tortures he's got lined up is something special.



This is the best, definitive version of Satan, as he is a she. Satan is a woman.
The horned god is pagan and male and has nothing to do with Satan.
Ninth Gate is such a good movie, it reveals secret societies much better than Eyes Wide Shut.


But user, millions if not billions of years in Hell and separation from God would twist even the most beautiful of creatures into ugliness.

Satan is androgynous though. All the high level secret societies preach androgyny for the people with the highest degrees. It's why they always push it in media.

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8

Why was Lucifer in Star Wars?

No, that's just a stupid drawing by a wannabe-jew that was LARPing about Templar beliefs.
Satan is a woman. Through and through.

Atleast in audio terms, it's got to be Satan in The Witch.

>"What dost thou want?"
The voiceacting is just superb. Seductive, scary, inviting, ugly, intelligent, just everything that Satan needs to be.

obviously Tenacious D and the pick of destiny had the best interpretation of Satan

yeah because that's their vision of Satan. all Freemason inches you towards the same idea. As Above so Below. Male and Female. Black and White.

Post literally any evidence that points out to any relevant religion or cult considering him a woman.
Your autism doesn't count as evidence, btw.

Get on this fucking level,faggots.
The screenshot doesn't even do this scene justice
It's amazing

No its not their version of Satan. Its a stupid drawing by Alphonse Louis Constant. There are no text explaining Satan as that. Its just LARPing based on theosophy.
There are texts explaining Satan as a woman though. But this is the true red pill that few speak of.

Sefer Yetzirah

I came during this scene.

These are the best answers.


because a galaxy far away is actually HELL

yes Satan is female and male, it's a LARP like The Protocols are a LARP. it's all true at the end of the day. the fact a jew made it is all you need to know

The protocols are not a LARP, they are a smear by the aristocrats. Aristocrats and Jews have been fighting for centuries until Jews were able to incite revolution and kill off most of the aristocrats.

Satan is female. I don't know what this androgynous thing is but I'm pretty sure its just some small time, sexual occult cults. Nothing of value in the grand scheme of things.

especially because of how gay he gets for Will

you are so wrong, it's the basis of all the secret societies or at least the Masons for whatever that's worth, but they're pretty big time and not a small time cult. all their degrees and Pike and Manly P. Hall are available to read. it's pretty cut and dry.

Made the whole film watchable. Turned a 4/10 to an 8/10 with one performance. Should have gotten a nomination.

he doesn't destroy his faith he just doesn't support it because he has no faith of his own

>Its just LARPing
What do you think religion is mate

too edgy


Al Pacino in Devils Advocate
you can't find better one
hides under nice guy, yet is pure evil. does nothing himself, but ruins people
also doesn't look like 'a spooky creature'

Easily the best I've seen.

Within occult circles you get LARPers every now and then, that claim to know ancient knowledge (it always has to be ancient knowledge since the beginning of civilization) that can't be confirmed by anyone else or any other texts. They manage to get a foothold within the occult circles and they scare christians, that usually gives them extra credentials as """"important"""" somehow.

I like the portrayal of satan as a trickster best because the scaring of people should be relegated to demons and shit. Satan imo has to always be in control and just be creepy and foreboding and that was shown well in Needful Things with the message to the protaganist about his grandson in a terrorist attack years from then.

Al Pacino in Devils Advocate
It's best and definitive answer.

I always thought she was portraying the Whore of Babylon, not Satan per se

Watch the directors commentary, he confirms she is Satan.

>every now and then

Oh my sweet summer child

Not one of the most powerful beings ever.
Also they are asexual but for some reason represented as men.

The ironic thing is that Satan probably looks a lot more like Gabriel did.

Beautiful and androgynous

>Satan basically looks like young davie bowie

I'll take it


Yall mind if I post some Sandlerkino?


I mean if the Sandman spin off is anything to go by, Satan literally was David Bowie

I really think they nailed it with this one.

For obvious reasons

guy played by al pacino is literally the best satan ever

Tom Waits was born for the role


thanks you for posting it so i don't have to

Well he was a beautiful angel, but I think he could appear different ways to different people. I think being exiled and in Hell would put some miles on him and make him pretty fucked up.

Peter Stormare just nails this creepy, sleazy, weary, but still powerful and pissed off creature. Just one of those performances that blows out the movie. I also love the kind of southern twang preacher he threw in there.

I think it's a good film if you take it as a reinterpretation of Constantine. But he definitely is one of the best parts.





prime example of
>shit film
>one small performance completely makes it worth while

I wont watch the movie but when its on I'll make a note of it and tune in for the last scene

>jews discriminate against others
>'sequestered society'
>goys discriminate against others

Am I the only one that loved that he was barefoot while wearing a white suit and that his feet were covered in tar?

holy shit kek

A man of exquisite taste. Cheers.

This one may not top the other ones, but the movie was so good

I don't get it

look at his feet

I like that flick a lot, I guess I though she was some sort of minion of the devil's, thanks for shedding light on the subject anons, I may have to watch it tonight. See, I'm not wasting my time coming to Sup Forums, it can be worth it (occasionally).

I loved it, I liked how the cuffs of his pants looked charred too

Are you guys all dumb Protestant Americans?

You guys realize that Lucifer is beautiful, correct?

I can't believe the Japs have one of the most correct versions of him

Was, but he's spent a lot of time in a very dark and painful place

Which Wishmaster is this from?

Wishmaster is djinn, not Satan

>dumb Protestant Americans
Yeah, they don't have shit figured out, do they? They could learn a lot from an anime jackoff.

That's Darkness, not Satan. He is Satan's son.


The thread below yours.

this one was fucking diabolic
fucking mel fucked me with this one


I honestly think it hasn't been done yet
the character of Satan has so much potential


Lucifer and Satan are not the same being

That's funny

This guy from Heartless
Turns out he plays benjen stark too




Even though not satan, still the best depiction of a demon in any film.

>i bb liaoelv blees jrausc
>i baby love bless jurassic
I don't get it.

trips of satan, how fitting

I loved it as well.

I love Justin Bieber's ballsac, don't you?

Lucifer is not Satan.

This has always been my favorite, happy to see it appears to be the tv approved patrician's choice as well