What's the best film this century

and why is it The Master?

No way to get the best thing about it but it was not immediately known.

*blocks your path*

It is only a good film if that user's theory about this being an allegory of the Ego, Superego, and Id battling it out. Which neither the film nor the script suggest that. Otherwise, it's just mediocre, held up only by the incredible performances of the actors.

A fucking bald assertion is not a fucking argument. I've already fucking refuted your representation based arguments. Fucking give me something else.

this but unironically

>Not appreciating the minimal dialogued first 20 minutes showing a man's descent into the abyss
>Not appreciating the editing and directing of the wall-to-wall montage
>Not appreciating the astoundingly beautiful cinematography
>Not appreciating the unique and perfectly fitting score
>Not appreciating the bold creativity as with sequences such as the nude dancing from a first person perspective
If-if-if you already know you don't like Kino then why enter a Kino thread, PIGFUCK?


I also love the master.

Dya know how to get rid of crabs? You shave one testicle, they go all over to the other testicle, then you light the hair on fire on that one then you stab every single fucking one of them

Is this the "shit Sup Forums tricked you into watching" thread?

Also john malkovich. fucking spergish "infinite jest" type post modern shit that makes sense in only the most vague terms. Most people can't even give these works meaning and are forced to read a summary of what they just watched, using someone elses interpretation to understand the film that objectively doesn't have meaning.

Werckmeister Harmonies is better. But yes it's up there with the best.

it's far better than mediocre you contrarian pseud

Wait, why is it the Master?

I love PTA but I'm obviously a pleb because I'll watch Magnolia 5 times more before I revisit the master.

The Master is much better than Magnolia, which I like, but it certainly needed a more strict editor. A lot of Magnolia could have been better suited on the cutting room floor.

Everything in this movie resonated with me.

Also one of the most beautiful happy ends ever.

And even the score is absolutely perfect. What a movie!

This is the only newer movie I've ever seen in a theater that really moved me. I still can't grasp the ending, and I don't know if I want to.

>tfw you realize, all Freddie wanted was to fuck a girl, and he FINALLY did in the end...and it was all good

I was referring to the last exchange between PSH and Jaoquin. They said something about the war that I missed and i only saw the movie once.

Magnolia's raining toad scene blew anything The Master had out of the water visually.

Freddie is a bad dog. He keeps running away from home. He stumbles on a new master who loves him very much and tries to teach him to behave. Freddie loves his new master very much too, and tries to learn new tricks for him. Unfortunately, the call of the wild proves too much for Freddie and he runs away again. After a time, he returns to the master he loves so much only to find that his master has made the very difficult realization that Freddie will never be happy on a leash. And so Freddie's master has to let Freddie go. Freddie is sad to leave, but realizes that he can survive in the wild. Freddie is loose, Freddie is happy, Freddie is his own master now.

Magnolia > The Master > There Will Be Blood > Phantom Thread > Punch-Drunk Love > Boogie Nights > Hard Eight

>le contrarian capeshit fanboy face
Learn to explore the themes of a film and then come back

I'm ok with movies that present more questions than answers, they act as mirrors for the psyche, and maybe lead you to answers you've avoided or couldn't come to without prompting.

What I don't like about the master is that it's hard to even grasp what themes are being presented to reflect upon... or if there are any themes more complex then "Hubbard was a hack that moved many people and he did it through keen manipulation". I think the movie is just more simple than it appears, and the most people (myself included) concluded quickly that cults and manipulation are cool and stuff but ultimately to be avoided. So anyone who makes it to the end is like "why the fuck did I sit here for 2 hours when I already knew what it was about 1 hour and 45 minutes ago".

hey see now I get it

I'm confused, wasn't this movie about the cult of homosexuality currently infiltrating our society? Why do people think it had anything to do with Scientology?

>It's a Pleb is obsessed with the scientology aspect and can't look past it even a centimetre episode
I'm sick of these reruns

Why do people try so hard to "understand" films? Either it resonates with you or it doesn't. Every time The Master or plenty of other films in a similar vein is brought up, people start throwing what it means or what it should mean to them or the ending. Let it digest in you before clinging to explanations. A lot of you should stick to Nolan.

>ummm, sweetie...

But why does it """"resonate"""" with you? It's not very helpful to anyone if that's all you can say about why you like the film

>let it digest
Is 5 years Not long enough for a movie to "digest"?

Every time I watch it, it affects me in a different way but I dont even bother to put it into words. Its not a conventional film. theres so much desperation to pigeonhole it into some neat explanation. "freddie is a dog" or "scientology" or "id, ego", etc. this film is more like a tone poem. it moves by me at its own pace and i let it do its thing.

The movie works in a lot of levels, you can watch it at face value and it's a good movie about a mentally ill PSTD veteran joining a cult lidered by a fraud, or you can dig more. If you dig you'll find something, the movie has clear Freudian and Nietzschean themes, the dynamics of powerand control are amazing too and much more. It's just a movie for everybody, you can rewatch it and get a new experience everytime

>not ranking Phantom Thread no.1
you must be a teenager
t. very mature person